author | title | summary | tags | |||||||||
Bretton Vine |
Beast of Argh |
Beast of Argh is a single pot image with Prometheus, Alertmanager, Loki, Promtail, Grafana and dashboards, plus syslog server, for monitoring and alerting of small environments. |
This is a mega-flavour containing the prometheus
time series database, alertmanager
alert notification queue, loki
log monitoring, promtail
log ingestor, and grafana
viewer with custom dashboards.
The flavour includes a local consul
agent instance to be available that it can connect to (see configuration below). You can e.g. use the consul pot
flavour on this site to run consul
. You can also connect to this host and service consul restart
- Create a ZFS data set on the parent system beforehand
zfs create -o mountpoint=/mnt/beastdata zroot/beastdata
- Create your local jail from the image or the flavour files.
- Clone the local jail
- Mount in the ZFS data set you created
pot mount-in -p <jailname> -m /mnt -d /mnt/beastdata
- Optionally export the ports after creating the jail:
pot export-ports -p <jailname> -e 3100:3100 -e 3000:3000
- Adjust to your environment:
sudo pot set-env -p <jailname> \ -E DATACENTER=<datacentername> \ -E NODENAME=<nodename> \ -E IP=<IP address of this system> \ -E CONSULSERVERS='<correctly formatted list of quoted IP addresses>' \ -E GOSSIPKEY=<32 byte Base64 key from consul keygen>] \ -E GRAFANAUSER=<grafana username> \ -E GRAFANAPASSWORD=<grafana password> \ -E SCRAPECONSUL='<correctly formatted list of quoted IP addresses>' \ -E SCRAPENOMAD='<correctly formatted list of quoted IP addresses>' \ -E TRAEFIKSERVER='<ip:port of traefik-consul instance>' \ -E SMTPHOSTPORT="" \ -E SMTPFROM=<from email address> \ -E ALERTADDRESS=<to email address> \ [ -E SMTPUSER=<smtp auth username> -E SMTPPASS=<smtp auth password> ]
The DATACENTER parameter defines a common datacenter.
The NODENAME parameter defines the name of this node.
The IP parameter is the IP address which will be used to access services.
The CONSULSERVERS parameter defines the consul server instances, and must be set as CONSULSERVERS='""'
or CONSULSERVERS='"", "", ""'
or CONSULSERVERS='"", "", "", "", ""'
The GOSSIPKEY parameter is the gossip encryption key for consul agent. We're using a default key if you do not set the parameter, do not use the default key for production encryption, instead provide your own.
The GRAFANAUSER and GRAFANAPASSWORD parameters are to set a custom user/pass for Grafana.
The SCRAPECONSUL parameter is a list of consul servers to scrape data from. Metrics must be configured in consul.
The SCRAPENOMAD parameter is a list of nomad servers to scrape data from. Metrics must be configured in nomad.
The TRAEFIKSERVER parameter is the IP address and port of a traefik-consul
instance to scrape metrics from. It must be setup with metrics endpoint.
The SMTPHOSTPORT parameter is the IP address and port of the mail server to use when sending alerts.
The SMTPFROM parameter is the from address of the account sending alerts via mail.
The ALERTADDRESS parameter is the destination address for alerts.
The SMTPUSER and SMTPPASS parameters are credentials for smtp auth.
There are several components to having a searchable log-ingestor:
is configured to accept syslog on UDP port 514 from hosts in the specified subnet, and save all to /mnt/logs/central.log
Remote hosts have their syslog.conf configured to send logs to this host.
This is a very broad and blunt approach, where syslog-ng
may be a preferred approach with wildcard capabilities and multiple files.
is configured as a service and monitors /mnt/logs/central.log
for data to ingest and label, before submitting to loki
is configured as a service and ingests data-with-labels, and makes available for query purposes.
is a viewer for the data in the loki
data source. A separate grafana
flavour must be configured with loki
as a data source to view captured logs.
Access grafana dashboards at http://yourhost:3000
and choose from various dashboards, or access loki
logs via the search logs
Access prometheus
at http://yourhost:9090
Access alertmanager
at http://yourhost:9093
File-based scrape targets are configured for the following files, which you can copy in replacements to, or update on the system.
(assumes persistent storage mounted in)
- /mnt/prometheus/targets.d/mytargets.yml
- /mnt/prometheus/targets.d/postgres.yml
- /mnt/prometheus/targets.d/minio.yml
These files need to in the format:
- targets:
- <fqdn or ip>:<optional port>
job: jobtype1
This image is setup with the assumption of a self-signed certificate for minio, and env MINIO_PROMETHEUS_AUTH_TYPE=public
configured on minio start.
Test metrics scraping with curl -k https://your-minio-host:9000/minio/v2/metrics/cluster
and if successful, add targets to the file /mnt/prometheus/targets.d/minio.yml
in the format:
- targets:
- your-minio-host:9000
job: minio
If you require authentication, you can adjust the minio
scrape job in the file /usr/local/etc/prometheus.yml
, via external script, after image boot and with a reload of prometheus
, to include the relevant token option and optional SSL config.
Persistent storage will be in the ZFS dataset zroot/beastdata, available inside the image at /mnt
If you stop the image, the data will still exist, and a new image can be started up and still use it.
If you need to change the directory parameters for the ZFS dataset, adjust the mount-in
command accordingly for the source directory as mounted by the parent OS.
Do not adjust the image destination mount point at /mnt because the included applications are configured to use this directory for data.
Please see the included file client-syslog-ng.conf.sample
and configure:
is the syslog-ng config version in X.YY (not X.YY.Z). You can extract a suitable value to update in scripts using:
/usr/local/sbin/syslog-ng --version | grep '^Config version:' | awk -F: '{ print \$2 }' | xargs
is the IP address of the Beast of Argh pot jail.
Update manually or via sed
in scripts.