Theme for the Ghost publishing platform
- Responsive (1000px down to low mobile resolution)
- Custom Featured Image (If post has image as first line, it is used as preview in index and as header in the post view.)
- Google Web fonts (Open Sans for text and Exo 2 for headlines)
- Headline resizing using Fittext
- No pagination, "Load Older Posts ->" loads new posts dynamically and with a subtle fade-in
- Embeded videos (youtube and vimeo) resize and look great!
- Looks great!
##Installation Load downloaded zip-file into the "Custom Theme" section of the Ghost dashboard.
- Not tested with blog logo yet.
- No comment-integration yet (disqus).
- Not optimized javascript or css yes (separation/less/minified etc.)
- Hoping for thumbnail genereation on coming versions of Ghost