Numpy Blas:
State of the art in AI:
- In terms of domain X datasets
Cloud providers:
- Nvidia 1070 vs 1080 vs 2080
- Cpu vs GPU benchmarking for CNN\Test\LTSM\BDLTSM - google and amazon vs gpu
- Nvidia GPUs - titax Xp\1080TI\1070 on googlenet
- March\17 - Nvidia GPUs for desktop, in terms of price and cuda units, the bottom line is 1060-1080.
- Another bench up to 2013 - regarding many GPUS vs CPUs in terms of BW
- Comparing accuracy, speed, memory and 2D visualization of classifiers:
SVM, ****k-nearest neighbors, ****Random Forest, ****AdaBoost Classifier, ****Gradient Boosting, ****Naive, Bayes, ****LDA, ****QDA, ****RBMs, ****Logistic Regression, ****RBM + Logistic Regression Classifier
- LSTM vs cuDNN LS1TM - batch size of power 2 matters, the latter is faster.
Scaling networks and predicting performance of NN:
- A great overview of NN types, but the idea behind the video is to create a system that can predict train time and possibly accuracy when scaling networks using multiple GPUs, there is also a nice slide about general hardware recommendations.