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Azure App Service with SQL Database and Application Insights

Starting point for building web application hosted in Azure App Service.

Provisions Azure SQL Database and Azure Application Insights to be used in combination with App Service.

Running the App

  1. Create a new stack:

    $ pulumi stack init azure-appservice
  2. Login to Azure CLI (you will be prompted to do this during deployment if you forget this step):

    $ az login
  3. Restore NPM dependencies:

    $ npm install
  4. Set the azure location in which to run the test:

    $ pulumi config set azure:location westus2
  5. Define SQL Server password (make it complex enough to satisfy Azure policy):

    pulumi config set --secret sqlPassword <value>
  6. Run pulumi up to preview and deploy changes:

    $ pulumi up
    Previewing changes:
    Performing changes:
    info: 10 changes performed:
        + 10 resources created
    Update duration: 1m14.59910109s
  7. Check the deployed website endpoint:

    $ pulumi stack output endpoint
    $ curl "$(pulumi stack output endpoint)"
            <h1>Greetings from Azure App Service!</h1>