To develop locally, you will Node and Expo installed
- Install Node (Mac/Windows) We will install node using NVM
curl -o- | bash
# comment
nvm install node
nvm use node
- Install Expo
npm install -g expo-cli
- Install packages for project
npm install
Expo Setup Download [Android] or IOS App from the respective stores Login to the expo app.
Launch App
expo login
# you will be asked for your credentials
expo start
You should see this project your listed on the app
- Customizing message Modify config.json Modify "title", to change the cop listed on the "Home" screen Modify "description" to change the copy on the "About" screen
Description takes markdown
Modify "host" to point to a deployed version of your model
Refer to section to see endpoints needed by your app.
- Deploying to the store (optional) If you are interested in deploying to Google, and Apple you can run the below commands
Android build
expo build:android
expo url:apk
Ios build
expo build:ios
expo url:ipa
If you want to use this project as a template for your own model, here are the changes to be made.
Modify "title","host","description" in conifg.js. Host should be a service that can listen to these type of requests.
/api/classify Takes image data as binary and returns classes /api/classes Return a list of classes