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An unofficial NodeJS library that encapsulates the Tesla RESTful API. This library currently supports all existing Tesla vehicles.


First, it is important to acknowledge that there are already several very good Javascript libraries available for the Tesla. So why create another one? Rather than contribute to or modify one or more of the existing libraries, this library was created for two main reasons:

  1. The anticipated need for a few small but important features that existing libraries did not provide
  2. I was looking for a personal opportunity to learn more about the Tesla REST API, NodeJS, Express and Git/GitHub

Notable Features

With the introduction of the new OAuth-based owner API, one of the features I wanted was the ability to make API callswithout having to login each time a new process was invoked. Many existing libraries require a login transaction with each initiation of the library. With the TeslaJS library, once an auth token is retrieved it can be cached and used to make other Tesla REST API calls. For certain use cases, notably server logging of multiple vehicles, this can be important for moderating load on the Tesla login servers.

This is also important if you want to use the library to do server-based data logging. It is generally safer to store an OAuth token on the server rather than logon credentials. If the server is compromised only the OAuth token is at risk and all existing tokens can be invalidated by changing the password on the account.

Another feature that I wanted was API stateless-ness (achieved via an options parameter to API calls) so that it was possible to use the library to make multiple overlapping async calls for different vehicles for data-logging.


We've recently added auto-generated documentation via jsdocs. See the DOCS for a mostly complete reference. Please let us know if you see something missing and we'll continue to expand.

Project Principles

This project has a few principles that have and will continue to guide its development.

  1. Dependency lean. Try to keep the required dependencies to a minimum.
  2. Comprehensive. Attempt to expose the full Tesla REST API surface area.
  3. Simple. Using the library should be simple and straightforward following common conventions.
  4. Server friendly. Provide for use based on auth tokens and avoid requiring access to passwords.


Contributions are welcome, particularly bug fixes and enhancements! Refer to our Contribution Guidelines for details.

Please note that Project owners reserve the right to accept or reject any PR for any reason.

Code of Conduct

Before contributing or participating in the TeslaJS community please be sure to familiarize yourself with our project code of conduct. These guidelines are intended to govern interactions with and within the TeslaJS community.

What's New!

You can read the complete history of changes in the CHANGELOG.

Here are some of the more recent features and fixes:

  1. In 2.1.33 fixed homelink sample cmd line parms #84
  2. In 2.1.34 merged PR #85 to add vehicleConfig()
  3. In 2.1.35 added vehicleConfig sample
  4. In 2.1.36 fixed #44 sunroof control and sunroof sample

Known Issues

  1. The homelink API appears to require Autopilot hardware. Can someone with AP test and report back?
  2. Calendar support not yet functional. If someone can share the JSON for a valid calendar request that would help!

Tesla API Documentation

The Tesla REST API encapusulated by this library was documented through the collaboration of many Tesla owners. Please thank and support them for their efforts! The current REST API documentation can be found at:

Note that timdorr has announced plans to migrate the documentation to a new location. This reference will be updated in the future once that migration is complete.

Warranty Disclaimer

You may use this library with the understanding that doing so is AT YOUR OWN RISK. No warranty, express or implied, is made with regards to the fitness or safety of this code for any purpose. If you use this library to query or change settings of your vehicle you understand that it is possible to make changes that could inadvertently lower the security of your vehicle, or cause damage, through actions including but not limited to:

  • Unlocking the vehicle
  • Remotely starting the vehicle
  • Opening the sunroof
  • Opening the frunk or trunk
  • Lowering the battery charge level
  • Impacting the long-term health of your battery

Please be careful not to use this code in a way that loads the Tesla servers with too many with requests. Calling the Tesla REST APIs at a very high frequency will stress the Tesla servers and could get your IP or favorite cloud service blocked by Tesla. Or in the worst case it could cause Tesla to revoke the key that enables access via this and many other libraries.


In order to use the library and/or samples you must first download and install NodeJS.

An installable TeslaJS module for npm is now available.
To download and install the library and all of its dependencies to a local project directory use the following:

npm install teslajs

If you are building an npm package that depends upon this library then you will want to use the --save parameter in order to update the package.json file for your package as follows:

npm install teslajs --save

If you prefer to download and install the library globally for all future node projects you may use:

npm install -g teslajs

You may also install directly from the GitHub source. Either download and unzip the source, or clone the repository.

Remember, whether you install via ZIP source or Git clone you must install the dependencies before using TeslaJS.

To install dependencies via npm, from the root level of the library directory type:

npm install

This library and its accomanying samples are under active development. New features, samples and bug fixes are being added regularly. To ensure that you have the very latest version of TeslaJS and it's dependencies be sure to update frequently.

To do so, from your project directory type:

npm update

Usage Examples

Login Example

As you can see below, it is very simple to login and acquire an OAuth token.

    var tjs = require('TeslaJS');

    var username = "<your MyTesla email>";
    var password = "<your MyTesla password>";

    tjs.login(username, password, function(err, result) {
        if (result.error) {

        var token = JSON.stringify(result.authToken);

        if (token)
            console.log("Login Succesful!");

Note: Currently the only way to invalidate an issued token is to change your MyTesla account password. Therefore, you must take care to properly secure tokens. Do not share them over an unsecure connection, or store them on a public machine.

Vehicles Example

With the OAuth token from a successful login() call you can query the vehicles for the account:

    var options = { authToken: result.authToken };
    tjs.vehicles(options, function (err, vehicle) {
        console.log("Vehicle " + + " is: " + vehicle.state);

Or using the new Async Promise-based calls:

	tjs.vehiclesAsync(options).done(function(vehicle) {
        console.log("Vehicle " + + " is: " + vehicle.state);

Charge State Example

Adding the vehicle ID from a successful vehicles() call to options you can make other Tesla REST calls:

    tjs.chargeState(options, function (err, chargeState) {
        console.log("Current charge level: " + chargeState.battery_level + '%');

And using the new Async Promise-based calls:

	tjs.chargeStateAsync(options).done(function(chargeState) {
        console.log("Current charge level: " + chargeState.battery_level + '%');

Or using the new vehicleData API call:

    tjs.vehicleData(options).done(function(vehicleData) {
        var chargeState = vehicleData.charge_state;
        console.log("Current charge level: " + chargeState.battery_level + '%');

Library Interfaces

The TeslaJS library exports a number of methods and constants. The library also responds to some environment variables.

Environment Variables

ENV variable Description
TESLAJS_LOG if set defines the value of the default logging level
TESLAJS_SERVER if set defines the URI for the Tesla servers (e.g. set to
TESLAJS_STREAMING if set defines the URI for the Tesla streaming servers (e.g. set to

General API calls

Function Description
getLogLevel() gets the level of debug logging
setLogLevel() sets the level of debug logging
getVin() return the VIN from the vehicle object
getShortVin() return short form VIN from the vehicle object
getPortalBaseURI() gets the server URI
setPortalBaseURI() sets the server for testing, pass null to reset
login() authenticate with Tesla servers and retrieve the OAuth token
loginAsync() same as above but returns a Promise
logout() delete the current OAuth token
logoutAsync() same as above but returns a Promise
vehicles() retrieve list of vehicles and return requested vehicle option data
vehicle() same as above
vehiclesAsync() same as above but returns a Promise
vehicleAsync() same as above
allVehicles() return information and option data for all vehicles
allVehiclesAsync() same as above but returns a Promise
getModel(vehicle) returns the Tesla model as a string from vehicle object
getPaintColor(vehicle) returns the paint color as a string from vehicle object

NodeJS Callback (nodeback) style API calls for a given vehicle id

Function Description
chargeState() retrieve the charge_state data
chargeStandard() set the charge limit to 90%
chargeMaxRange() sets the charge limit to 100%
climateState() retrieve the climate_state data
climateStart() turn on the HVAC system
climateStop() turn off the HVAC system
closeChargePort() close the charge port on appropriately equipped vehicles
doorLock() locks the doors
doorUnlock() unlocks the doors
driveState() retrieve the drive_state data
flashLights() flashes the headlights
guiSettings() retrieves the GUI settings
homelink() Triggers homelink from the vehicle
honkHorn() honks the horn
mobileEnabled() returns whether mobile access is enabled
startCharge() initiates a charging session
stopCharge() terminates a charging session
openChargePort() opens the charge port, or releases the latch if the charge port is open, a cable is plugged in, and charging is stopped
openTrunk() open the trunk or frunk
refreshToken() retrieve new OAuth token from refresh token
remoteStart() enables remote starting of the car
resetValetPin() reset the valet pin
setChargeLimit() sets the charge limit to a specific amount
setTemps() set driver/passenger temp set points (in Deg.C)
setValetMode() set/reset valet mode
startStreaming() initiate a streaming data session
sunRoofControl() put the sunroof into a specific state
sunRoofMove() open the sunroof to a specific percent
vehicleData() retrieve all vehicle state data in a single call
vehicleConfig() retrieve the vehicle_config data
vehicleState() retrieve the vehicle_state data
wakeUp() attempt to wake a sleeping vehicle

Promise based API calls for a given vehicle id

Function Description
chargeStateAsync() retrieve the charge_state data
chargeStandardAsync() set the charge limit to 90%
chargeMaxRangeAsync() sets the charge limit to 100%
climateStateAsync() retrieve the climate_state data
climateStartAsync() turn on the HVAC system
climateStopAsync() turn off the HVAC system
closeChargePortAsync() close the charge port on appropriately equipped vehicles
doorLockAsync() locks the doors
doorUnlockAsync() unlocks the doors
driveStateAsync() retrieve the drive_state data
flashLightsAsync() flashes the headlights
guiSettingsAsync() retrieves the GUI settings
homelinkAsync() Triggers homelink from the vehicle
honkHornAsync() honks the horn
mobileEnabledAsync() returns whether mobile access is enabled
startChargeAsync() initiates a charging session
stopChargeAsync() terminates a charging session
openChargePortAsync() opens the charge port, or releases the latch if the charge port is open, a cable is plugged in, and charging is stopped
openTrunkAsync() open the trunk or frunk
refreshTokenAsync() retrieve new OAuth token from refresh token
remoteStartAsync() enables remote starting of the car
resetValetPinAsync() reset the valet pin
setChargeLimitAsync() sets the charge limit to a specific amount
setTempsAsync() set driver/passenger temp set points (in Deg.C)
setValetModeAsync() set/reset valet mode
startStreamingAsync() initiate a streaming data session
sunRoofControlAsync() put the sunroof into a specific state
sunRoofMoveAsync() open the sunroof to a specific percent
vehicleDataAsync() retrieve all vehicle state data in a single call
vehicleConfigAsync() retrieve the vehicle_config data
vehicleStateAsync() retrieve the vehicle_state data
wakeUpAsync() attempt to wake a sleeping vehicle

Library exported constants

Constant Description
streamingPortal the URI for the streaming API portal
portal the base URI for the OAuth-based API portal
API_LOG_ALWAYS log this message always
API_CALL_LEVEL log all API calls
API_RETURN_LEVEL log all API calls and completions
API_REQUEST_LEVEL log all API requests
API_RESPONSE_LEVEL log all API responses
API_BODY_LEVEL log calls and completions as well as the body of POST commands
API_LOG_ALL the highest level of logging
CHARGE_STORAGE charge to 50%
CHARGE_STANDARD charge to 90%
CHARGE_RANGE charge to 100%. Tesla recommends against frequent usage!
MAX_TEMP maximum temperature for climate system
MIN_TEMP minimum temperature for climate system
SUNROOF_CLOSED closes the sunroof
SUNROOF_VENT open the sunroof to the vent position
streamingColumns an array of the available streaming columns

Most of the APIs take both an options parameter and an optional callback function. The options parameter must always contain a property called authToken that contains the OAuth token returned from a successfull login(). For all APIs that act on a specific vehicle the options parameter must also contain a vehicleID member that contains the long vehicle ID value returned from a successful call to vehicles().

By default the vehicles() API returns information on the first vehicle returned. By providing a carIndex member in the options parameter information on a specific vehicle can be queried.


A number of samples are provided in the Examples directory. These demonstrate some basic usage scenarios for the library. To use the samples first:

cd Examples

After running the login sample an auth token will be cached locally.
If you prefer to avoid keeping an auth token on your machine, provide login credentials on the command line for each sample. This will perform a login request and keep the token only for the duration of the sample. The difference lies in whether you are more comfortable with the security of a file associated with an account in your file system vs. the visibility of your login credentials in the process table for the lifetime of the sample.

List of Samples

Sample Description
login Login and acquire an OAuth token. Cached to the local directory
logout Delete the locally cached OAuth token if present
climate Display the current state of the HVAC system
climateStart Turn on the HVAC system
climateStop Turn off the HVAC system
flashLights Flash the headlights
geoloc Display the current GPS location of the vehicle
guiSettings Display the current unit format settings
homelink Trigger homelink (note appears to require AP hardware)
honkHorn Honk the horn
lock Lock the car doors
mobileEnabled Display whether remote access is enabled
odometer Displays the current odometer value
openChargePort Opens the charge port, or releases the latch if the charge port is open, a cable is plugged in, and charging is stopped
resetValetPin Resets the valet mode pin
remoteStart Enables driving without the key fob present
setChargeLimit Set the battery charge limit to the given value
setTemps Set the driver and passenger temperatures to the given value
simpleStreaming Demonstrates basic use of the streaming API
soc Displays the current battery State of Charge (SOC) for the vehicle
startCharge Initiate a charging session
stopCharge Terminate a charging session
sunroof Control the sunroof. Be careful!
unlock Unlock the car doors
valet Enable or disable valet mode
vehicle Retrieve and display information on the current vehicle state
vehicleConfig Retrieve and display information on the current vehicle configuration
wakeup Send a wakeup command to the vehicle


This sample demonstrates the basic login process which returns the OAuth token required for other API calls. The sample writes out a file called .token which stores the OAuth token. Other samples will use this cached token if present to avoid the need to enter the username and password and login via the Tesla servers.

If you prefer not to have your OAuth token stored locally do not run this sample. Instead you may run the samples and provide the username and password each time on the command line.


node login.js [options] username password


-h, --help               output usage information
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample deletes the locally cached .token file if present.


node logout.js


This sample retrieves and displays the climate_state data on the HVAC system of the vehicle.


node climate.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates turning on the HVAC system of the vehicle.


node climateStart.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates turning off the HVAC system of the vehicle.


node climateStop.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates flashing the headlights of the vehicle.


node flashLights.js [options]

-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample retrieves and displays information on the location and driving state of the car using the drive_state query.


node geoloc.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-g, --geocode            geocode (reverse geocode to nearest address)
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample retrieves and displays the current display formats for the user interface.


node guiSettings.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates triggering homelink via the vehicle.

Note: This feature appears to be tied to the presence of Autopilot hardware and software. Looking for validation on both AP and pre-AP vehicles.


node homelink.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates honking the horn of the vehicle.


node honkHorn.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates locking the doors of the vehicle.


node lock.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample retrieves and displays whether mobile access is enabled.


node mobileEnabled.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample retrieves and displays the current vehicle odometer value.


node odometer.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample sends the command to open the charge port, or to release the latch if the charge port is open, a cable is plugged in, and charging is stopped.


node openChargePort.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample enables remotely starting the vehicle without a key fob present. Note that the password parameter is required in this sample.


node remoteStart.js [options] password


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample attempts to reset the current valet pin.


node resetValetPin.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample sets the current battery charge limit to the given value.


node setChargeLimit.js [options] number|standard|storage|range


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample sets the driver and passenger temperature to the given value.


node setTemps.js [options] temperature


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates basic use of the streaming API to retrieve real-time vehicle data.


node simpleStreaming.js [options] username


-h, --help               output usage information
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample retrieves the charge_state information and displays the charge limit, the current vehicle charge level, and the ideal, rated and projected range.


node soc.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates how to initiate a charging session.


node startCharge.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates how to terminate a charging session.


node stopCharge.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates controlling the panoramic sunroof if present.


node sunroof.js [options] close|vent


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample demonstrates unlocking the doors of the vehicle.


node unlock.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample retrives and displays several elements of data returned from the vehicle_state REST API.


node vehicle.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample retrives and displays several elements of data returned from the vehicle_config REST API.


node vehicleConfig.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample enables or disables valet mode.


node valet.js [options] ON|OFF pincode


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.


This sample sends a wakeup signal to wake a vehicle in sleep mode.


node wakeup.js [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-u, --username [string]  username (needed only if token not cached)
-p, --password [string]  password (needed only if token not cached)	
-i, --index <n>          vehicle index (first car by default)
-U, --uri [string]       URI of test server (e.g.

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