Fast and effective Instagram Private API wrapper (public+private requests and challenge resolver). Use the most recent version of the API from Instagram, which was obtained using reverse-engineering with Charles Proxy.
Support Python >= 3.6
Instagram API valid for 17 December 2020 (last reverse-engineering check)
Support Chat in Telegram and GitHub Discussions
@adw0rd and @onlinehunter
- Performs Public API (web, anonymous) or Private API (mobile app, authorized) requests depending on the situation (to avoid Instagram limits)
- Challenge Resolver have Email (as well as recipes for automating receive a code from email) and SMS handlers
- Support upload a Photo, Video, IGTV, Albums and Stories
- Support work with User, Media, Insights, Collections, Location (Place), Hashtag and Direct objects
- Like, Follow, Edit account (Bio) and much more else
- Insights by account, posts and stories
- Build stories with custom background, font animation, swipe up link and mention users
- In the next release, account registration and captcha passing will appear
pip install instagrapi
python -m unittest tests
python -m unittest tests.ClientPublicTestCase
(anonymous request via web api) methods have a suffix_gql
) or_a1
(authorized request via mobile api) methods have_v1
The first request to fetch media/user is public
(anonymous), if instagram raise exception, then use private
Example (pseudo-code):
def media_info(media_pk):
return self.media_info_gql(media_pk)
except ClientError as e:
# Restricted Video: This video is not available in your country.
# Or media from private account
return self.media_info_v1(media_pk)
from instagrapi import Client
cl = Client()
user_id = cl.user_id_from_username("adw0rd")
medias = cl.user_medias(user_id, 20)
The current types are in
Method | Description |
Media | Media (Photo, Video, Album, IGTV or Story) |
Resource | Part of Media (for albums) |
MediaOembed | Short version of Media |
Account | Full private info for your account (e.g. email, phone_number) |
User | Full public user data |
UserShort | Short public user data (used in Usertag, Comment, Media, Direct) |
Usertag | Tag user in Media (coordinates + UserShort) |
Location | GEO location (GEO coordinates, name, address) |
Hashtag | Hashtag object (id, name, picture) |
Collection | Collection of medias (name, picture and list of medias) |
Comment | Comments to Media |
StoryMention | Mention users in Story (user, coordinates and dimensions) |
StoryBuild | StoryBuilder return path to photo/video and mention cordinates |
DirectThread | Thread (topic) with messages in Direct |
DirectMessage | Message in Direct |
This is your authorized account
Method | Return | Description |
Client(settings: dict = {}, proxy: str = "") | bool | Init instagrapi client (settings example below) |
login(username: str, password: str) | bool | Login by username and password (get new cookies if it does not exist in settings) |
relogin() | bool | Relogin with clean cookies (required cl.username/cl.password) |
login_by_sessionid(sessionid: str) | bool | Login by sessionid from Instagram site |
get_settings() | dict | Return settings dict (more details below) |
set_proxy(dsn: str) | dict | Support socks and http/https proxy |
cookie_dict | dict | Return cookies |
user_id | int | Return your user_id (after login) |
device | dict | Return device dict which we pass to Instagram |
set_device(device: dict) | bool | Change device settings |
set_user_agent(user_agent: str = "") | bool | Change User-Agent header |
base_headers | dict | Base headers for Instagram |
account_info() | Account | Get private info for your account (e.g. email, phone_number) |
account_edit(**data) | Account | Change profile data (e.g. email, phone_number, username, full_name, biography, external_url) |
account_change_picture(path: Path) | UserShort | Change Profile picture |
cl.login("instagrapi", "42")
# cl.login_by_sessionid("peiWooShooghahdi2Eip7phohph0eeng")
# cl.set_proxy("")
You can pass settings to the Client (and save cookies), it has the following format:
settings = {
"uuids": {
"phone_id": "57d64c41-a916-3fa5-bd7a-3796c1dab122",
"uuid": "8aa373c6-f316-44d7-b49e-d74563f4a8f3",
"client_session_id": "6c296d0a-3534-4dce-b5aa-a6a6ab017443",
"advertising_id": "8dc88b76-dfbc-44dc-abbc-31a6f1d54b04",
"device_id": "android-e021b636049dc0e9"
"cookies": {}, # set here your saved cookies
"last_login": 1596069420.0000145,
"device_settings": {
"cpu": "h1",
"dpi": "640dpi",
"model": "h1",
"device": "RS988",
"resolution": "1440x2392",
"app_version": "",
"manufacturer": "LGE/lge",
"version_code": "168361634",
"android_release": "6.0.1",
"android_version": 23
"user_agent": "Instagram Android (23/6.0.1; ...US; 168361634)"
cl = Client(settings)
This values send to Instagram API.
Viewing and editing publications (medias)
- String ID"{media_id}_{user_id}"
, example"2277033926878261772_1903424587"
(Instagram terminology)media_pk
- Integer ID (real media id), example2277033926878261772
(Instagram terminology)code
- Short code (slug for media), exampleBjNLpA1AhXM
- URL to media publication
Method | Return | Description |
media_id(media_pk: int) | str | Return media_id by media_pk (e.g. 2277033926878261772 -> 2277033926878261772_1903424587) |
media_pk(media_id: str) | int | Return media_pk by media_id (e.g. 2277033926878261772_1903424587 -> 2277033926878261772) |
media_pk_from_code(code: str) | int | Return media_pk |
media_pk_from_url(url: str) | int | Return media_pk |
media_info(media_pk: int) | Media | Return media info |
media_delete(media_pk: int) | bool | Delete media |
media_edit(media_pk: int, caption: str, title: str, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location) | dict | Change caption for media |
media_user(media_pk: int) | User | Get user info for media |
media_oembed(url: str) | MediaOembed | Return short media info by media URL |
media_like(media_id: str) | bool | Like media |
media_unlike(media_id: str) | bool | Unlike media |
>>> cl.media_pk_from_code("B-fKL9qpeab")
>>> cl.media_pk_from_code("B8jnuB2HAbyc0q001y3F9CHRSoqEljK_dgkJjo0")
>>> cl.media_pk_from_url("")
>>> cl.media_info(1787135824035452364).dict()
{'pk': 1787135824035452364,
'id': '1787135824035452364_1903424587',
'code': 'BjNLpA1AhXM',
'taken_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 25, 15, 46, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
'media_type': 8,
'product_type': '',
'thumbnail_url': None,
'location': {'pk': 260916528,
'name': 'Foros, Crimea',
'address': '',
'lng': 33.7878,
'lat': 44.3914,
'external_id': 181364832764479,
'external_id_source': 'facebook_places'},
'user': {'pk': 1903424587,
'username': 'adw0rd',
'full_name': 'Mikhail Andreev',
'profile_pic_url': HttpUrl('')},
'comment_count': 0,
'like_count': 48,
'caption_text': '@mind__flowers Π² Π€ΠΎΡΠΎΡΠ΅ ΠΏΠΎΠ΄ Π΄ΠΎΠΆΠ΄ΡΠΌ, 24 ΠΌΠ°Ρ 2018 #downhill #skateboarding #downhillskateboarding #crimea #foros',
'usertags': [],
'video_url': None,
'view_count': 0,
'video_duration': 0.0,
'title': '',
'resources': [{'pk': 1787135361353462176,
'video_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
'media_type': 2},
{'pk': 1787135762219834098,
'video_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
'media_type': 2},
{'pk': 1787133803186894424,
'video_url': None,
'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
'media_type': 1}]}
>>> cl.media_oembed("").dict()
{'version': '1.0',
'title': 'Π Π³ΠΎΡΡΡΡ
Ρ ΠΠ @delai_krasivo_kaifui',
'author_name': 'adw0rd',
'author_url': '',
'author_id': 1903424587,
'media_id': '2154602296692269830_1903424587',
'provider_name': 'Instagram',
'provider_url': '',
'type': 'rich',
'width': 658,
'height': None,
'html': '<blockquote>...',
'thumbnail_url': '',
'thumbnail_width': 640,
'thumbnail_height': 480,
'can_view': True}
Method | Return | Description |
media_comment(media_id: str, message: str) | bool | Add new comment to media |
media_comments(media_id: str) | List[Comment] | Get all comments for media |
comment_like(comment_pk: int) | bool | Like comment |
comment_unlike(comment_pk: int) | bool | Unlike comment |
View a list of a user's medias, following and followers
- Integer ID of user, example1903424587
Method | Return | Description |
user_medias(user_id: int, amount: int = 20) | List[Media] | Get list of medias by user_id |
user_followers(user_id: int) | Dict[int, User] | Get dict of followers users |
user_following(user_id: int) | Dict[int, User] | Get dict of following users |
user_info(user_id: int) | User | Get user info |
user_info_by_username(username: str) | User | Get user info by username |
user_follow(user_id: int) | bool | Follow user |
user_unfollow(user_id: int) | bool | Unfollow user |
user_id_from_username(username: str) | int | Get user_id by username |
username_from_user_id(user_id: int) | str | Get username by user_id |
>>> cl.user_followers(cl.user_id).keys()
dict_keys([5563084402, 43848984510, 1498977320, ...])
>>> cl.user_following(cl.user_id)
8530498223: UserShort(
full_name="Example description",
49114585: UserShort(
>>> cl.user_info_by_username('adw0rd').dict()
{'pk': 1903424587,
'username': 'adw0rd',
'full_name': 'Mikhail Andreev',
'is_private': False,
'profile_pic_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='com', host_type='domain', ...'),
'is_verified': False,
'media_count': 102,
'follower_count': 576,
'following_count': 538,
'biography': 'Engineer: Python, JavaScript, Erlang',
'external_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='com', host_type='domain', path='/'),
'is_business': False}
Method | Return | Description |
photo_download(media_pk: int, folder: Path) | Path | Download photo (path to photo with best resoluton) |
photo_download_by_url(url: str, filename: str, folder: Path) | Path | Download photo by URL (path to photo with best resoluton) |
video_download(media_pk: int, folder: Path) | Path | Download video (path to video with best resoluton) |
video_download_by_url(url: str, filename: str, folder: Path) | Path | Download Video by URL (path to video with best resoluton) |
igtv_download(media_pk: int, folder: Path) | Path | Download IGTV (path to video with best resoluton) |
igtv_download_by_url(url: str, filename: str, folder: Path) | Path | Download IGTV by URL (path to video with best resoluton) |
album_download(media_pk: int, folder: Path) | Path | Download Album (multiple paths to photo/video with best resolutons) |
album_download_by_urls(urls: List[str], folder: Path) | Path | Download Album by URLs (multiple paths to photo/video) |
Upload medias to your feed. Common arguments:
- Path to source filecaption
- Text for you postusertags
- List[Usertag] of mention users (seeUsertag
- Location (e.g.Location(lat=42.0, lng=42.0)
Method | Return | Description |
photo_upload(path: Path, caption: str, upload_id: str, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location) | Media | Upload photo (Support JPG files) |
video_upload(path: Path, caption: str, thumbnail: Path, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location) | Media | Upload video (Support MP4 files) |
igtv_upload(path: Path, title: str, caption: str, thumbnail: Path, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location) | Media | Upload IGTV (Support MP4 files) |
album_upload(paths: List[Path], caption: str, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location) | Media | Upload Album (Support JPG and MP4) |
Upload medias to your stories. Common arguments:
- Path to media filecaption
- Caption for story (now use to fetch mentions)thumbnail
- Thumbnail instead capture from source fileusertags
- Specify usertags for mention users in storyconfigure_timeout
- How long to wait in seconds for a response from Instagram when publishing a storylinks
- "Swipe Up" links (now use first)
Method | Return | Description |
photo_upload_to_story(path: Path, caption: str, upload_id: str, mentions: List[Usertag]) | Media | Upload photo (Support JPG files) |
video_upload_to_story(path: Path, caption: str, thumbnail: Path, mentions: List[Usertag], links: List[StoryLink]) | Media | Upload video (Support MP4 files) |
media_path = cl.video_download(
adw0rd = cl.user_info_by_username('adw0rd')
"Credits @adw0rd",
mentions=[StoryMention(user=adw0rd, x=0.49892962, y=0.703125, width=0.8333333333333334, height=0.125)],
Method | Return | Description |
build_clip(clip: moviepy.Clip, max_duration: int = 0) | StoryBuild | Build CompositeVideoClip with background and mentioned users. Return MP4 file and mentions with coordinates |
video(max_duration: int = 0) # in seconds | StoryBuild | Call build_clip(VideoClip, max_duration) |
photo(max_duration: int = 0) # in seconds | StoryBuild | Call build_clip(ImageClip, max_duration) |
from instagrapi.story import StoryBuilder
media_path = cl.video_download(
adw0rd = cl.user_info_by_username('adw0rd')
buildout = StoryBuilder(
'Credits @adw0rd',
).video(15) # seconds
"Credits @adw0rd",
More stories here
Method | Return | Description |
collections() | List[Collection] | Get all account collections |
collection_medias_by_name(name) | List[Media] | Get medias in collection by name |
collection_medias(collection_id, amount=21, last_media_pk=0) | List[Media] | Get medias in collection by collection_id; Use amount=0 to return all medias in collection; Use last_media_pk to return medias by cursor |
Get statistics by medias. Common arguments:
- Media type: "ALL", "CAROUSEL_V2", "IMAGE", "SHOPPING", "VIDEO".time_frame
- Time frame for media publishing date: "ONE_WEEK", "ONE_MONTH", "THREE_MONTHS", "SIX_MONTHS", "ONE_YEAR", "TWO_YEARS".data_ordering
Method | Return | Description |
insights_media_feed_all(post_type: str = "ALL", time_frame: str = "TWO_YEARS", data_ordering: str = "REACH_COUNT", count: int = 0, sleep: int = 2) | list | Return medias with insights |
insights_account() | dict | Get statistics by your account |
insights_media(media_pk: int) | dict | Get statistics by your media |
Method | Return | Description |
direct_threads(amount: int = 20) | List[DirectThread] | Get all Threads |
direct_thread(thread_id: int, amount: int = 20) | DirectThread | Get Thread with Messages |
direct_messages(thread_id: int, amount: int = 20) | List[DirectMessage] | Get only Messages in Thread |
direct_answer(thread_id: int, text: str) | DirectMessage | Add Message to exist Thread |
direct_send(text: str, users: List[int] = [], threads: List[int] = []) | DirectMessage | Send Message to Users or Threads |
Method | Return | Description |
location_search(lat: float, lng: float) | List[Location] | Search Location by GEO coordinates |
location_complete(location: Location) | Location | Complete blank fields |
location_build(location: Location) | String | Serialized JSON |
location_info(location_pk: int) | Location | Return Location info (pk, name, address, lng, lat, external_id, external_id_source) |
location_medias_top(location_pk: int, amount: int = 9) | List[Media] | Return Top posts by Location |
location_medias_recent(location_pk: int, amount: int = 24) | List[Media] | Return Most recent posts by Location |
Method | Return | Description |
hashtag_info(name: str) | Hashtag | Return Hashtag info (id, name, picture) |
hashtag_related_hashtags(name: str) | List[Hashtag] | Return list of related Hashtags |
hashtag_medias_top(name: str, amount: int = 9) | List[Media] | Return Top posts by Hashtag |
hashtag_medias_recent(name: str, amount: int = 27) | List[Media] | Return Most recent posts by Hashtag |
All challenges solved in the module
Automatic submission code from SMS/Email in examples here
Exception | Base | Description |
ClientError | Exception | Base Exception for Instagram calls |
GenericRequestError | ClientError | Base Exception for Request |
ClientGraphqlError | ClientError | Exception for GraphQL calls |
ClientJSONDecodeError | ClientError | JSON Exception |
ClientConnectionError | ClientError | Connection error |
ClientBadRequestError | ClientError | HTTP 400 Exception |
ClientForbiddenError | ClientError | HTTP 403 Exception |
ClientNotFoundError | ClientError | HTTP 404 Exception |
ClientThrottledError | ClientError | HTTP 429 Exception |
ClientRequestTimeout | ClientError | Request Timeout Exception |
ClientIncompleteReadError | ClientError | Raised when response interrupted |
ClientLoginRequired | ClientError | Raised when Instagram required Login |
ReloginAttemptExceeded | ClientError | Raised when all attempts exceeded |
Exception | Base | Description |
PrivateError | ClientError | Base Exception for Private calls (received from Instagram) |
FeedbackRequired | PrivateError | Raise when get message=feedback_required |
LoginRequired | PrivateError | Raise when get message=login_required |
SentryBlock | PrivateError | Raise when get message=sentry_block |
RateLimitError | PrivateError | Raise when get message=rate_limit_error |
BadPassword | PrivateError | Raise when get message=bad_password |
UnknownError | PrivateError | Raise when get unknown message (new message from instagram) |
Exception | Base | Description |
ChallengeError | PrivateError | Base Challenge Exception (received from Instagram) |
ChallengeRedirection | ChallengeError | Raise when get type=CHALLENGE_REDIRECTION |
ChallengeRequired | ChallengeError | Raise when get message=challenge_required |
SelectContactPointRecoveryForm | ChallengeError | Raise when get challengeType=SelectContactPointRecoveryForm |
RecaptchaChallengeForm | ChallengeError | Raise when get challengeType=RecaptchaChallengeForm |
SubmitPhoneNumberForm | ChallengeError | Raise when get challengeType=SubmitPhoneNumberForm |
Exception | Base | Description |
MediaError | PrivateError | Base Media Exception (received from Instagram) |
MediaNotFound | MediaError | Raise when user unavailable |
Exception | Base | Description |
UserError | PrivateError | Base User Exception (received from Instagram) |
UserNotFound | UserError | Raise when user unavailable |
Exception | Base | Description |
CollectionError | PrivateError | Base Collection Exception (received from Instagram) |
CollectionNotFound | CollectionError | Raise when collection unavailable |
Exception | Base | Description |
DirectError | PrivateError | Base Direct Exception |
DirectThreadNotFound | DirectError | Raise when thread not found |
DirectMessageNotFound | DirectError | Raise when message in thread not found |
Exception | Base | Description |
PhotoNotDownload | PrivateError | Raise when source photo not found |
PhotoNotUpload | PrivateError | Raise when photo not upload |
PhotoConfigureError | PhotoNotUpload | Raise when photo not configured |
PhotoConfigureStoryError | PhotoConfigureError | Raise when photo story not configured |
Exception | Base | Description |
VideoNotDownload | PrivateError | Raise when source video not found |
VideoNotUpload | PrivateError | Raise when video not upload |
VideoConfigureError | VideoNotUpload | Raise when video not configured |
VideoConfigureStoryError | VideoConfigureError | Raise when video story not configured |
Exception | Base | Description |
IGTVNotUpload | PrivateError | Raise when IGTV not upload |
IGTVConfigureError | IGTVNotUpload | Raise when IGTV not configured |
Exception | Base | Description |
AlbumNotDownload | PrivateError | Raise when album not found |
AlbumUnknownFormat | PrivateError | Raise when format of media not MP4 or JPG |
AlbumConfigureError | PrivateError | Raise when album not configured |