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Deploy test servers for accelerated networking

Create resource group

az group create --name opengilan --location southafricanorth

Deploy ARM template

Get public key

publickey=$(cat ~/.ssh/ 
az deployment group create \
  --name OpenGiLANTemplate \
  --resource-group opengilan \
  --template-file azuredeploy.json \
  --parameters adminUsername=open dnsLabelPrefix=opengilan adminPasswordOrKey="$publickey"

ssh into machine

ssh [email protected] -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Install dpdk dev
sudo apt install libibverbs-dev libmlx5-1 ibverbs-providers
sudo apt-get install dpdk-dev libdpdk-dev

# Install dpdk
sudo apt-get install dpdk

dpdk-testpmd -w  134d:00:02.0 \
  --vdev="net_vdev_netvsc0,iface=eth1" \
  -- -i \

Delete resources

az group delete --name opengilan

Faced some errors compling the latest versions of DPDK and Pktgen. The note below on the Pktgen repo

`Pktgen: Created 2010-2020 by Keith Wiles @

Note: In DPDK 19.08-rc0 a large number of defines and function names were changed. In Pktgen 3.7.0 I added a pg_compat.h header to help compatibility issues with these name changes. This means versions 3.6.6 and below will have trouble building with DPDK starting with 19.08-rc0 or just after the 19.05 release. `

Mentions that there were changes to DPDK causing compatibility issues. To resolve this compiled with the versions that were tested with, export DPDK version 20.02 and PKTGEN version 20.02.0.

For netvsc

For mlx5 build

  • Install OFED
  • ./mlnxofedinstall --upstream-libs --dpdk
  • gcc automake libnl-route-3-200 graphviz debhelper dpatch libltdl-dev chrpath quilt dkms autoconf swig libnl-route-3-dev libnl-3-dev autotools-dev m4 make

Useful Resources