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Stephan Lichtenauer
ELK Stack (Nomad)
This is an Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana jail that can be deployed via nomad.


This is a elasticsearch/logstash/kibana (ELK) jail that can be started with pot but it can also be deployed via nomad.

The elasticsearch storage directory is in /var/db/elasticsearch. It is suggested that this directory is mounted from outside the jail when it is run as a nomad task so that it is persistent (see example below).

The logstash configuration (logstash.yml, logstash.conf, pipelines.yml) is located in /usr/local/etc/logstash and you probably want to copy in your own configuration and potentially mount some source directories that can be accessed depending on your monitoring and aggregation needs.

The kibana web interface can be accessed via web browser through port 5601.

For more details about nomadimages, see about potluck.

Note: At the moment, this image has a serious limitation:

  • Theoretically, the elasticsearch database directory can be mounted if on the host one has previously set enforce_statfs=1 (e.g. via sysctl) - see also elastic/elasticsearch#12018 (comment)
  • Practically, this still does not work as elasticsearch fails to start with java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to obtain node locks - no workaround or solution for this is known at the moment

That means the image does only work without mounting in an outside database directory. That should not be a problem as long as the jail is run stand-alone, but when it is scheduled via nomad, this implies that the database is completely erased on every restart. To run it this way, remove the line "/mnt/elastic_db:/var/db/elasticsearch" from the mount stanza in the job description example below.

Nomad Job Description Example

job "elkstack" {
  datacenters = ["mydc"]
  type        = "service"

  group "group1" {
    count = 1

    task "www1" {
      driver = "pot"

      service {
        tags = ["elkstack", "www"]
        name = "elkstack"
        port = "http"

         check {
            type     = "tcp"
            name     = "tcp"
            interval = "60s"
            timeout  = "30s"
          check_restart {
            limit = 5
            grace = "120s"
            ignore_warnings = false

      config {
        image = ""
        pot = "elk-stack-nomad-amd64-12_1"
        tag = "1.0"
        command = "/usr/local/bin/cook"
        mount = [
        copy = [
        port_map = {
          http = "5601"

      resources {
        cpu = 1000
        memory = 2048

        network {
          mbits = 50
          port "http" {}