On Debian/Ubuntu Linux, execute below statement or bootstrap_apt.sh.
$ sudo apt update -y
$ sudo apt-get install -y libgflags-dev cmake cmake-curses-gui libboost-filesystem-dev
$ git clone this_repository
$ cd ccbench
$ source bootstrap.sh
Processing of bootstrap.sh :
git submodule init, update.
Build third_party/masstree, third_party/mimalloc.
Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to ./third_party/mimalloc/out/release for using mimalloc library.
So it's script should be executed by "source" command.
I recommend you that you also add LD_LIBRARY_PATH to your ~/.bashrc by yourself.
Each protocols has own Makefile, so you should build each.
Prepare gflags for command line options.
$ cd third_party/gflags
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ccmake ..
- Press 'c' to configure the build system and 'e' to ignore warnings.
- Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and other CMake variables and options.
- Continue pressing 'c' until the option 'g' is available.
- Then press 'g' to generate the configuration files for GNU Make.
$ make -j && make install
Prepare glog for command line options.
./autogen.sh && ./configure && make -j && make install
snapshot isolation.
- modify
- rapid garbage collection from Cicada's paper.
- backoff (easy to use from ccbench/include/backoff.hh by a few restriction)
Strong Strict 2 Phase Lock.
- reader/writer lock
Deadlock resolution
- nothing ... dlr0
- No-Wait ... dlr1
- backoff (easy to use from ccbench/include/backoff.hh by a few restriction)
It was proposed at SOSP'2013 by Stephen Tu.
- modify
- reduce roop in concurrency control protocol
- backoff (easy to use from ccbench/include/backoff.hh by a few restriction)
ERMIA was proposed at SIGMOD'2016 by Kangnyeon Kim.
SSN is serialization certifier which has to be executed serial.
Latch-free SSN was proposed at VLDB'2017 by Tianzheng Wang.
- original
- Latch-free SSN
- Leveraging existing infrastructure
- modify
- Garbage Collection for Transaction Mapping Table
- rapid garbage collection from Cicada's paper.
- backoff (easy to use from ccbench/include/backoff.hh by a few restriction)
TicToc was proposed at SIGMOD'2016 by Xiangyao Yu.
- original
- all opt.
- No-Wait Locking in Validation Phase
- Preemptive Aborts
- Timestamp History
- all opt.
- modify
- reduce roop in concurrency control protocol
- backoff (easy to use from ccbench/include/backoff.hh by a few restriction)
MOCC was proposed at VLDB'2017 by Tianzheng Wang.
- modify
- new temprature protocol reduces contentions and improves throughput much.
- backoff (easy to use from ccbench/include/backoff.hh by a few restriction)
Cicada was proposed at SIGMOD'2017 by Hyeontaek Lim.
- all opt
- Sort write set by contention
- Pre-check version consistency
- Eary aborts
- backoff (easy to use from ccbench/include/backoff.hh by a few restriction)
- modify
- modify consistency checks because original protocl breaks consistency.
- fetch_add
- xoroshiro128+
- memory benchmark
- masstree unit test
This is a submodule.
git submodule init
git submodule update
tanabe's wrapper is include/masstree_wrapper.hpp
This activity was supported by Cybozu Labs Youth 8th term. (2018/4/10 - 2019/4/10)