This template deploys GitHub Enterprise on an Ubuntu virtual machine. GitHub Enterprise leverages Premium Storage, and attaches a replicated 512 GB data disk by default.
The GitHub Enterprise template expects the following parameters:
Name | Description |
storageAccountPrefix | Unique prefix for your Storage Account and DNS name. Must be all lower case letters or numbers. No spaces or special characters. |
location | Deployment region. Choose a region with Premium Storage support. |
vmSize | VM size. Select a DS Series VM with at least 14 GB of RAM. Default value: "Standard_DS3" |
storageDiskSizeGB | Select a Premium Storage disk capacity for your source code, in GB. Default value: 512. |
You can configure GitHub Enterprise by visiting the public IP address assigned to the VM. To find your IP address, visit the portal.
- The certificate used in the deployment is a self signed certificate that will create a browser warning. You can follow the instructions provided by GitHub Enterprise to continue setup.
- An inactive, placeholder account is created for machine boot. Admin users and SSH keys will be configured during setup.