Agents for training and evaluating generative models conditioned on a style token, for instance, the "personality" string attached to each example of the Image-Chat dataset.
--model projects.style_gen.style_gen:StyleGenAgent
: Subclass ofTransformerGeneratorAgent
for which style tokens can be appended to the history for every training/evaluation example. Found
.--model projects.style_gen.classifier:ClassifierAgent
: Subclass ofTransformerGeneratorAgent
that adds a classifier head on top of the base generator. Can be used for fine-tuning a classifier using the weights of a pretrained generator model. Classifier labels can be specified either in the'labels'
field of the observation or in a separate'personality'
field, and all encoder and decoder weights can optionally be frozen when training the classifier head. Found
Evaluating a style-controlled generation model on the BlendedSkillTalk dataset, labeled with personalities from Image-Chat:
parlai eval_model \
--model-file zoo:style_gen/c75_labeled_dialogue_generator/model \
--model projects.style_gen.style_gen:StyleGenAgent \
--skip-generation True \
--task style_gen:LabeledBlendedSkillTalk \
--datatype test \
--use-style-frac 1.00
Evaluating the Image-Chat-trained classifier on the LabeledBlendedSkillTalk dataset, which it itself labeled with a style for each utterance:
parlai eval_model \
--model-file zoo:style_gen/prev_curr_classifier/model \
--model projects.style_gen.classifier:ClassifierAgent \
--classes-from-file image_chat_personalities_file \
--task style_gen:PrevCurrUttStyle \
--wrapper-task style_gen:LabeledBlendedSkillTalk