Findy-agent is a Go package and command. It implements a multi-tenant identity agency for Aries protocols. However, it's not an Aries mediator; even it's very similar because all of its communication protocols are DIDComm-based. It offers a way to allocate Cloud Agent for any Edge Agent who is bound to the same ecosystem.
Please be noted that the whole Findy Agency is still under construction, and there are many missing features for full production use. However, it's currently tested for an extended period of pilot and development use, where it's proven to be stable and scalable. The current focus of the project is to offer an efficient and straightforward multi-tenant agency with Aries compatible agent protocols.
You can use the agency and related Go packages roughly for four purposes:
As a service agency for multiple Edge Agents to allocate Cloud Agents. Allocated CAs implement Aries agent-to-agent protocols and interoperability.
As a CLI tool for setting up Edge Agent wallets, creating schemas and credential definitions into the wallet and writing them to the ledger. You don't need to use or install indy CLI.
As an admin tool to monitor and maintain an agency.
As a framework to implement Service Agents like issuers and verifiers.
To be able to onboard, allocate an agent, the client, and the agency must
share the same salt
. Please see the FINDY_AGENT_SALT
environment variable,
or build your agency with the sources which set the utils.Salt
Install libindy-dev.
Install Go. Make sure environment variable
is defined. -
Create parent folder for findy-agent-project in your $GOPATH:
Clone findy-agent (or move) repository to the newly created parent folder.
Install needed Go packages:
make deps
. This installs findy-wrapper-go which is mandatory. -
Install the command line application:
make install
Verify the installation:
findy-agent -version
It should output:
OP Tech Lab - Findy Agency v. X.X
Create a ledger pool with the name
findy-agent create cnx -pool von -txn genesis.txt
Go to
directory:cd scripts
Run the agency tests:
Connect to agency with your client or test it with the agency's client command. Please see the helper scripts in the
All of that can be done with the make scratch
as well if the predefined ledger
and steward wallet names are ok. The previous steps were for educational
purposes. If you want to start the agency fast e.g., on OSX, the Makefile
approach is preferable. Please see the scrips in the tools
Findy-agent serves all types of edge agents (EA) by implementing a corresponding cloud agent (CA) for them. An EA communicates with its CA with Aries's predecessor of DIDComm, which means that the communication between EA and CA needs indy SKD's wallet and crypto functions. The same mechanism is used when the agency calls a service agent (SA), a particular type of an EA which performs as an issuer or verifier or both.
The agency offers an API to make a handshake, aka onboarding, where a new CA is allocated and bound to an EA. findy-agent can call that same API by itself as a client, a temporary EA. That is an easy way to onboard SAs to the agency. The following command is an example of calling an API to make a handshake and export the client wallet and move it where the final SA will run.
findy-agent client handshakeAndExport \
-wallet ${EXPORT_NAME}_client \
-email ${EXPORT_NAME}_server \
-pwd ${EXPORT_KEY} \
-url http://localhost:8080 \
-exportpath ${EXPORT_DIR}/${EXPORT_NAME}.export
As you can see, that is a long command, and lots of information is needed. The
suggestion is to write these commands to owns scripts. With the findy-agent
repo, there are many scripts where to start. If more convenient CLI would be
needed, please check the findy-agent
findy-agent is a multi-tenant identity agency that is capable serve thousands of edge agents with one installation, and which can scale horizontally.
The following diagram shows all the components of a typical DID/SSI-based identity network. The server rack icon illustrates an agency. There are three in the picture, but typically there can be as many as needed, and agencies can run in a cluster for horizontal scalability.
In the middle of the picture is the indy ledger. Depending on the installation and the type of the network, it can be a public ledger (permissioned) or just a development ledger. All the communication to the ledger goes through the agencies. Also, all the Aries agent-to-agent communication goes from agency to agency, as you can see in the following drawing.
The application logic is inside the edge agents which communicate and control their cloud agents with the DIDComm-based protocol as well. The next image illustrates when a mobile EA communicates findy-agent, it calls the agency's CA API and receives APNS notifications, or WebSocket messages if the connection is on.
Likewise, when a SA communicates with an agency, it calls the agency's CA API and receives webhook calls over DIDComm from the agency. The WebSocket option is available as well. The image below shows how CAs communicate with Aries, and the agency notifies the SA through indy's version of DIDComm.
findy-agent offers an extensive set of commands by itself, and more user-friendly command set exists in findy-agent. In addition to that, many other tasks have to be taken care of before a full agency setup can work. The following use case diagram shows most of the tasks and uses system boundaries to illustrate which of them are directly operable by findy-agent or findy-agent.
As the diagram shows the prerequisites to start the agency are:
- A steward wallet is available, or you have seed to create steward wallet by your self.
- You have to set up a server environment, like volumes for wallets, and databases.
During the agency run, you can monitor its logs. Between the starts, you can reset the all cloud agent allocations, or you can edit the register JSON. Note, that you cannot add new allocations only by editing the register JSON. The whole handshake procedure must be performed.
When an agency is running, you can operate with it findy-agent executable when you use it as a client mode. The following use case diagram shows the essential commands after the agency started.
The use case diagram is a summary of the creation commands available. With these commands, you can create all that is needed in the identity network from the command line.
findy-agent is a service that implements an Aries compatible identity agent. What makes it an agency is that it's multitenant. It can serve thousands of edge agents with one installation and with quite modest hardware.
Each EA gets a corresponding cloud agent as its service. The following deployment diagram illustrates the main components of the system where findy-agent is installed on a single node, and a wallet application is running on a mobile device. The picture includes an external agent that is running on another node (grey).
The wallet app and the agency they both include a wallet for pairwise (blue). These wallets are used only for a pairwise between EA and CA. That makes it possible to use DIDComm for EA/CA communication. In the future, there might be other ways to access CA from outside of the agency. As the diagram shows, the main wallet of each agent is on the server, our we could say it is in the cloud. That simplifies things a lot. We can have cloud backups, recovery, and most importantly, it makes it possible to 24/7 presence in the cloud for each agent.
The next image shows an almost identical setup, but the mobile agent is replaced with the service agent. It's below the agency in the picture.
The issuer server could run on the same node as the agency, but the most common case is where it runs on its own. Typical SA includes application logic, and the issuing credential is a small part. The API between SA and the agency is quite straightforward. The API runs on DIDComm similarly to mobile agents.
The following sequence diagram shows an example of how two cloud agents send messages to each other and save them to Bolt DB (Go implementation of LMBD). The diagram shows the "transactional" implementation of HTTP-based message transfer. Receiving the message is done by first saving the incoming message to the database and after that returning OK. If the receiver cannot save the incoming message, it returns an error code.
The next UML diagram implements the connection protocol as a finite state machine, which has two top-level states: Waiting Start Cmd/Msg, and ConnectionProtocolRunning. The protocol waits for either a command or a message. The command can be an InvitationCmd, which means that we have received an invitation. In the current system, invitations are coming from other channels, and they are not protocol-messages (out-bound). The invitation includes connection information to an agent like an endpoint and its public key. The agent who receives the InvitationCmd sends a connection request message (ConnReq) to the receiving agent and starts to wait for a connection response message (ConnResp). As the state machine shows, the receiving agent sends the connection response back and finalizes its state machine. The agent who started the connection protocol receives the connection response message and finalizes its state machine.
The previously seen ConnectionProtocolRunning state divides two separate state machines. The left sub-state machine is on when the agent is an inviter, and the right-sided is on when the agent is an invitee. This same basic structure is in all of the Aries protocol state machines. One of the agents initiates the protocol, which gives the roles for them: inviter/invitee, issuer/holder, prover/verifier. However, most of the Aries protocols are more complicated because both of the roles can initiate the protocol, and depending on the message it sends, the role it gets for the protocol.
The issuing protocol state machine is waiting for a command to initiate the protocol or incoming message to connect already started protocol (Waiting Start Cmd/Msg -state). If an agent is in an issuer's role, it can start the protocol by sending a credential offer message (CredOffer). It can do that by sending CredOfferCmd to the protocol processor, as we can see in the state machine diagram. Similarly, when an agent is in a holder's role, it can start the protocol by sending a credential-propose message (CredProp), and it can do that by sending CredProposeCmd to the protocol processor. Naturally, when an agent receives either an offer or a propose, it responses accordingly. Receiving a credential offer puts an agent to a holder's role, and receiving a credential propose puts an agent to an issuer's role. Now we should understand how we have four related ways to initiate the protocol state machine for an issuing protocol (state transition from Waiting Start Cmd/Msg -state to IssuingProtocolRunning-state). The rest of the protocol is quite clear and easy to understand from the state machine diagram.
- Current tests run only happy paths.
- Interoperability testing with Aries testing harness.
- Indy wallet implementation with storage plugin like PostgreSQL.
- Crypto implementations for different server types, AWS Nitro, ...
- Backup system for current docker volumes.
- The PSM runner for restarts and non-delivery messages and cleanup old ones.
- Haven't been able to test with stable ledger.
- Check if we have received the message already.
- Check incoming order of the messages, same as declared in the PSM.
- libindy under pressure, wallet handles, etc. Done: wallet pool, more tests needed
- API for browsing connections, credentials etc.
- PSM archive logic, dedicated storage for persistent client data (see the PSM runner).
- Credential revocation, if wanted to use (check upcoming anoncreds 2.0)
- Skipping DID-writes to ledger for individuals.
- Agent permissions. Separation of individuals and services in onboarding -> e.g. no credential issuing for individuals (maybe Agency types).
Release script will tag the current version and push the tag to remote. This will trigger e2e-tests in CI automatically and if they succeed, the tag is merged to master.
Release script assumes it is triggered from dev branch. It takes one parameter, the next working version. E.g. if current working version is 0.1.0, following will release version 0.1.0 and update working version to 0.2.0.
git checkout dev
./release 0.2.0