This app monitors the submit queue and produces the chart at
It does this with two components:
- a poller, which polls the current state of the queue and appends it to a historical log.
- a grapher, which gets the historical log and renders it into charts.
This folder is organized in the following way:
- base: base image that graph and poll customize
- graph: a python app that downloads the polled history and renders it
- poll: a python app that polls the submit queue every 60s
- queue-health-graph-dev.yaml: test graph-only deployment
- queue-health-prod.yaml: production queue-health deployment
- queue-health.yaml: test queue-health deployment
Expected usage on a cluster whose nodes have a storage-rw or -full scope:
# vim graph/
make -C graph && make -C poll # Make new images
kubectl create -f queue-health.yaml # Deploy them to your cluster
kubectl get pods -l app=queue-health-dev
kubectl logs queue-health-dev-STUFF -c graph
Test changes locally with a bit of docker volume hackery
to send credentials to gsutil.
See the comment above the CMD
in the Dockerfile
of the folder of interest.
However it is probably easier to iterate outside docker: