Mesh is an open-source library to make building dApps accessible. Whether you're a beginner developer, startup, web3 market leader, or a large enterprise, Mesh makes web3 development easy with reliable, scalable, and well-engineered APIs & developer tools.
Explore the features on Mesh Playground.
- Start a Web3 app on Next.js
- CIP30 wallets intergration
- Transaction building, minting, burning, smart contracts and more
- Always up to date - Vasil ready, developed closely as the network updates so your app will always works
- Simple to use - Check out our guides, you will get started in less than 10 mins
- Adopts best practices - implemented various CIPs and package is well build (no hacking and tweaking needed to get it to work)
- Thoroughly tested - Mesh is used by developers and learners, built by developers with solid software engineering background
- Integrates with Cardano projects - Koios, Blockfrost, ADA Handle (and more), you pick what you want to use for your app
- Well documented - We focus on documentation so you can use it, our Playground is built so you can see how it works
- Build something - try Mesh by implementing your Web 3.0 project (recommended starter guide)
- Inform others - Tell others about Mesh, and star the Github repo ⭐
- Write ups - documentations and guides