If your business have a mobile app. You can use this SDK to integrate MoMo app into your app.
- CFBundleURLTypes: add scheme . Note: partnerSchemeId provided by MoMo , get from business.momo.vn
- LSApplicationQueriesSchemes: add scheme "momo"
momo://?action=gettoken&merchantname=CGV Cinemas&amount=99000&merchantcode=CGV01&language=vi&description=Buy ticket&fee=0&ipaddress=[email protected]&sdkversion=2.0&appScheme=partnerSchemeId
- partnerSchemeId: match with partnerSchemeId as Step 1
Deeplink Params description
Name Type REQUIRED ? Description
action String required value = gettoken. DO NOT EDIT
partner String required value = merchant. DO NOT EDIT
merchantcode String required provided by MoMo. get from business.momo.vn
merchantname String required partner name / merchant name
appScheme String required partnerSchemeId provided by MoMo , get from business.momo.vn
amount int required bill amount total
description String required bill description
language String option DO NOT EDIT. value = vi
fee int option fee amount (just review). default = 0
username String option user id/user identify/user email
billId String option billId/Oder id
extra String option json string - that should be more bill extra info
- pod "MomoiOSSwiftSdk", :git => "https://github.com/momodevelopment/MomoiOSSwiftSdk.git", :branch => "master", submodules: true
- https://github.com/momo-wallet/mobile-sdk/tree/master/android
Version 2.0
- Lành Lưu - lanh.luu@mservice . com . vn
- Hưng Đỗ - hung.do@mservice . com . vn
Since 2015 (c) MoMo