Last update of the README on 29 June 2020
Various scripts to maintain and manage MySense measurements.
MySense measurements from the measurements kits arrive via LoRaWan (The Things Network) to a server which interfaces to Internet via Mosquitto (MQTT).
From there TTN-datacollector will do data acqui9sition into a MySQL database, forward measurements to various data portals like and dependent (sub) dataportals like RIVM Nld, AirTube, etc., as well maintain/manage the measurements via email/Slack notices. In this way keep track of the behaviour of known, noit yet regsitrated measurement kit and out of band measurements and kit events.
Use: data acquisition, data forwarding, kit maintenance
Use --help option to obtain various options. The data collector will use a color scheme to prioritise messages and loggings. The data collector is able to log to a pipe. TTN-datacollector has a monitor output channel to view status.
TTN-datacollector will use various general library routines. The library routines can be used stand alone. Like:
- logging routines (multi threaded)
- full output to terminal
- forwarder to
- forwarder to MySQL measurements database
- logging
- website database interface
- synchronize meta info between data DB and web CMS DB (Drupal)
- update meta info in data DB from (json format) admin info
Use: database library module and meta info DB insertion The module can be used in stand alone version. The use is to insert meta measurement kit information (location, oeperational details, ect) into the database tables Sensors (lataion details,...) and TTNtable (TTN forwarding, database data forwarding).
Use: visualisation, data filtering, data correction, calibration
Bash shell script a wrapper to maintain (filter spikes) measurements in the database, generate various graphs on CMS (Drupal) website, generate overviews of measurements, etc.
The script uses (spikes removal), (HighCharts website page graphs).
Use: meta data maintenance
Synchronize and update visa versa measurement kit meta information between website database pages and measurements database. SyncWebDB uses (website database interface), (LKI marker coloring) and (measurements database interface).
Use: check for malfunctioning and not active measurement kits over a long period. Send notices if problems are detected.
Use DB environment variables for database credentials definitions. REGION and arguments may be string patterns as supported by regexp of MySQL. Use command help for help. Script will save dates of sent notices and will only resend email notices again after 3 days.
Use: meta information measurement kit datanbase synchronisation
Uses environment settings for database credentials. Can be in interactive mode to manually correct meta info values. MyAdmin script may use this script to synchronize meta info from data DB with CMS DB. Can operate in 3 modes: . Can be used to synchronisize databases on last time updated base as well. . Synchronize from data DB towards web CMNSA database and other way around.
Use: get sensor measurements corrected for supported sensor type correction algorithm templates
Can be use in different scripts to correct the sensor measurement on type by different manuafacturers. The algoritm is based on regression statistics on half year period on a governementa air quality station in Vredepeel, Holland.: Nova, Sensirion, Plantower, and BAM1020 dust sensors. In time to be completed with other sensor types.
Use: import (new, update) meta info measurement kit in data database.
Can be used in interactive mode. Default the script will try to synchronize meta info towards the web CMS (Drupal) database as well if database credentials are provided via CLI environment settings, e.g. DBHOST, DBUSER, WEBHOST, WEBUSER, etc. Can be used to output current database meta info for a range (regular expression) of measurement kits in json format to export meta info.
Use: vai import or standalone for TTN payload decoding tests
Supports TTN V2 and V3 stack MQTT produced records. Module when used a standalone can read records from stdin eg via mqtt_subscribe some_options | python(2/3) for test purposes.