This framework aims at helping researchers and developers who want to test and play with distributed algorithms.
It provides a simple and intuitive interface to define the
behavior of individual nodes and the graph structure, and it takes care of the rest. Because of its simplicity, it is easily extendible in its capabilities. It is also suited for integration with ML and DL libraries
like scikitlearn, TensorFlow or PyTorch.
- Lamport's Mutual Exclusion;
- Flooding on connected graph;
- Spanning tree "Shout";
- Spanning tree "Dft" (Depth First Traversal);
- Leader election "All the Way";
- Leader election "As far as it can";
- Leader election "Controlled Distance";
If you want to become a contributor, here's a list of possible improvements:
- Must add and test on Linux, only tested for Windows now;
- Add non-live visualization of algorithm;
Clone/fork the repo and install the Nodes package in developer mode:
cd Nodes
python3 -m pip install -e .
You can find several examples (client and server files) contained in the Tests directory. You can find the full documentation in the docs/ folder. To run the first example:
cd Tests\example1
python3 network.txt