Fusion would like to extend its gratitude to the Ethereum Foundation. Fusion has used the official open-source golang implementation of the Ethereum protocol.
The fastest way to get a node up and running and to start staking is by using the FUSION Node Manager bash script. In order to utilize the script execute the following command, press 1 and follow the steps.
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUSIONFoundation/efsn/master/QuickNodeSetup/fsnNode.sh -o fsnNode.sh && sudo bash fsnNode.sh
Below are instructions on how to run the docker images of efsn to support a staking node or gateway.
A quick setup script and example video is also provided which can be found at this link. This shows how to quickly setup a staking node.
Change the parameter YOURDIRECTORY
to your local directory
docker pull fusionnetwork/efsn2:latest
- With auto-purchase tickets disabled
docker run -it -p 40408:40408 -v YOURDIRECTORY:/fusion-node fusionnetwork/efsn2 -u <account to unlock> -e MyFusionMiner
- With auto-purchase tickets enabled
docker run -it -p 40408:40408 -v YOURDIRECTORY:/fusion-node fusionnetwork/efsn2 -u <account to unlock> -e MyFusionMiner -a
docker build --file Dockerfile -t YOUR-DOCKER-HUB-ID/efsn2 .
docker run -it -p 40408:40408 -v YOURDIRECTORY:/fusion-node fusionnetwork/efsn2 -u <account to unlock> -e MyFusionMiner -a
Remember to:
with your valid Docker Hub id. -
Put your keystore file in
Put the password.txt file in:
(Optional) Add flag "-a" or "--autobt" to enabled auto-purchase tickets.
Note: The password file must be named password.txt and the keystore file name must start with UTC...
Change the parameter YOURDIRECTORY
to your local directory
docker pull fusionnetwork/gateway2:latest
docker run -it -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 -p 40408:40408 -v YOURDIRECTORY:/fusion-node fusionnetwork/gateway2
docker build --file Dockerfile.gtw -t YOUR-DOCKER-HUB-ID/gateway2 .
docker run -it -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 -p 40408:40408 -v YOURDIRECTORY:/fusion-node YOUR-DOCKER-HUB-ID/gateway2
Remember to replace YOUR-DOCKER-HUB-ID
with your valid Docker Hub id.
You can now connect via ws://localhost:9001
Change the parameter YOURDIRECTORY
to your local directory
docker pull fusionnetwork/minerandlocalgateway2:latest
- With auto-purchase tickets disabled
docker run -it -p -p -p 40408:40408 -v YOURDIRECTORY:/fusion-node fusionnetwork/minerandlocalgateway2 -u <account to unlock> -e MyFusionMinerAndLocalGateway
- With auto-purchase tickets enabled
docker run -it -p -p -p 40408:40408 -v YOURDIRECTORY:/fusion-node fusionnetwork/minerandlocalgateway2 -u <account to unlock> -e MyFusionMinerAndLocalGateway -a
docker build --file Dockerfile.minerLocalGtw -t YOUR-DOCKER-HUB-ID/minerandlocalgateway2 .
docker run -it -p -p -p 40408:40408 -v YOURDIRECTORY:/fusion-node YOUR-DOCKER-HUB-ID/minerandlocalgateway2 -u <account to unlock> -e MyFusionMinerAndLocalGateway
Remember to:
with your valid Docker Hub id. -
Put your keystore file in
Put the password.txt file in:
(Optional) Add flag "-a" or "--autobt" to enabled auto-purchase tickets.
Note: The password file must be named password.txt and the keystore file name must start with UTC...
You can now connect via ws://localhost:9001
To run a miner on Ubuntu, please use the following guide.
Open up the terminal and execute these commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker.io
Now it is time to pay attention, since we need to have all directories set up correctly.
Replace the following to match your local environment:
= (example: /var/lib/fusion)
= (example: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') | Note : Single quotes must not be removed.
= (example: MyFusionNode)
Type in: sudo nano runpsn.sh
Paste the following line with your corresponding replacements:
sudo docker run -it -p 40408:40408 -v YOURDIRECTORY:/fusion-node fusionnetwork/efsn2 -u YOURWALLETADDRESS -e NAMEOFYOURNODE
Save the file by hitting CTRL+O
and exit nano by pressing CTRL+X
We now have to make the file executable. Run the following command:
sudo chmod +x runpsn.sh
Put your keystore into YOURDIRECTORY
. If the directory doesn't exist yet, create it like this:
sudo mkdir -p YOURDIRECTORY
Also put a file called password.txt into the same directory. It must contain only the password for the keystore.
Note: The password file must be named password.txt and the keystore file name must start with UTC...
Now start the miner by running:
sudo ./runpsn.sh
Your miner is now set up successfully. Note that you also have to buy tickets to participate in staking.
The API reference can be found here
Building efsn requires both a Go (version 1.11 or later) and a C compiler. You can install them using your favourite package manager.
On Ubuntu 18.04, run these commands to build efsn:
add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
apt-get update
apt-get install golang-go build-essential
git clone https://github.com/FUSIONFoundation/efsn.git
cd efsn
make efsn
The fusion project comes with several wrappers/executables found in the cmd
Command | Description |
efsn |
Our main Fusion CLI client. It is the entry point into the fusion network (main-, test- or private net), capable of running as a full node (default), archive node (retaining all historical state) or a light node (retrieving data live). It can be used by other processes as a gateway into the fusion network via JSON RPC endpoints exposed on top of HTTP, WebSocket and/or IPC transports. efsn --help and the CLI Wiki page for command line options. |
abigen |
Source code generator to convert Ethereum contract definitions into easy to use, compile-time type-safe Go packages. It operates on plain Ethereum contract ABIs with expanded functionality if the contract bytecode is also available. However it also accepts Solidity source files, making development much more streamlined. Please see our Native DApps wiki page for details. |
bootnode |
Stripped down version of our Fusion client implementation that only takes part in the network node discovery protocol, but does not run any of the higher level application protocols. It can be used as a lightweight bootstrap node to aid in finding peers in private networks. |
evm |
Developer utility version of the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) that is capable of running bytecode snippets within a configurable environment and execution mode. Its purpose is to allow isolated, fine-grained debugging of EVM opcodes (e.g. evm --code 60ff60ff --debug ). |
gethrpctest |
Developer utility tool to support our ethereum/rpc-test test suite which validates baseline conformity to the Ethereum JSON RPC specs. Please see the test suite's readme for details. |
rlpdump |
Developer utility tool to convert binary RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) dumps (data encoding used by the Ethereum protocol both network as well as consensus wise) to user friendlier hierarchical representation (e.g. rlpdump --hex CE0183FFFFFFC4C304050583616263 ). |
swarm |
Swarm daemon and tools. This is the entrypoint for the Swarm network. swarm --help for command line options and subcommands. See Swarm README for more information. |
puppeth |
a CLI wizard that aids in creating a new Ethereum network. |
Going through all the possible command line flags is out of scope here (please consult our CLI Wiki page), but we've enumerated a few common parameter combos to get you up to speed quickly on how you can run your own Efsn instance.
By far the most common scenario is people wanting to simply interact with the Fusion network: create accounts; transfer funds; deploy and interact with contracts. For this particular use-case the user doesn't care about years-old historical data, so we can fast-sync quickly to the current state of the network. To do so:
$ efsn console
This command will:
- Start up efsn's built-in interactive JavaScript console,
(via the trailing
subcommand) through which you can invoke all officialweb3
methods as well as Efsn's own management APIs. This tool is optional and if you leave it out you can always attach to an already running Efsn instance withefsn attach
As a developer, sooner rather than later you'll want to start interacting with efsn and the fusion network via your own programs and not manually through the console. To aid this, Efsn has built-in support for a JSON-RPC based APIs (standard APIs and Efsn specific APIs). These can be exposed via HTTP, WebSockets and IPC (unix sockets on unix based platforms, and named pipes on Windows).
The IPC interface is enabled by default and exposes all the APIs supported by Efsn, whereas the HTTP and WS interfaces need to manually be enabled and only expose a subset of APIs due to security reasons. These can be turned on/off and configured as you'd expect.
HTTP based JSON-RPC API options:
Enable the HTTP-RPC server--rpcaddr
HTTP-RPC server listening interface (default: "localhost")--rpcport
HTTP-RPC server listening port (default: 8545)--rpcapi
API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface (default: "eth,net,web3")--rpccorsdomain
Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)--ws
Enable the WS-RPC server--wsaddr
WS-RPC server listening interface (default: "localhost")--wsport
WS-RPC server listening port (default: 8546)--wsapi
API's offered over the WS-RPC interface (default: "eth,net,web3")--wsorigins
Origins from which to accept websockets requests--ipcdisable
Disable the IPC-RPC server--ipcapi
API's offered over the IPC-RPC interface (default: "admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,shh,txpool,web3")--ipcpath
Filename for IPC socket/pipe within the datadir (explicit paths escape it)
You'll need to use your own programming environments' capabilities (libraries, tools, etc) to connect via HTTP, WS or IPC to a Efsn node configured with the above flags and you'll need to speak JSON-RPC on all transports. You can reuse the same connection for multiple requests!
Note: Please understand the security implications of opening up an HTTP/WS based transport before doing so! Hackers on the internet are actively trying to subvert Fusion nodes with exposed APIs! Further, all browser tabs can access locally running webservers, so malicious webpages could try to subvert locally available APIs!
Maintaining your own private network is more involved as a lot of configurations taken for granted in the official networks need to be manually set up.
First, you'll need to create the genesis state of your networks, which all nodes need to be aware of
and agree upon. This consists of a small JSON file (e.g. call it genesis.json
"config": {
"chainId": 0,
"homesteadBlock": 0,
"eip155Block": 0,
"eip158Block": 0
"alloc" : {},
"coinbase" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"difficulty" : "0x20000",
"extraData" : "",
"gasLimit" : "0x2fefd8",
"nonce" : "0x0000000000000042",
"mixhash" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"parentHash" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"timestamp" : "0x00"
The above fields should be fine for most purposes, although we'd recommend changing the nonce
some random value so you prevent unknown remote nodes from being able to connect to you. If you'd
like to pre-fund some accounts for easier testing, you can populate the alloc
field with account
"alloc": {
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001": {"balance": "111111111"},
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002": {"balance": "222222222"}
With the genesis state defined in the above JSON file, you'll need to initialize every Efsn node with it prior to starting it up to ensure all blockchain parameters are correctly set:
$ efsn init path/to/genesis.json
With all nodes that you want to run initialized to the desired genesis state, you'll need to start a bootstrap node that others can use to find each other in your network and/or over the internet. The clean way is to configure and run a dedicated bootnode:
$ bootnode --genkey=boot.key
$ bootnode --nodekey=boot.key
With the bootnode online, it will display an enode
that other nodes can use to connect to it and exchange peer information. Make sure to replace the
displayed IP address information (most probably [::]
) with your externally accessible IP to get the
actual enode
Note: You could also use a full fledged Efsn node as a bootnode, but it's the less recommended way.
With the bootnode operational and externally reachable (you can try telnet <ip> <port>
to ensure
it's indeed reachable), start every subsequent Efsn node pointed to the bootnode for peer discovery
via the --bootnodes
flag. It will probably also be desirable to keep the data directory of your
private network separated, so do also specify a custom --datadir
$ efsn --datadir=path/to/custom/data/folder --bootnodes=<bootnode-enode-url-from-above>
Note: Since your network will be completely cut off from the main and test networks, you'll also need to configure a miner to process transactions and create new blocks for you.
Thank you for considering to help out with the source code! We welcome contributions from anyone on the internet, and are grateful for even the smallest of fixes!
If you'd like to contribute to fusion, please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base. If you wish to submit more complex changes though, please check up with the core devs first on our gitter channel to ensure those changes are in line with the general philosophy of the project and/or get some early feedback which can make both your efforts much lighter as well as our review and merge procedures quick and simple.
Please make sure your contributions adhere to our coding guidelines:
- Code must adhere to the official Go formatting guidelines (i.e. uses gofmt).
- Code must be documented adhering to the official Go commentary guidelines.
- Pull requests need to be based on and opened against the
branch. - Commit messages should be prefixed with the package(s) they modify.
- E.g. "eth, rpc: make trace configs optional"
Please see the Developers' Guide for more details on configuring your environment, managing project dependencies and testing procedures.
The fusion and go-ethereum library (i.e. all code outside of the cmd
directory) is licensed under the
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0, also
included in our repository in the COPYING.LESSER
The fusion and go-ethereum binaries (i.e. all code inside of the cmd
directory) is licensed under the
GNU General Public License v3.0, also included
in our repository in the COPYING