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Migrations manager for Tarantool Cartridge


Migrations module allows you to run cluster-wide migrations for your data.

It stores the list of applied migrations in cluster-wide config and applies resulting schema to cartridge ddl.


  1. Add migrations dependency:

    -- <project-name>-scm-1.rockspec
        dependencies = {
            'migrations == <the-latest-tag>-1',
  2. Add migrator to the list of cartridge roles in init.lua:

    -- init.lua
      roles = {
  3. Put migrations code to ./migrations folder in your app. By default, migrator loads all files from it using lexicographical order. Every migration (e. g. 0001_create_my_sharded_space_DATETIME.lua) should expose a single parameter-less function up:

    return {
        up = function()
        local utils = require('migrator.utils')
        local f = box.schema.create_space('my_sharded_space', {
            format = {
                { name = 'key', type = 'string' },
                { name = 'bucket_id', type = 'unsigned' },
                { name = 'value', type = 'any', is_nullable = true }
            if_not_exists = true,
        f:create_index('primary', {
            parts = { 'key' },
            if_not_exists = true,
        f:create_index('bucket_id', {
            parts = { 'bucket_id' },
            if_not_exists = true,
            unique = false
        utils.register_sharding_key('my_sharded_space', {'key'})
        return true
  4. Call curl -X POST http://<your_tarantool_ip>:<http_port>/migrations/up once you are ready to migrate or connect to any instance of cluster and call require('migrator').up().

  5. What will happen then:

    • coordinator node (the one you curled upon) will trigger migrations execution on all replicaset leaders;
    • each replicaset leader will apply all available migrations and reply to coordinator;
    • if all replies are successful, coordinator will apply changes to cluster-wide config - a list of applied migrations and (optionally) resulting ddl-schema.
  6. That's it!

Advanced usage

IMPORTANT: code snippets below should be embedded to init.lua, so they would take effect on all nodes of the cluster.

  1. Change directory where migrations are located: embed the following to init.lua

    local migrator = require('migrator')
    local my_directory_loader = require('').new('test/integration/migrations')
  2. ... or use migrator.config-loader to load migrations from Tarantool Cartridge clusterwide config.

    Configure migrator to use config-loader:

    local migrator = require('migrator')
    local config_loader = require('migrator.config-loader').new()

    Navigate to Cartridge webui "Code" to write your migrations. Migrations must be stored in *.lua files under "migrations/source" key:

    config-loader example

  3. ... or use your own loader - it should expose a single function list(self) which returns a similar-looking array:

    local my_loader = {
        list = function(_)
            return {
                    name  = '01_first',
                    up = function() ... end
  4. Disable cartridge.ddl usage:


    In this case, resulting schema will not be registered via cartridge_set_schema

Utils, helpers, tips and tricks

  • Specify a sharding key for cartridge.ddl (if you use it) using utils.register_sharding_key:

        up = function()
            local utils = require('migrator.utils')
            local f = box.schema.create_space('my_sharded_space', {
                format = {
                    { name = 'key', type = 'string' },
                    { name = 'bucket_id', type = 'unsigned' },
                    { name = 'value', type = 'any', is_nullable = true }
                if_not_exists = true,
            f:create_index('primary', {
                parts = { 'key' },
                if_not_exists = true,
            f:create_index('bucket_id', {
                parts = { 'bucket_id' },
                if_not_exists = true,
                unique = false
            utils.register_sharding_key('my_sharded_space', {'key'})
            return true

    Warning! It's not correct to specify 'bucket_id' as a 'key' parameter for register_sharding_key(). The 'bucket_id' field is a place where the output of sharding function is saved to.

  • Before 0.6.0, each storage migration run time was limited to 3600 seconds (#66). If your migrations run longer than this limit, it will result in timeout error.

    Starting with 0.6.0, you may configure this value with clusterwide config to allow longer migrations. Default is 3600 seconds.

        storage_timeout: 43200 # in seconds
  • To run migrations code on a specific roles use utils.check_roles_enabled:

        up = function()
            local utils = require('migrator.utils')
            if utils.check_roles_enabled({'vshard-storage'}) then
                local f = box.schema.create_space('my_sharded_space', {
                    format = {
                        { name = 'key', type = 'string' },
                        { name = 'bucket_id', type = 'unsigned' },
                        { name = 'value', type = 'any', is_nullable = true }
                    if_not_exists = true,
                f:create_index('primary', {
                    parts = { 'key' },
                    if_not_exists = true,
                f:create_index('bucket_id', {
                    parts = { 'bucket_id' },
                    if_not_exists = true,
                    unique = false
                utils.register_sharding_key('my_sharded_space', {'key'})
                return true
            elseif utils.check_roles_enabled({'my-role'}) then


  • all migrations will be run on all cluster nodes (no partial migrations);
  • no pre-validation for migrations code (yet), so you should test them beforehands;
  • no support to run a single migration (yet);
  • no dry-run (yet);
  • no rolling back unsuccessful migrations (yet);
  • no migrating down (yet).