composer require "pingpong/generators:~2.1"
Next, register new service provider to providers
array in config/app.php
In this package, there are many CLI commands that are useful to speed up you in creating web applications with Laravel. Some commands may already be familiar, such as the command to create a controller or model. However we are aware, sometimes we want everything instantly. Although not all of them can be so.
Generate a basic controller.
php artisan generate:controller UsersController
Generate a resource controller.
php artisan generate:controller UsersController --resource
# OR
php artisan generate:controller UsersController -r
Generate a scaffolded controller.
php artisan generate:controller UsersController --scaffold
# OR
php artisan generate:controller UsersController -s
php artisan generate:model User
php artisan generate:model Users/User
php artisan generate:console FooCommand
php artisan generate:console FooCommand --command="foo" --description="a console"
php artisan generate:request CreateUserRequest
You can also specify rules
php artisan generate:request CreateUserRequest --rules="username:required, email:required,email"
php artisan generate:request CreateUserRequest --rules="username:unique(users;username)"
Generate a basic migration.
php artisan generate:migration create_users_table
Generate a migration with specify the fields.
php artisan generate:migration create_users_table --fields="username:string, email:string:unique, remember_token, soft_delete"
Add new field to an existing table.
php artisan generate:migration add_password_to_users_table --fields="password:string"
Remove column from the specified table.
php artisan generate:migration remove_password_from_users_table --fields="password:string"
Drop the specified table.
php artisan generate:migration drop_users_table
php artisan generate:pivot users roles
Create a basic database seeder class.
php artisan generate:seed users
Basic usage.
php artisan generate:view index
Auto generate folder.
php artisan generate:view users/index
Generate a plain/blank view.
php artisan generate:view users/index --plain
Generate a master view.
php artisan generate:view layouts/master --master
For some cases, we may need to be faster in making resource. Let's say we're making a CRUD. First we have to create a migration, then the controller, and then the model and the others stuffs. If we use the commands to make it one by one, it is inefficient and will take a long time. That is where the "generate:scaffold" useful. With this command, we can create a CRUD with just one command.
php artisan generate:scaffold task --fields="name:string, description=text"
From the example above we can see how easy it is to create a crud just one command. The first parameter is the name of the entity being in the singular convention. For example, if you want to create users CRUD, you just need to use user. You have to follow singular convention.
php artisan generate:scaffold user
You can also specify the option prefix
for this command. It is used as a prefix
controller path , views, and also the route.
php artisan generate:scaffold task --fields="name:string, description=text" --prefix=admin
This feature is added since version 2.1.2.
You may also modify the generator templates (or stubs) as you want. To modify templates, you need to publish them first. You can publish the templates by running this following command.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Pingpong\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider"
This command will publish the templates to resources/pingpong/generators/stubs
You may also change the template path to other path by changing template_path
value from generators
// File: config/generators.php
return [
'template_path' => base_path('resources/pingpong/generators/stubs')