We use hyperfine to test TDengin-go-driver
- insert
- batch insert
- query
- average
- BENCHMARK_TIMES: ${BENCHMARK_TIMES} identifies how many tests Hyperfine will perform.
- BATCH_TABLES: ${BENCHMARK_TIMES} identifies how many sub-tables will be used in batch insert testing case. In this benchmark, there are 10000 sub-tables in each super table. So this value should not greater than 10000.
- BATCH_ROWS: ${BATCH_ROWS} identifies how many rows will be inserted into each sub-table in batch insert case. The maximum SQL length in TDengine is 1M. Therefore, if this parameter is too large, the benchmark will fail. In this benchmark, this value should not greater than 5000.
sh run_bench.sh 10 100 1000