Welcome to our little slice of the internets! This blog is dedicated to technical (and cultural) posts by the Pivotal Cloud Foundry Engineering team. If that's you, then please, please, please contribute!
This site uses Hugo v0.14, which is easy to install:
$ brew install hugo
$ hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.14 BuildDate: 2015-06-16T21:41:12+01:00
Now, run ./bin/run_local
in a terminal, and browse to http://localhost:1313 to see your local copy.
Hugo has LiveReload built in, so if you have that configured in your browser, your window will update as soon as you make a change. Hugo is fast, so you might not realize the reload has already happened.
Before you write a new post, you should add yourself as an author. Just copy an existing author file and edit it to match your info:
$ cp ./data/authors/tammer.yml ./data/authors/bob.yml
$ vi ./data/authors/bob.yml
Now, create a new draft post with ./bin/new_post name-of-post
. It's just markdown, and the template provides instructions on any advanced bits. Be sure to change the metadata in the file's YAML front-matter -- one thing to change immediately is the author:
value should be the name of your author file (bob
in the example above).
Meta: If you want to change the default new post template, it's in ./archetypes/post.md
is a port of the Pivotal UI project. I basically copied the compiled css and image files over. If you want to change the look of this site, then you should edit the templates in there.