- appdmg (
npm install -g appdmg
) - xcpretty (
gem install xcpretty
) - Xcode 8.3.3 from https://developer.apple.com/download/more
- Install it in
, and rename it "XCode8" if you already have a Different Xcode version installed.
- Install it in
- Xcode command line tools
You probably want to bump the version of the installer in both the "Bundle version" (CFBundleVersion) and the "Bundle version string, short" (CFBundleShortVersionString) in Installer/Info.plist.
Prepare your Xcode environment:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode8.app/Contents/Developer
Install the developer certificate chain by cloning the
repo, and installing
(there's a password
file in the same directory).
Open Xcode 8, go to "Xcode -> Preferences...", go to the "Accounts"
tab, and click the + to "Add Apple ID...". Enter the gmail address
and Apple password found in the credentials/apple-dev.txt
file in
the above-mentioned meta
Then you should be ready to build:
./build/KeybaseInstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/Keybase --app-path=/Applications/Keybase.app --run-mode=prod --timeout=10 --install-helper
Upload the build KeybaseInstaller-x.y.z-darwin.tgz to the s3://prerelease.keybase.io/darwin-package folder.
Update the scripts that reference the older version such to include this version:
The installer is bundled into the Keybase.app, in Keybase.app/Contents/Resources/KeybaseInstaller.app