[Option] Create a conda virtual environment and activate it:
pip install conda
conda create -n open-mmlab python=3.7 -y
conda activate open-mmlab
Clone mmskeleton from github:
git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmskeleton.git
cd mmskeleton
Install the mmskeleton:
python setup.py develop
Sometimes mmdet
may be not installed successfully. In that case, please install mmdet manually.
Then run above command again.
To verify that mmskeleton installed correctly, use:
python mmskl.py pose_demo [--gpus $GPUS]
# or "python mmskl.py pose_demo_HD [--gpus $GPUS]" for a higher accuracy
An generated video as below will be saved under the prompted path.
Any application in mmskeleton is described by a configuration file. That can be started by a uniform command:
python mmskl.py $CONFIG_FILE [--options $OPTHION]
which is equivalent to
mmskl $CONFIG_FILE [--options $OPTHION]
Optional arguments options
is defined in the configuration file.
You can check them via:
mmskl $CONFIG_FILE -h
See START_RECOGNITION.md for learning how to train a model for skeleton-based action recognitoin.
See CUSTOM_DATASET for building your own skeleton-based dataset.
See CREATE_APPLICATION for creating your own mmskeleton application.