wordlist2dawg - convert a wordlist to a DAWG for Tesseract
wordlist2dawg WORDLIST DAWG lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg -t WORDLIST DAWG lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg -r 1 WORDLIST DAWG lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg -r 2 WORDLIST DAWG lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg -l <short> <long> WORDLIST DAWG lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg(1) converts a wordlist to a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) for use with Tesseract. A DAWG is a compressed, space and time efficient representation of a word list.
-t Verify that a given dawg file is equivalent to a given wordlist.
-r 1 Reverse a word if it contains an RTL character.
-r 2 Reverse all words.
-l <short> <long> Produce a file with several dawgs in it, one each for words of length <short>, <short+1>,… <long>
WORDLIST A plain text file in UTF-8, one word per line.
DAWG The output DAWG to write.
lang.unicharset The unicharset of the language. This is the unicharset generated by mftraining(1).
tesseract(1), combine_tessdata(1), dawg2wordlist(1)