author | title | summary | tags | ||||||
Stephan Lichtenauer, Bretton Vine |
Matrix Synapse |
Matrix Synapse secure, decentralised, real-time communication server. |
This is a Matrix-Synapse jail that can be started with pot
This instance uses sqlite
instead of postgres
and may not be suitable for busy servers.
The jail exposes parameters that can either be set via the environment or by setting the cook
parameters (the
latter either via nomad
, see example below, or by editing the downloaded jails pot.conf
For more details about nomad
images, see about potluck.
You must run your matrix instance from a top level domain such as, not
This is a quirk of using .well-known/matrix/server with the server's details.
- Create a ZFS data set on the parent system beforehand
zfs create -o mountpoint=/mnt/matrixdata zroot/matrixdata
- Create your local jail from the image or the flavour files.
- Clone the local jail
- Mount in the ZFS data set you created
pot mount-in -p <jailname> -m /mnt -d /mnt/matrixdata
- Adjust to your environment:
sudo pot set-env -p <jailname> \ -E DOMAIN=<domain name> -E IP=<IP address> \ -E ALERTEMAIL=<alert email> \ -E REGISTRATIONENABLE=<true|false> \ -E MYSHAREDSECRET=<shared secret for registrations> \ -E SMTPHOST=<mail host> [-E SMTPPORT=25 ] \ -E SMTPUSER=username -E SMTPPASS=password -E SMTPFROM=<email> \ -E LDAPSERVER=<IP> -E LDAPPASSWORD=<password> -E LDAPDOMAIN=<domain for ldap> \ -E NOSSL=<true|false> -E CONTROLUSER=<true|false> [ -E REMOTELOG=<IP of syslog-ng server> ]
The DOMAIN parameter is the domain name to use for matrix
configuration. It will be the same as the servername for the host.
The IP parameter is the IP address of this image.
ALERTEMAIL is an email address to use.
REGISTRATIONENABLE defaults to false
but if set to true
will allow registrations.
MYSHAREDSECRET is a shared secret key for registrations.
SMTPHOST is the mail server domain name or IP address.
SMTPPORT defaults to 25 but can be set to 465 or 587 manually.
SMTPUSER is the smtp username. SMTPPASS is the associated password.
SMTPFROM is the from email address for the authenticated SMTP user.
LDAPSERVER is the domain name or IP address of an LDAP server. Don't include a port!
LDAPPASSWORD is the password to access the LDAP server.
LDAPDOMAIN is the domain for the LDAP server which will be split into name.tld for the purposes of updating config.
REMOTELOG is an optional parameter for a remote syslog service, such as via the loki
or beast-of-argh
images on potluck site.
You will need to setup an admin account via cli using register_new_matrix_user
For example:
register_new_matrix_user -u adminusername -k "Ex4mpl3sH4r3dk3y"
Confirm password:
Make admin [yes]:
Sending registration request...
The shared secret (-k) is defined in the homeserver.yaml configuration via the MYSHAREDSECRET parameter. The command asks for a password which should be unused as authentication should happen against LDAP.