Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8
Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14
- The Internet
- Command Line
- VS Code
- Markdown
- Git / Git Workflow
- Basic HTML Elements
- Metadata HTML Elements
- Content Grouping HTML Elements
- Text Level Semantic HTML Elements
- Form HTML Elements
- Content Embedding HTML Elements
- Images / Multimedia HTML Elements
- Global HTML Attributes
- Intro To CSS
- Box Model
- Styling Text
- CSS Layout
- BEM Methodology
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Design Psychology ( User Focused Design)
- Color Theory
- Human Computer Interaction
- Balance
- Typography
- Contrast
- Consistency
- Design Thinking
- Design Systems & Style Guides
- Interaction Design Methodologies: Goal Driven Design, Usability, The Five Dimensions, Cognitive Psychology, and Human Interface Guidelines
- Design Strategy
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Focus Based Elements
- Focus Control
- Skip Links
- Aria
- Color Ratio
- Live Regions
- Categorization
- Naming Conventions
- State- Based Design
ES3 - purpose and how to use
- Types
- Conditionals
- Arrays
- Loops
- Functions
- Objects -Nested Functions
DOM manipulation with JS && jQuery
- Create
- Replace
- Unwrap
- Remove ( Destroy )
- Empty
- Inserting
- Grabbing the Text
- get and set Content
- Append and Prepend
- Wrap
- Clone
- Iteration
- Events
- Effects
- Ajax
- Let and Const
- Arrow Functions
- Default Parameters
- Async/Await
- Promises
- For Of Loops
- Spread Attributes
- Maps
- Sets
- Static Methods
- Getters and Setters
Scope / Closures / Hoisting
- DOM manipulation ( Again)
- Fetch
- Animation and Manipulating Graphics
- Audio And Video APIs
- Device APIs
- Client-side Storage APIs
- Third Party APIs
- Serving to The Web
- Github Pages
- Netifly
- Surge
- Big O
- Recursion
- Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Data Structures
- Set
- Map
- Stack
- Queue
- Data Structures Implementations
- Array List
- Linked List
- Binary Search Tree
- AVL Tree
- Hash Table
- Bloom Filters
- Tree Traversals
- Graphs
- Tries
- Heap Sort
- Radix Sort
- React Basics
- Tooling
- Hooks
- Effects
- React Dev Tools
- Async & Routing
- Class Components
- Error Boundaries
- Context
- Portals
- Set Up
- Outside Data
- Schemas
- Definition Language
- Scalar & Object Types
- Validations
- Query & Mutation Types
- Resolvers
- Interfaces
- Auth
- Introduction
- Layout
- Describe it
- Assertions
- Async tests
- Lifecycle
- Snapshot testing
- Automocking
- Coverage report
- Resume writing
- Github Pruning
- Codepen at least once a week
- Dev.to post once a week
- Daily Code Challenge via Repl.it
- Daily interview Question in code-challenge channel
- Reporting to your assigned team and contributing
- Portfolio Building