We are a school-based FIRST® Robotics Competition team from Poolesville High School, located in Poolesville, Maryland. Visit our website at https://www.team4099.com/.
- Download and install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.
- Download Gradle and add it to your PATH variable.
- Open IntelliJ and import this project's build.gradle. At this point, IntelliJ should automatically begin downloading the dependencies needed.
- Implement motion profiling for autonomous mode
- Add communication with JeVois Smart Camera for autonomous mode
- Implement pneumatic shifter for drivetrain (teleop use only)
- Implement autoshifting for drivetrain
We used two Xbox controllers (currently using the F310 gamepad by Logitech), one for the driver, who controls the movement of the robot, and one for the operator, who operates each subsystem.