An annotation plugin for Chart.js >= 3.0.0
For Chart.js 2.4.0 to 2.9.x support, use version 0.5.7 of this plugin
This plugin draws lines and boxes on the chart area.
Annotations work with line, bar, scatter and bubble charts that use linear, logarithmic, time, or category scales. Annotations will not work on any chart that does not have exactly two axes, including pie, radar, and polar area charts.
To configure the annotations plugin, you can simply add new config options to your chart config.
plugins: {
annotation: {
// Defines when the annotations are drawn.
// This allows positioning of the annotation relative to the other
// elements of the graph.
// Should be one of: afterDraw, afterDatasetsDraw, beforeDatasetsDraw
// See
drawTime: 'afterDatasetsDraw', // (default)
// Mouse events to enable on each annotation.
// Should be an array of one or more browser-supported mouse events
// See
events: ['click'],
// Double-click speed in ms used to distinguish single-clicks from
// double-clicks whenever you need to capture both. When listening for
// both click and dblclick, click events will be delayed by this
// amount.
dblClickSpeed: 350, // ms (default)
// Array of annotation configuration objects
// See below for detailed descriptions of the annotation options
annotations: [{
drawTime: 'afterDraw', // overrides annotation.drawTime if set
id: 'a-line-1', // optional
type: 'line',
mode: 'horizontal',
scaleID: 'y',
value: '25',
borderColor: 'red',
borderWidth: 2,
// Fires when the user clicks this annotation on the chart
// (be sure to enable the event in the events array below).
onClick: function(e) {
// `this` is bound to the annotation element
Vertical or horizontal lines are supported.
type: 'line',
// optional drawTime to control layering, overrides global drawTime setting
drawTime: 'afterDatasetsDraw',
// optional annotation ID (must be unique)
id: 'a-line-1',
// set to 'vertical' to draw a vertical line
mode: 'horizontal',
// ID of the scale to bind onto
scaleID: 'y',
// Data value to draw the line at
value: 25,
// Optional value at which the line draw should end
endValue: 26,
// Line color
borderColor: 'red',
// Line width
borderWidth: 2,
// Line dash
borderDash: [2, 2],
// Line Dash Offset
borderDashOffset: 5,
label: {
// Background color of label, default below
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)',
font: {
// Font family of text, inherits from global
family: "sans-serif",
// Font size of text, inherits from global
size: 12,
// Font style of text, default below
style: "bold",
// Font color of text, default below
color: "#fff",
// Padding of label to add left/right, default below
xPadding: 6,
// Padding of label to add top/bottom, default below
yPadding: 6,
// Radius of label rectangle, default below
cornerRadius: 6,
// Anchor position of label on line, can be one of: top, bottom, left, right, center. Default below.
position: "center",
// Adjustment along x-axis (left-right) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
// For horizontal lines positioned left or right, negative values move
// the label toward the edge, and positive values toward the center.
xAdjust: 0,
// Adjustment along y-axis (top-bottom) of label relative to above number (can be negative)
// For vertical lines positioned top or bottom, negative values move
// the label toward the edge, and positive values toward the center.
yAdjust: 0,
// Whether the label is enabled and should be displayed
enabled: true,
// Text to display in label - default is null. Provide an array to display values on a new line
content: "Test label",
// Rotation of label, in degrees, default is 0
rotation: 90
// Mouse event handlers - be sure to enable the corresponding events in the
// annotation events array or the event handler will not be called.
// See for a list of
// supported mouse events.
onMouseenter: function(e) {},
onMouseover: function(e) {},
onMouseleave: function(e) {},
onMouseout: function(e) {},
onMousemove: function(e) {},
onMousedown: function(e) {},
onMouseup: function(e) {},
onClick: function(e) {},
onDblclick: function(e) {},
onContextmenu: function(e) {},
onWheel: function(e) {}
Box annotations are supported. If one of the axes is not specified, the box will take the entire chart dimension.
The 4 coordinates, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax are optional. If not specified, the box is expanded out to the edges
type: 'box',
// optional drawTime to control layering, overrides global drawTime setting
drawTime: 'beforeDatasetsDraw',
// optional annotation ID (must be unique)
id: 'a-box-1',
// ID of the X scale to bind onto
xScaleID: 'x',
// ID of the Y scale to bind onto
yScaleID: 'y',
// Left edge of the box. in units along the x axis
xMin: 25,
// Right edge of the box
xMax: 40,
// Top edge of the box in units along the y axis
yMax: 20,
// Bottom edge of the box
yMin: 15,
// Stroke color
borderColor: 'red',
// Stroke width
borderWidth: 2,
// Fill color
backgroundColor: 'green',
// Mouse event handlers - be sure to enable the corresponding events in the
// annotation events array or the event handler will not be called.
// See for a list of
// supported mouse events.
onMouseenter: function(e) {},
onMouseover: function(e) {},
onMouseleave: function(e) {},
onMouseout: function(e) {},
onMousemove: function(e) {},
onMousedown: function(e) {},
onMouseup: function(e) {},
onClick: function(e) {},
onDblclick: function(e) {},
onContextmenu: function(e) {},
onWheel: function(e) {}
The following features still need to be done:
- Box annotation labels
- Point annotations
- Text annotations
To download a zip, go to the Chart.Annotation.js on Github
To install via npm:
npm install chartjs-plugin-annotation --save
Prior to v0.2.0 this plugin was known as Chart.Annotation.js. You can still install this old version via NPM.
You can find documentation for Chart.js at
Before submitting an issue or a pull request to the project, please take a moment to look over the contributing guidelines first.
Chart.Annotation.js is available under the MIT license.