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bGeigie Nano user guide, draft. (User community editing. Plain text [[github flavored markdown|]], [[syntax|]] and [[cheatsheet|]])

###Table of Contents###

  1. Safecast designed Nano uses
  2. LED display fields, Toggle Modes
  3. Start: Boot sequence
  4. How to measure in logging mode; GPS Reset
  5. How to measure in surface mode
  6. microSD Files; Parameter Settings; Alarm; Data Log
  7. Mounting on person, vehicle, stand, etc.
  8. API, uploading sharing data to Safecast
  9. Uploading data to other datasets (comparative note)
  10. Downloading data from Safecast
  11. iOS app -- Safecast Geiger Bot
  12. Troubleshooting: Firmware, Hardware, Bugs, Cleaning, etc.
  13. Warranty, Certification, Calibration, reliability, validity, units
  14. Hardware Cautions
  15. Resources, links, support

####1. Safecast designed Nano uses

  • Model name: The Safecast bGeigie Nano kit is a geo-tagged mobile sensor of ionizing radiation with internet data sharing format and optional wireless capability. It follows from the earlier, larger Bento Geigie. The word “bento” is Japanese for lunchbox; Geigie is cute for Geiger counter; nano followed the mini model. Together with the distributor Medcom, Safecast released the bGeigieNano kit in Spring 2013.

  • Safecast background: The design of the Nano kit mobile sensor reflects Safecast history and purpose. Although Safecast is best described by its website, especially the [[Safecast/About pages|]], [[Safecast Japan's videos|]], group forums, and own documents -- here is the essential background in 3 lines: Safecast began in Japan in response to a perceived lack of timely, open, public environmental radiation mapping information following the Fukushima nuclear accident. If the non-partisan, a-political Safecast organization has an agenda, it is in its "pro-data", “open data” banner. The slogan on the homepage header reads, “Safecast is a global sensor network for collecting and sharing radiation measurements to empower people with data about their environments.”

  • Nano uses: The Nano is a mobile, geo-tagged, logging sensor of radiation, especially for mounting on car window. It can also be used in static or spot radiation detection. Nano users can submit their mobile radiation measurements to the Safecast dataset via the API upload page for inclusion in an online global mapping system developed by Safecast with MIT Media Lab. The Nano’s do it yourself, connect it yourself kit allows for customization, for cost savings and user learning. Modular options include an XBee socket, firmware reprogramming and an unassigned button. As Pieter wrote: “bGeige Nano [is] the only device with GPS and Wifi/Bluetooth option,… versatile system with a high quality sensor that can do GPS based logging, iPhone interface, measures gamma, beta, alpha, has uSV and Bq/m2 measurement, is fully configurable, is water tight, and is fully open source…."

  • The uses and capabilities are those of the Nano's sensor, the 2” pancake GM tube [[LND 7317|]], capable of measurement of alpha- and beta- as well as gamma- radiation (referenced for Cs-137 nuclide check source data efficiency). Nano's maximum operating range is to about 350,000cpm, or 1mSv/h (1 millisievert per hour dose rate or 1000µSv/h microsieverts per hour) (micro sometimes written with u, uSv=µSv).

####2. LED display fields, Toggle Modes [needs photos, explicit text?]

  • The bGeigie Nano has two operating (display and recording) modes, controlled by the toggle switch at upper right. Label on the transparent top panel: (to the right) "bq/m^2; uS/h", (to left) "log; cpm".
  • The “up” position (to the right) switches the unit into geiger counter mode without recording (no logging). Fields displayed on the OLED are indicators for uSv/h dose-rate (Cs137), max dose-rate, dosimeter, Bq/m2 display (Cs137), time stamp and Alarm LED.

  • The “down” position puts the Nano into recording (logging, mobile tracing) mode. Displayed on the OLED are indicators for CPM and µSv/h, number of satellites locked, altitude (height m), distance traversed (km), total duration of measurement (h:m) and time stamp (dd:hh:mm:ss). When bGeigie Nano is switched to recording mode, the display shows whether a micro SD memory card is inserted or not. [The photo] displays the “NO SD CARD” message, meaning no card is inserted. When a card is inserted properly, this message will disappear.

####3. Quick Start: Boot sequence

  • The power switch is a sliding switch at the lower right. To turn the unit on, slide it to the up position. First the SAFECAST logo will appear on the display as the splash screen for about one second.

  • The next start-up screen has these the name of model “bGeigie Nano”, the firmware version number, battery charge level, basic settings, and the user’s name (or other customizable information) are indicated.

####4. How to measure in logging mode

  • In recording (logging) mode the display also shows a lock GPS indication. When the device locks onto GPS, it show the number of satellites found, and a small red LED will glow. The picture shows the “No GPS” message. In this case, GPS lock can be achieved by placing the device near a window and waiting for a few minutes
  • small Red LED will only glow if: GPS is locked, SD card is present, battery has more than 10% charge left, unit is on for one minute, geiger tube is providing a pulse). It can be dimmed by putting the DIP switch #2 Off.

  • Speaker "clicks" and small Blue LED blinks for each pulse from the geiger tube. It can be dimmed by putting the DIP switch #1 Off.

  • Red LED on GPS unit blinks every 1 second in case the GPS is not locked. After that blinks every 10 seconds once locked.

  • The date/time is in UTC (formerly called GMT) and not in local time. (Because the system is global, it uses a single time reference, which is provided by the GPS.) The date/time stamp is refreshed when a log data is written to the card, each line in file. The time stamp is used to create the LOG file name (e.g. "21080716.LOG" example described in DATA LOG section below). The UTC log filename may be +/- one day off from the local date of the measurement given time zones and IDL (International Date Line). The file metadata is not updated as the FAT library is slimmed down/missing features to fit in RAM. (The log's file creation date may read a default date of 01/01/2000. Sort logs by filename and not by date field.) When uploading a log, please enter its metadata in the required fields and submit for approval.

  • GPS Reset Procedure (ver 1.3.0 and later): 1) turn off the bGeigie; 2) remove the SD card; 3) turn on the bGeigie; 4) leave it on one minute; 5) turn off again; 6) put in the SD card. During step 4, after about 10 seconds, the display will show a message "NO SD CARD/GPS Reset". (Powering up the unit without the SD card causes an error and a general re-initialization including the GPS controller.)

####5. How to measure in surface mode (using the Nano taken outside of its case for α- and more β-detection)

  • removal from its case (with or without the rubber liner)

  • photo how to best take unit out of case by using both thumbs to push in and swivel out the unit. (Can be reinserted into case as above or inside the removable rubber liner.)

  • in uSv/Bq mode display also shows Peak dose rate (in uSv/h) and total accumulated dose (in uSv) and CPM

  • uSv dose rate (put in case, hold 1m above ground, tilt around 45 degrees, wait for 1 minute for stable reading)

  • bQ (take out of case, keep within 5cm to 1cm from surface, 1 minute for stable reading, read value on second line in Bq/m2, speaker sound to aid in finding hotspots)

  • provides indication but has limitations
    Kalin wrote: “The grid on the pancake sensor is only useful when you take the unit out of the Pelican to look for surface contamination (alpha/beta). The grid itself has a very small shielding effect, mostly for alpha/beta and weak gamma. Given the standard +/- 15% accuracy of the unit, you can ignore it.” “Averaging two different Nanos --you should only compare long-term counting (e.g. number of counts for 10 minutes). “

####6. microSD Files; Parameter Settings; Alarm; Data Log;

  • The 2gb micro-SD card that ships with the bGeigie Nano contains two pre-set files in the root directory, CONFIG.TXT for communication and SAFECAST.TXT for certain user data parameters, detailed below. If the files are corrupted or deleted from the micro-SD, the Nano will not work properly. A new microSD card has to have FAT format and these two files in the root. Keep a backup. Default settings are available online at:
  • Carefully edit the setting fields (user-name-text, time zone,...) via a micro SD card reader on a computer's USB. (The micro SD card may not be readable on a computer's card slot. Memory cards inserted in the direct SD slot on a computer may require the installation of an SDXC driver.) Expert users may edit the calibrated nuclide efficiency fields like cpmf (counts per minute factor Cs137) with cpmn (counts per minute nuclide Cs137) -- but not for submitting data, not without first consulting the Safecast API dataset.??

  • The following lists of parameters on the micro sd card is taken from the [[NanoSetup.cpp|]]. The parameters are further mentioned with Data Log Format [ below in 6 – LED Display Fields, Toggle Modes].)

#####CONFIG.TXT:##### The CONFIG.TXT on my nano kit sd card reads: "9600,26,3,2,1,1 baud,escape,esc#,mode,verb,echo". The default [[CONFIG.TXT|]] has: "9600,26,3,2". [9600 Baud rate; 26 Data bits; 3 Mark Parity (3=>bit is always logical 1); 2 stop bits (disables use of MARK parity)].


nm= User Name API User Name (or your any text) which appears on data log header line (and up to 15 characters appears on the 10 seconds start up LED display)

did= #### Device ID (bGeigie Nano ####) the serial number on the top plate (or on the purple PCB?)

gt= 0 Geiger Type [??]

gm= 0 Geiger Mode [??]

cpmf= 334 NANO_CPM_ FACTOR (Counts per Minute Detector Efficiency fFactor)

cpmn= Cs137 CPM Nuclide [Detector Efficiency for Cs137 reference Nuclide]

bqmf= 37 NANO_BQM2_FACTOR (Bequerel Detector Efficiency per Meter Squared, Bq/M^2 Factor] (Bq. Eff.) preset value for counting efficiency for the Nano

bqmn= Cs137 BQM2 Nuclide [Detector Efficiency for Cs137 reference Nuclide]

al= 150 Alarm threshold (in cpm) The setting can be left blank (turned off), or set up to a maximum 99,999 CPM. [??]

tz= +/-## Time Zone (local offset to UTC, e.g. Japan +9; Los Angeles -10) [This parameter seems superfluous to Nano's UTC GPS operation. As of v.1.2.9, the TZ is no longer mentioned in a header line in log file. Perhaps this TZ parameter has some operation or programmable function.]

cn= ABC Country code [your 3-character string, eg. JPN]

st= 0 Sensor Type

ss= 0 Sensor Shield

sh= 100 Sensor eight (cm) [when if ever can should SH= be modified??]

sm= 0 Sensor Mode

cw= 60 Character width

######Alarm: al=### cpm setting , indicators, dip switches:

  • Speaker "clicks" and small Blue LED “Count” blinks (pulse flicker) for each pulse from the geiger tube. It can be dimmed by putting the DIP switch #1 Off.
  • small Red LED “Log/Alarm” flickers on pulse, remains lit on alarm. It will only glow if: GPS is locked, SD card is present, battery has more than 10% charge left, unit is on for one minute, geiger tube is providing a pulse). It can be dimmed by putting the DIP switch #2 Off.
  • the Piezo buzzer [?? known bug? "It gets quieter over time. We're investigating changing the drive frequency of the buzzer which may help make the buzzer louder in general."]


  • In recording mode the data log file is written to the micro-SD card. A key to the fields of the Data Log is given in the [[bGeigie library by fakufaku|]]. Below is excerpt of example there of a logged Radiation Data Sentence with Device #300. (The github README also gives an example of Device Status Sentence, a hardware message mentioned here in passing.)


The data is formatted similarly to NMEA sentences that GPS uses. It always starts with a $ and ends with a*. Following the star is a checksum.

RADIATION DATA SENTENCE: This is the basic message containing the geo-located radiation measurement.




  1. Header: Device model header. Mini=BMRDD, Nano=BNRDD, NX=BNXRDD. BNRDD
  1. Device ID: Device serial number. 300
  1. Date: Date formatted according to iso-8601 standard. Usually uses GMT. 2012-12-16T17:58:31Z
  1. Radiation 1 minute: number of pulses given by the Geiger tube in the last minute. 30
  1. Radiation 5 seconds: number of pulses given by the Geiger tube in the last 5 seconds. 1
  1. Radiation total count: total number of pulses recorded since startup. 116
  1. Radiation count validity flag: 'A' indicates the counter has been running for more than one minute and the 1 minute count is not zero. Otherwise, the flag is 'V' (void). A
  1. Latitude: As given by GPS. The format is ddmm.mmmm where dd is in degrees and mm.mmmm is decimal minute. 4618.9612
  1. Hemisphere: 'N' (north), or 'S' (south). N
  1. Longitude: As given by GPS. The format is dddmm.mmmm where ddd is in degrees and mm.mmmm is decimal minute. 00658.4831
  1. East/West: 'W' (west) or 'E' (east) from Greenwich. E
  1. Altitude: Above sea level as given by GPS in meters. 443.7
  1. GPS validity: 'A' ok, 'V' invalid. A
  1. Number of sattelites: number of satellites used by the GPS. 5
  1. HDOP: Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP), relative accuracy of horizontal position. 1.28
  1. Checksum: *6D

(For possible updates, see the current [[|]] in the technical github, the source of above data format.)

Data log file name is made of 3 parts: #### the did number, ## month and ## date (log initiated). For example "21080716.LOG" the data log for unit 2108 on 16 July. For space constraints the file date property is 01/01/2000, but every line has UTC time date stamp reading. The log file name may appear out a day because of time zones dateline.

A data log or section starts with several #-beginning comment lines: version number and deadtime...


# format=1.2.9nano

# deadtime=on


(Firmware version 1.1.1 printed a fourth comment line with parameter settings user name, time zone, country etc. Revised firmware probably dropped it as redundant, given the device i.d. and GPS coordinates besides the api user number and log metadata location.)


# format=1.1.1nano

# deadtime=on

# nm=safecast,tz=248,cn=US,cpmf=334,st=0,ss=0,sh=100,sm=0 $BNRDD,2108,2013-07-16T14:45:57Z,23,1,167988,A,3145.7794,N,03510.1883,E,764.20,A,10616837,0*71

A definition of [[dead time|]] reads "For detection systems that record discrete events... the dead time is the time after each event during which the system is not able to record another event". The ENABLE_LND_DEADTIME compensation formula can be found in the [[bGeigieNano.ino master|]].

Other Files on the MicroSD Card: The micro-SD card is delivered with apple disc system files and folders which filenames begin with a dot. [Non-Apple devices users can delete these apple system files. Although there's plenty of space to leave the small files on the 2gb Micro-SD card. Main thing -- keep the two Nano configuration files.]

####7. Mounting on person, vehicle, stand, etc.

Mobile sensor -- the Log mode display also shows height (m), distance traversed (km) and duration of measurement (hh:mm) The log file UTC date/time, TZ header, GPS coordinates, readings,… [Mounting examples need editing and photos.]

Car Close window on straps. Tie straps to interior anchor, inside bar over window. In a blog there’s mention of child inadvertently opening back seat window and the bGeigie falling off the care, but it was recovered without damage. Don’t rely on window lock, but tie the strap to anchor.

**Bicycle ** (See photos and film clip with bGeigie Nano with extra options (wireless, air quality sensors, bicycle exercise sensors) at Tokyo Maker Faire Nov 3rd-4th 2013!topic/safecast-japan/2DqAoqkWAn8

Carry, bag or pack attachment


Helicopter drone

Airplane passenger - strap onto utility tray near a window. Pieter wrote: >”Some of you have asked how to mount a bGeigie [as a passenger in commercial flight]. The attached pictures are self explanatory. In this case the unit remained GPS lock even with the tray in the downward position. The key trick is to get the nano to lock onto the GPS -- this only works as long as you have a window seat and typically requires the unit to be very near to the window to get a good lock and may take a few minutes - after that the unit can be a little further a way (30-40cm) as long as there's a good 'view' from the unit to the window. Airplanes are very well shielded, and the ease of getting a good lock may vary from airplane model to exact seat location. Like use of all electronic equipment, please follow the instructions of the airline during take off, in flight and landing. < Pieter IMG_7688.jpg ; IMG_7689.jpg


Baby carriage (Baby can kick Nano out when you’re not looking. Keep Nano fastened.. The height from ground setting is preset at 1 meter for car window. (On 2nd thought the Nano is not a baby toy given possible contamination in sampling.)

####8. Safecast API: Uploading data to Safecast dataset via your API**

Where once data logs were sent by email, now this is done by the Safecast API. (API stands for Application programming interface.) The [[SUBMIT|]] header on the [[Safecast homepage|]] header leads to

The Safecast Dataset is meant to represent mobile background readings from a meter high on a car window for example. The nano can also read spot measures of items in front of you. Hence the two modes on the device - one for logging and one for spot measurements. You should not submit readings that are samples of "items" or stationary static logs to the dataset which is meant for mobile monitoring. Monitoring and data submission are mentioned elsewhere in manual, e.g. in Mode uses.

See the 3 Jan 2014 blog [[Useful data|]]. Sean lists criteria for data integrity by individual logger and by radiation monitoring network. The dataset has these standards:

  • Every data point must have time stamp and GPS coordinates. City averages are unacceptable.
  • Device and user must have unique ID to provide ability to identify and track errors (user can remain anonymous but still needs ID)
  • The device used must have publicly available specs, including sensor size and manufacturer.
  • We prefer and recommend the 2″ pancake produced by LND.
  • If data is submitted to Safecast, data must be formatted correctly with all applicable metadata (the fields filled out correctly on submission).
  • Measurements should be taken at approx 1m height, with care to avoid interference etc.
  • Measurements should be in CPM, and note what kind of shielding (if any) was used.

[Perhaps concise guide to mobile logging, reliability and validity of data log and dataset, the rules for monitoring and submitting logs to the dataset can be posted also on the api menu.]

####9. Uploading data to other datasets (comparative note)**

Nano data can be submitted to other radiation mapping datasets. For example the free [[geiger bot iOS app|]] allows for uploading data to other servers besides the [[safecast api dataset|]]. Configuration include details of device, particular sensor, data format, connection, etc. The geigerbot app includes menu to connect to the free open-access server Pachube-Cosm-now called xively. ( was bought by Pachube (pronounced Patch-Bay) which was renamed [[Xively|]].) The connection also depends on the server side, if you need to program the nano or get what app or connection software...

Another question is comparison between static mapping networks -- which is more reliable, valid, useful, open, and for what purposes or interest. (The Safecast dataset might stand out in a comparison of non-governmental citizens radiation monitoring networks, for its non-profit, volunteer structure, open design, open source, mobile monitoring, open datasets, log reliability requirements, mappings, visualization, and robustness of large number datapoints.)

####10. Downloading data from Safecast whole dataset.csv in zip [Safecast] (Download Free) CC0 legal status: web entry by joi. “The legal and ethical reasoning behind using CC0 for Safecast data”. Sept 5, 2011 Creative Commons Zero, CC0 (occasionally written as CC Zero) is a public domain dedication that allows copyright holders to place works in the public domain to the extent legally possible, worldwide. “all rights granted” space of the public domain.

Uses of data. analysis mapping , etc, mapped track of recording device..

####11. iOS app: Safecast Geiger Bot app

  • Safecast Geiger Bot app works in iOS devices.

Nick Dolezal on Oct 12:

“The server update process for the app's map data runs every 4 hours starting at midnight GMT, and takes about 10 minutes to run on the server. It will not run if there weren't any new measurements since the last update, so you can have periods greater than 4 hours where the app will not update with the message "You already have the most recent data". It is not really ideal but at least it's working and it will be some time before I can come back to it.

Generally I would recommend only uploading data via the logfile to the Safecast website directly if possible. When the app does analog click counting, when properly configured it can be quite accurate, but a perfect digital copy of the data already exists. Uploading it as a "drive" also provides a context and metadata for more in-depth analysis later that individual measurement uploads do not have.

In principle the app's analog click counting is quite simple -- it simply looks for samples in the recording buffer from the OS that exceed threshold X.

But there are many, many factors that can affect it. As a starting point I recommend verifying the output of the pulse with an oscilloscope; make sure the voltage is in the consumer line-level range ( and make sure the pulse width (duration) is at least 2 samples at 44.1 khz. ( Finally, verify the pin-out is correct -- both at the unit and at the end of the cable. The cable or device must also short mic and ground with a resistor of a certain impedance to be detected by the iPhone. If you overdo that or it's done with the cable and unit you won't see any input at all. (I don't know if the bGeigie does this on the unit like the Onyx does) If you don't have an oscilloscope, a DSO Nano is pretty cheap on eBay or Amazon.

Software factors that may affect input include: app settings, OS settings (such as accessibility features), the iOS 7 microphone permissions, etc. To remove all doubt of software issues, there is at least one free oscilloscope app you can download off the App Store. (it is not a replacement for a hardware oscilloscope though if the signal isn't getting to the iPhone)

Hardware factors include differing impedance in electronics or cables, non-voltage regulated output + low battery, noise from external power (really messes up gamma spectroscopy, actually), etc. There may be configuration settings affecting audio output or level as well; I don't know if the DIP switch for the speaker volume on the Nano affects the line out or not.

The most common issues I've seen from users are:

  1. Wrong cable (one user had some equivalent of a "null modem" cable which swapped wires internally -- should be straight/passthrough)
  2. Cable not wired correctly (either pin-wise or the short resistor the iPhone needs)
  3. Too high of input voltage (results in no audio route available and the audio engine's watchdog timer freaking out)

Note if the mic-ground in the cable isn't shorted correctly, the app will report an audio route change to "Headphones" on the console. The audio route required for a line input cable is "Headset".

Finally, while I have not tested this, it's possible a paired Bluetooth headset could override the line input cable as an input source. I'm honestly not sure offhand how these get prioritized by iOS.<<

Nick Dolezal The magi behind all things iOS in Safecast Land, Nick Dolezal, is working hard on the new version of the Safecast app (which will allow on demand refreshing of the map data) decided to whip up these alternate visualizations of the Safecast data. These maps show the frequency of samples taken – NOT READINGS OF THOSE SAMPLES – just showing how often a specific place has been measured. In this example, a location (like Fukushima) that has been measured repeatedly would show hot. Thought this was a really interesting look at the work Safecast has done over the last 2+ years

{{May 4 * Safecast Device Discussions and Support › Onyx - iPhone Connection Guide [There’s instructions for app with ONYX but some might be relevant to app on NANO?]

app-API Troubleshooting

2.1 Further, on the main numeric display of the app, you can tap on the top part of the screen to show a console with detailed log messages regarding connection attempts and which input device is selected. If successful, the API upload will return HTTP 201 CREATED.

  1. Verify Input : A. Tap the min/max arrow button in the lower-right hand corner of the map to resize it into a small window. B. The interface of the app has now changed. It is now split between fixed buttons at the bottom, and four possible display screens at the top, of which the map is 4 of 4. If you've used HP calculators and know what "Pipboy 3000" means, you can probably just stop reading right here. These four screens are: [Main Numeric Display] - [CPS/CPM graph] - [Audio input monitor graph] - [Map]

C. Tap the "<" button next to the white page dots under the map. You are now looking at the audio input monitor.

D. Verify you are correctly seeing counts from the Onyx appear. The black line represents the input. The red line which never moves is the threshold the input volume must exceed for it to be counted. The black line will be colored blue when it has been counted as a pulse.

E. The two problems I've heard about so far preventing this from working are a bad serial cable, and a "Geiger Pulse" setting on the Onyx of something other than 6, which is the default. Confusingly, a bug in the Onyx release firmware prevents the Geiger Pulse from displaying properly. (it will always show 0) TL;DR: the Geiger Pulse setting on the Onyx will be fine unless changed from the default.

  1. Configure Safecast Settings A. Now tap the "Settings" icon on the fixed button panel, which is a machine gear. Scroll to the bottom of the list and select "Safecast". B. Enter your API key. Change the upload interval as desired, but you shouldn't change the Safecast device.<< back to nano

According to the app author Nick Dolezal, the porting of geigerbot into android is unlikely. See “Android / Platform Support Mini-FAQ” in , "The majority of what Geiger Bot does is heavily tied to iOS-specific frameworks. It would almost all have to be rewritten." However, on 3 Dec 2013 on safecast google groups, Peter Franken posted a link to, "Safecast for Android is a client-server orientated environment to visualize radioactive data on interactive maps." Also "[this is] a ground up rebuild for Android. Instead of in app rendering it will use a server to do it out of app. So it is not a port [of geigerbot]."

####12. Troubleshooting: Firmware, Hardware, Current bugs, Cleaning Reportedly there is an [[issues page|]] for Safecast github technical team. Volunteer users report problems and bugs in the devices discussion group. Feedback and support are forthcoming. Open issues are processed. For example in Oct 2013 the Adafruit “Ultimate GPS” failed on 7 recent builds. Manufacturer support forum thread opened on 28 Oct 2013. Issue resolved with V.1.3.2 firmware fix , 11.11, group threads!topic/safecast-devices/iRlxIvspjkE

A reported possible bug (on back burner?): Piezo electric buzzer gets quieter over time.

Display problems: >"Please check all solder joints carefully - you must have missed a joint or have a cold solder joint. It can cause the display to act unpredictably."

####### Firmware: github; upgrades; troubleshooting

######Cleaning (First remove the nano from the case .Never wet the Nano interior.)

*. Use a soft brush and air blower can be used o the Nano, carefully. (Vacuum?) (Electronics labs use unheated air blowers for dusting off parts)

  • The liner may be rinsed in clean water.

*The case may be rinsed with clean slightly damp microfiber coth. [Last rinse preferably in filtered or even distilled water-??]

*LED wipe? Work with the screen display turned off and cool. Wipe the screen using light pressure. Use clean, lint free cotton, microfiber cloths or low-lint wipes. (

####13. Warranty, Certification, Calibration, reliability, validity

Warranty See kit fulfillment in the Nano Manual Kit Assembly. email [email protected].

Certification “The nano itself will go through official certification for gamma reading inside and outside of the pelican case. Once this has been done and we find any variance, the nano allows for easy recallibration in the parameter file that's on the nano's SD card. ; the Onyx certification we found accuracy within 2% over a wide range of radiation. itself (like the Onyx with the same GM pancake sensor) Source” [[Information, Misinformation, Disinformation (or, these aren’t the droids you’re looking for)| ]] Part 1 December 29, 2012, which blog article compares different kinds of radiation detectors, radiation units..…

Calibration: jam wrote in some blog or thread, the following: “The sensor is pre-calibrated so nothing needs to be done on that end. The calibration of the unit for Bq for Cs assumes the grid is in front of the pancake. The difference is around 5%. For gamma only, the grid has negligibly effect on the measured value.

“The uSv/h conversion from CPM is calibrated assuming the grid is on the tube. As all Safecast measurements are done with the pancake WITH grid, please keep the grid on the tube. The grid itself will not block alpha or beta, but reduces the sensitivity a little bit as the grid covers a small portion of the sensor. In practice the difference with and without grid will be around 4-5% for a beta source, and less for a gamma source.

“Geiger counters are very simple devices, the tube detects the particles flying through and counts them - this is the raw CPM count. The software we have preloaded the device with takes into account the sensor type and calibrates readings for Cs137 so all bGeigie Nano's have the same configuration and can be compared against each other.

“So basically the only reason other devices like the inspector, has a calibration pot on them is to adjust for other type of isotopes accurately. Most devices are calibrated for Cs137. If you were interested in an accurate account of a different isotopes, then calibrating would be needed. The nano is set up to yes read for everything in CPM, but when talking about sieverts the math for the conversion only works for Cs137, Like most other units. Sieverts is the concentration of ionizing radiation absorbed per unit of a material's mass. Comparable to units of specific energy. If you wanted to know the amount of energy you are being blasted with of say, Sr90. The individual would have to find an accurate check source to recalibrate the device and input the correct math for the conversion.

“In the bad old days of analog Geiger counters, the pulses coming from the tube were fed to an integrator and that was used to generate a proportional current that would deflect the needle on the unit's display. As you might imagine, there were several ways that might not scale perfectly. Each integrator and amplifier was different as was the spring in the meter. And, they could change with time or temperature. Consequently, it was necessary to regularly feed them a pulse train of a known frequency and then adjust something until the needle pointed to the proper reading.

“Digital technology alleviates all that. We count every pulse with a microprocessor and calculate the corresponding dose rate mathematically. The sensitivity of the sensors themselves is very consistent and stable. As is the time base for the processor. Unless something gets broken, a bGeigie Nano's calibration should never change. And if it does get broken, it is very likely to be obvious.

“Old analog clocks had a way to adjust their regulator too, but when have you ever heard of a digital quartz wristwatch needing adjustment? Never? Me neither.” - jam

That said, e.g. example Univ of Maryland, Chapter II, Radiation Instrumentation

GM counters are usually calibrated against a specified reference standard at a fixed distance from the detector (usually 1 centimeter) and a variable pulse generator. Efficiencies for instruments expressing results in terms of counts rates can be calculated from the following formula,: Divide the observed sample count rate by the detector efficiency to obtain the actual disintegration rate, when efficiency is calculated: Efficiency = Observed Standard Count Rate (cpm) Known standard Disintegration Rate (dpm) <<

Data interpretation, data sharing, interpretation, reliability, robustness, presentation, mapping, analysis, validity, reliability (learn to use correctly)…

  • On radiation units* (borrowing from Kalin comparing bGeigie against droids): >”…there’s a reasonable degree of variation that can be caused by the slight differences in the specs of the various devices. Though grays (Gy) are the technically correct unit to use for measuring activity in terms of “absorbed” dose, sieverts (Sv), which represent a conversion of this to “equivalent” dose, are more familiar to most people. When we are looking at gamma or beta activity, grays and sieverts are essentially equivalent numerically, despite their different meanings (much like how 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilo), and the labeling of the droid’s display might be confusing to some citizens. …accuracy range of 20% and a detection range of from 0.01 microsievert/hr to 5.0 Sievert/hr, uses Geiger-Muller sensors placed at 1 meter height, displaying averaged samples updated every 60 seconds, etc.. It also states clearly that the readings are intended as a general guideline only.

####14. Cautions, hardware protection

  • The Pelican micro case is shockproof and water-resistant. However it is not waterproof and it cannot be used underwater. Condensation can build up in the case due to temperature differences. This condensation will evaporate with time, or can simply be removed by opening the unit and drying it {with fibrefree cloth}. Closed-up inside its case the Nano can be used on bicycles without problem.

  • Do not use the unit outside of its water resistant case with wet hands, when in the rain, or where too close to a dripping tap.

  • The MICRO-SD CARD cannot be read over the USB port [??] -- instead use a micro SD card reader

BATTERY Cautions: (also see [[Nano Manual Kit Assembly|]] (Charge via micro USB cable, yellow LED will dim once fully charged, full charge takes 5-6 hours, bGeigie nano runs approx 35-40 hours on a full charge in LOG mode. Battery indicators: icon in bottom right of display, and; Per cent of battery charged appears on startup screen.)

  • NEVER charge the bGeigie while the unit is in ON. Power MUST be turned OFF before charging to avoid permanent damage to the charge circuit.

  • Replace a broken (detached wire) battery with the same rating (2000mAh 3.7V Lithium Polymer (Li-Po, Li-Poly). The Nano charge circuit may overheat if larger batteries are used.

  • A Li-Po battery can be hazardous if mylar membrane is punctured. Handle carefully!

SENSOR Cautions:

Although the Nano sensor inside its closed Pelican micro-case is well protected from shock and from pressure transients, sudden changes in pressure, like slamming a car door, can possibly damage the sensor. The pressure inside the tube is very low. The membrane is under constant tension from atmospheric pressure. Being at altitude reduces the strain on it. The membrane is basically extremely thin glass, mica to be precise; it's low density and very brittle. Any sharp shock can shatter it. Anything that pokes it will pop it like a party balloon.

  • NEVER touch the membrane of the pancake sensor! (It can damage the sensor!)

  • Air travel and air freight: Inside its tightly closed case the nano is safe in luggage and cargo holds (except from baggage delay, loss, etc.) Carry-on is preferred. See the thread [[travel advice|]], Pieter wrote, "I always carry the nano on board with me for the simple reason that I use the nano to Safecast at 10,000m height. It only works if you have a window seat... the nano is safest when in the cabin, but as long as the nano is in the Pelican case it should be perfectly safe to check it in as well. The Pelican case protects the nano very well. In fact LND ships the raw tubes in sealed cans, which much do the same as the Pelican case will."

[[Some of Onyx hardware precautions|]] , relevant for Nano??:

Precautions To keep the Onyx™ in good condition, handle it with care, and observe the following precautions:

Do not contaminate the Onyx™ by touching it to radioactive surfaces or materials. Instead, hold it just above the surface that is suspected of contamination to take readings.

Do not leave the Onyx™ in temperatures over 122° F (50° C) or in direct sunlight for extended periods of time.

If the surface of the mica on your pancake detector becomes scratched or loses its coating, avoid making measurements with the detector window in direct sunlight; this could affect the readings.

Do not put the Onyx™ in a microwave oven. It cannot measure microwaves, and you may damage it or the oven.

Measuring and learning about radiation is interesting. Please remember to not treat radiation sources casually. Exposure to even relatively low levels of radiation can result in negative health effects over time

####15. RESOURCES, LINKS, SUPPORT (for users of the Safecast bGeigie Nano mobile sensor of ionizing radiation...)

Nano catch-all landing page [[]]

The Safecast website has articles, news, notices, API upload and open download of crowd-sourced radiation data and visualized mapping, etc

Join the Safecast Devices Discussions and Support: ([[devices group|!forum/safecast-devices]]. “A discussion group for the community using and hacking Safecast designed open source hardware including the Medcom Onyx and the bGeigie Nano”. It is listed among several links on the Safecast home page.

Github is a community project development firmware archive. Safecast currently has 16 public github respositories, repos or buckets, including [[bGeigieNanoKit|]], the more veteran firmeware [[SafecastBGeigie|]], the electronics [[Eagle repo|]], etc.

Nano pages: any nano user can edit these [[Nano wiki pages|]] (in various stages of community drafting):

Appropriate use of the Nano has a modest learning curve. Fortunately, the end user doesn’t have to master the fields of radiation safety, health physics and environmental sciences which in contrast are huge studies. Spot and mobile monitoring and crowd data-sharing projects require a orientation and a little practice.

The Safecast end user, the volunteer civilian monitor, the citizen scientist is helping to collect data, environmental information, for the public and for scientists. Scientists may use this data in their research methods, possibly making science, possibly discovering new knowledge in their fields. With Nano use and contribution of data logs to web datasets, Nano users learn and teach about radiation detection, safety and many issues.


(removed draft still to move/delete)

The Nano is designed as a mobile sensor, to hang outside on a car’s side window. Outside so as not to be shielded by the car. The Nano is hung at the top of the window to be far enough from the ground to get a good background average. The parameter setting of 100 cm is set in the Sensor Height field. This contrasts with close specific surface contamination monitoring (which we do when we find a hotspot thanks to an increased average). The radiation measured on the car window is not areal or airborne gas per se. It's radiating out from radioactive solid stuff (also from liquids ??) on the asphalt, ground, walls, leaves, etc... The Nano is pre-set to monitor radiation from nuclide Cs137.

Inside the case the Nano measures [[gamma rays|]]; outside the case, it can measure [[alpha-, |]]/[[beta-, ||]] and gamma-radiation. The grid glued to Nano’s Geiger-muller sensor only blocks a couple percent of radiation and serves to protect the sensitive pancake sensor. As the plastic case blocks alpha- beta- particle radiation, a hole can be cut in a plastic case for a custom alpha-, beta-window. A BoPET (Mylar) film provides protection and allows for alpha, beta and gamma radiation measurement. Optionally the Nano can be fitted with a beta/gamma only window, which is less fragile. [There is a Safecast video of this cut-open case [URL??]. This custom nano hangs in the same place on the car’s side window, with the thin film covered a/b window facing out [??] to measure airborne radioactive particles while driving.] The mylar a/b window is only useful where there are sufficient airborne particles. (Compared to the nuclear particles, the speed and direction of car is negligible. The slowest particle, the high mass alpha has a speed of 15,000 km/s or about 5% of the speed of light. The speed of the beta particle approaches c, the speed of light.)

The Safecast Dataset is represents mobile background readings, not spot measures of items that happens to be in front of you. Hence the two modes on the device - one for logging and one for spot measurements. Monitoring use and data submission to gets further mention below: in Mode uses; in Uploading data via your API to Safecast dataset. [Perhaps this should be more clearly stated on the api webpage. Hopefully a guide to monitoring and submitting logs to data-shared projects or successive revisions of this operation manual will explain this point clearly enough for novice Nano users. For reliability of the Safecast dataset, perhaps need guide rules for mobile monitoring in api web page?]

Removing the nano from its case allows detection of nearby beta activity [within a few [X??] centimeters]. The pancake is actually much more sensitive to beta than gamma, so any beta source should give a clear response. Carefully hold the sensor close to the surface as beta particles lose much of their energy in air. In anycase leave the glued metal grill on the pancake sensor. (Again, the grid only blocks a few per cent of radiation. Be careful not to get any water on the sensor itself as it will damage it. This is repeated in the section Hardware Cautions, water not in the nano and not in the sensor.)

Although the bGeigie Nano is designed to measure alpha- and beta-radiation in addition to gamma-radiation, its detection of radiation from a liquid is at best an indication. Fluid actually blocks radiation. As water shields everything coming to the sensor from below, water typically measures lower than its actual level. The only radiation that will reach the sensor will be from above, and a certain amount of activity coming from decay of atoms in the sensor itself.

It is very difficult to detect radioactive contamination in food or drink. Food monitoring is best done by a laboratory scintillation counter with chemically processed samples. The Nano’s spot monitoring method of holding nano very close to the food source for at least a one minute provides only a rough indication.-??.

from 01. Introduction: On the continuing development of open-source software, quoting a thread on Nano software which began 10-Nov-2013,!topic/safecast-japan/ne5xjGk0lOQ Rob (roubouden) wrote: …>”Basically Lionel, Robin, Kalin, Joe and me are in charge for software development of the bGiegies. Pieter is coordinating most of the development. Most software is on Github. Intermediate releases are kept off line. Akiba(Chris) is the person who started with Pieter to make the hardware with his company FreakLabs. Naim made the boards for the bGiegienano. Talk with Pieter or Sean about what needs to be done.” [the history of safecast and nano is outside scope of manual. Move delete]

(Legends have it that Safecast began with "Bar Hacking" at the Brazil bar in Tokyo...)