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This uses istio-cni as described here Please be aware of Kserve and initcontainers Either use runasuser : 1337 xor add the annotation for kserve inferenceservices.

Upgrade Istio Manifests

Istio ships with an installer called istioctl, which is a deployment / debugging / configuration management tool for Istio all in one package. In this section, we explain how to upgrade our istio kustomize packages by leveraging istioctl. Assuming the new version is X.Y.Z and the old version is X1.Y1.Z1:

  1. Make a copy of the old istio manifests tree, which will become the kustomization for the new Istio version:

    $ export MANIFESTS_SRC=<path/to/manifests/repo>
    $ export ISTIO_OLD=$MANIFESTS_SRC/common/istio-cni-X1-Y1
    $ export ISTIO_NEW=$MANIFESTS_SRC/common/istio-cni-X-Y
    $ cp -a $ISTIO_OLD $ISTIO_NEW
  2. Download istioctl for version X.Y.Z:

    $ wget "${ISTIO_VERSION}/istio-${ISTIO_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
    $ tar xvfz istio-${ISTIO_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    # sudo mv istio-${ISTIO_VERSION}/bin/istioctl /usr/local/bin/istioctl
  3. Use istioctl to generate an IstioOperator resource, the CustomResource used to describe the Istio Control Plane:

    $ cd $ISTIO_NEW
    $ istioctl profile dump default > profile.yaml


    istioctl comes with a bunch of predefined profiles (default, demo, minimal, etc.). The default profile is installed by default.

  4. Generate manifests and add them to their respective packages. We will generate manifests using istioctl, the profile.yaml file from upstream and the profile-overlay.yaml file that contains our desired changes:

    $ export PATH="$MANIFESTS_SRC/scripts:$PATH"
    $ cd $ISTIO_NEW
    $ istioctl manifest generate --cluster-specific -f profile.yaml -f profile-overlay.yaml --set components.cni.enabled=true --set components.cni.namespace=kube-system > dump.yaml
    $ split-istio-packages -f dump.yaml
    $ mv $ISTIO_NEW/crd.yaml $ISTIO_NEW/istio-crds/base
    $ mv $ISTIO_NEW/install.yaml $ISTIO_NEW/istio-install/base
    $ mv $ISTIO_NEW/cluster-local-gateway.yaml $ISTIO_NEW/cluster-local-gateway/base
    $ rm dump.yaml


    split-istio-packages is a python script in the same folder as this file. The ruamel.yaml version used is 0.16.12.

    --cluster-specific is a flag that determines if a current K8s cluster context will be used to dynamically detect default settings. Ensure you have a target cluster ready before running the above commands. We set this flag because istioctl manifest generate generates manifest files with resources that are no longer supported in Kubernetes 1.25 (policy/v1beta1). See: istio/istio#41220

Changes to Istio's upstream manifests

Changes to the upstream IstioOperator profile

Changes to Istio's upstream profile default are the following:

Those changes are captured in the profile-overlay.yaml file.

Changes to the upstream manifests using kustomize

The Istio kustomizations make the following changes:

  • Remove PodDisruptionBudget from istio-install and cluster-local-gateway kustomizations. See:
  • Add EnvoyFilter for adding an X-Forwarded-For header in requests passing through the Istio Ingressgateway, inside the istio-install kustomization.
  • Add Istio AuthorizationPolicy to allow all requests to the Istio Ingressgateway and the Istio cluster-local gateway.
  • Add Istio AuthorizationPolicy in Istio's root namespace, so that sidecars deny traffic by default (explicit deny-by-default authorization model).
  • Add Gateway CRs for the Istio Ingressgateway and the Istio cluster-local gateway, as istioctl stopped generating them in later versions.
  • Add the istio-system namespace object to istio-namespace, as istioctl stopped generating it in later versions.
  • Configure TCP KeepAlives.
  • Disable tracing as it causes DNS breakdown. See: istio/istio#29898
  • Set ENABLE_DEBUG_ON_HTTP=false according to