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Habitica in Kubernetes

This is a set of sample Kubernetes configuration files to launch Habitica under AWS, both as a single-node web frontend as well as a multi-node web frontend.


  • An AWS account.
  • A working Kubernetes installation.
  • A basic understanding of how to use Kubernetes.
  • A persistent volume for MongoDB data.
  • Docker images of Habitica.
    • You can use your own, or use the one included in the YAML files.
    • If you use your own, you'll need a fork of the Habitica GitHub repo and your own Docker Hub repo, both of which are free.

Before you begin

  1. Set up Kubernetes.
  2. Create an EBS volume for MongoDB data.
    • Make a note of the name, you'll need it later.

Starting MongoDB

  1. Edit mongo.yaml
  • Find the volumeID line.
  • Change the volume to the one created in the section above.
  1. Run the following commands:
  • create -f mongo.yaml
  • create -f mongo-service.yaml
  1. Wait for the MongoDB pod to start up.

Starting a Single Web Frontend

  1. Run the following commands:
  • create -f habitica.yaml
  • create -f habitica-service.yaml
  1. Wait for the frontend to start up.

Starting Multi-node Web Frontend

  1. Run the following commands :
  • create -f habitica-rc.yaml
  • create -f habitica-service.yaml
  1. Wait for the frontend to start up.

Accessing Your Habitica web interface

Using kubectl describe svc habiticaweb get the hostname generated for the Habitica service. Open a browser and go to http://hostname:3000 to access the web front-end for the installations above.

Shutting down

Shutting down is basically done by reversing the steps above:

  • delete -f habitica-service.yaml
  • delete -f habitica.yaml (or habitica-rc.yaml)
  • delete -f mongo-service.yaml
  • delete -f mongo.yaml

You can also just shut down all of Kubernetes as well.


  • MongoDB data will be persistent! If you need to start with a fresh database, you'll need to remove the volume and re-create it.
  • On AWS, you probably want to use at least t2.medium minion nodes for Kubernetes. The default t2.small is too small for more than two Habitica nodes.

Future Plans

  • Multi-node MongoDB.
  • Monitoring
  • Instructions for a better hostname. The default generated ones stink.
  • More to come....