stanford-game-theory-notes-zh Public
Forked from apachecn/stanford-game-theory-notes-zh📖斯坦福博弈论中文笔记
Shell UpdatedOct 8, 2019 -
ggnewscale Public
Forked from eliocamp/ggnewscaleMultiple Fill and Color Scales in `ggplot2`
R GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 7, 2019 -
Aegis Public
Forked from jlillywh/AegisThis is a water resources library in its very early stages. (stay tuned)
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 1, 2019 -
modelling-electricity-generation-with-era5 Public
Forked from matteodefelice/modelling-electricity-generation-with-era5This repository contains a set of R scripts and the data illustrating the possibility to model hourly electricity generation from renewable sources using the latest climate reanalysis from the Cope…
R UpdatedSep 24, 2019 -
precip-dot Public
Forked from ua-snap/precip-dotPrecipitation Extremes Analysis Project Extending the NOAA Atlas 14 using SNAP/CASC WRF products
Python UpdatedSep 23, 2019 -
stationary Public
Forked from rich-iannone/stationaRyGet hourly meteorological data from one of thousands of global stations
R Other UpdatedSep 16, 2019 -
prob_Budyko Public
Forked from adrHuerta/prob_BudykoCode of Thesis to pursue an M.Sc. in Water Resources
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 3, 2019 -
SSTResponse Public
Forked from zmlabe/SSTResponsePAMIP simulations to understand role of sea surface temperatures on polar amplifications
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 26, 2019 -
2018-paraguay-floods Public
Forked from jdossgollin/2018-paraguay-floodsHeavy rainfall in Paraguay during the 2015-2016 austral summer: causes and sub-seasonal-to-seasonal predictive skill (Journal of Climate) by Doss-Gollin, Muñoz, Mason, and Pastén
TeX MIT License UpdatedAug 25, 2019 -
cloud-radiative-kernels Public
Forked from mzelinka/cloud-radiative-kernelsUse cloud radiative kernels to compute cloud-induced radiation anomalies
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 14, 2019 -
fire_limitation Public
Forked from rhyswhitley/fire_limitationBayesian parameterisation of the Kelley et al. global fire limitation model
HTML BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 14, 2019 -
JetVIP Public
Forked from AmyHudson/JetVIPHere we identify regions where jet stream shifts characterize surface climate and how plant phenology there responds.
R UpdatedAug 7, 2019 -
AMIP_Simu Public
Forked from zmlabe/AMIP_SimuAMIP experiments for surface forcings (sea ice, SST, QBO, Eurasian snow)
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 25, 2019 -
agriR Public
Forked from kadyb/agriRTools for processing raster and meteorological data related to agriculture
R UpdatedJul 18, 2019 -
2018_Vanderkelen_etal_HESS_ab Public
Forked from VUB-HYDR/2018_Vanderkelen_etal_HESS_abData analysis and modelling used in Vanderkelen et al., 2018a and b
MATLAB MIT License UpdatedJun 19, 2019 -
Birds Public
Forked from jo-dzian/Birdsclimate change impact projections on river hydrology and water birds
R UpdatedJun 4, 2019 -
Forked from jlncttx/APPLICATECodes for midlatitude atmospheric circulation diagnostics
R GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 4, 2019 -
front_detection Public
Code to detect cold and warm fronts given reanalysis data.
UrbanHeatIslands Public
Forked from scottcounts/UrbanHeatIslandsData processing and analysis notebooks for urban heat islands analysis with NOAA data via Azure IoT
rainfall_onset Public
Forked from adrHuerta/rainfall_onsetrainfall onset-cessation and extreme indices
Forked from fearghalodonncha/EFDC-MPIMPI parallel version of the popular Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC)
Fortran MIT License UpdatedApr 24, 2019 -
UrbanHeatIslands-1 Public
Forked from pogrmman/UrbanHeatIslandsObserving the urban heat island effect with R
Meteorological-Books Public
Forked from laishenggx/Meteorological-Books气象相关书籍
vocc Public
Forked from cbrown5/voccR Functions for calculating the Velocity of Climate Change
SOM-based-partition Public
codes for paper "Trends in persistent seasonal-scale atmospheric circulation patterns responsible for seasonal precipitation totals and occurrences of precipitation extremes over Canada" in Journal…
starman Public
Forked from dongli/starmanAnother package manager for HPC warriors.
Ruby UpdatedMar 25, 2019 -
CESM_postprocessing Public
Forked from NCAR/CESM_postprocessingProject repository for the CESM python based post-processing code, documentation and issues tracking.
greb-official Public
Forked from christianstassen/greb-officialThis repository contains the official GREB model code.
Fortran UpdatedMar 11, 2019 -
Python-Hydrology-Tools Public
Forked from raoulcollenteur/Python-Hydrology-ToolsThis repository holds a list of open source Python packages interesting to Hydrologists
1 UpdatedMar 9, 2019 -
FloodMapping Public
Forked from mikejohnson51/FloodMappingR 📦 for flood forecasting via the National Water Model
R MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2019