Volatility Plugin to extract VR device information. Searches memory for the chaperone configuration file. Converts and dumps the file chaperone_vis.obj
Example python .\vol.py --plugin vive-dump -f dump.dmp --profile Win10x64_16299 vivedump -N 5
-C --CHAP-FILE Provide Chaperone config file to visualizer (if not found in memory)
-F --FULL-SCAN Scan the entire dump file, default only scans vrmonitor.exe
-N --NUM_DEVICES To specify the number of tracked devices to extract
-V --NO-VIS Turn of Visualization
left/right arrows: move camera along x axis
up/down arrows: move camera along y axis
Red = HMD
Green = Controllers
Blue = Base Stations
- Yara, make sure you download from the developer site and not pip here
- json
python -m pip install json
- pygame
python -m pip install pygame
- opengl
python -m pip install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate
- Need the latest release of volatility. Use the profile
- Need to be able to detect Steam VR Version, so we know which Yara rules and offsets to use
- Find other information about the controllers, eg. Serial #, Firmware, that kind of stuff