██████ ██ ████ █████
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ STACK ██
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ Network Without
██ ██ ████ █████ Super Node
Pico-stack is a virtual p2p machine
It allows you to build Progressive Web Apps that work completely without a server/backend/REST-API and without a central database.
If you stash your entire Backend inside Frontend you get "Blockend".
- picofeed Ultra-portable secure feed/chain-of-blocks
- picostore Redux-like state machine.
- piconet Internet Protocol redesigned for P2P, provides a stateless and easy to use alternative to network streams.
- Modem56 hyperswarm to pico-net converter.
- nuro A pure functional approach to reactive store pattern, design your own reactive neural pathways, completely framework agnostic.
- HyperSimulator Run dat/hyper-apps in an in-memory swarm and watch the chaos unfold.
- picorepo Lightweight persistent block store ontop of leveldb/leveljs.
Use the project template:
npx degit telamon/pico-template my-project
Check the README.md
in the generated folder.
Extend SimpleKernel
when starting new.
// blockend.js
import { SimpleKernel } from 'picostack'
const { decodeBlock } = SimpleKernel
class Kernel extends SimpleKernel {
constructor(db) {
// Register reducer - see picostore docs
name: 'clock', // slice name
initialValue: 0, // initial state
filter ({ block }) { // network-consensus
const { type, time } = decodeBlock(block.body)
if (type !== 'tick') return true // silent ignore
if (time > Date.now()) return 'TimestampFromFuture'
reducer ({ block }) { // mutate state
const { time } = decodeBlock(block.body)
return time
// Create action
async createTick () {
const feed = await this.createBlock(
'tick', // BlockType:string
{ time: Date.now() } // Payload:any
return feed.last.sig // block-id
async function main() {
// Spawn 2 peers
const alice = new Kernel(memdown())
await alice.boot()
const bob = new Kernel(memdown())
await bob.boot()
// Attach state-observers
alice.store.on('clock', state => console.log('Alice:', state))
bob.store.on('clock', state => console.log('Bob:', state))
// Wire up
await alice.createTick()
// Both kernels logs new state
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If you're reading this it means that the docs are missing or in a bad state.
Writing and maintaining friendly and useful documentation takes
effort and time.
| |
| - Open an issue if you have questions! |
| - Star this repo if you found it interesting |
| - Fork off & help document <3 |
| - Say Hi! :) https://discord.gg/8RMRUPZ9RS |
2022 © Tony Ivanov