- strictly follows the original flux architecture
- a simple api, with no new concepts
- stores and action creators are just functions
- stores have no setters or ajax / async calls
- shorthand notation for action creators, with async function / promise support
- live editing experience across action creators / stores / views
- timetravel helper
- includes mixin to polyfill sideloading data on components
- browser / server / react-native compatible, because apparently that's a thing now
- really tiny - ~2k gzipped, incl. dependencies
- tests, examples (to be fleshed out)
- i love you
npm install disto --save
var {Dis, act} = require('disto');
// Dispatcher class, action creator helper
The dispatcher uses the fb dispatcher under the hood, but the api is tweaked for our stores / actions
var dispatcher = new Dis();
dispatcher.register(initialState, fn, compare)
dispatcher.dispatch(action, ...args)
Action creators can be however you choose. This is how I write them.
The action creator helper takes a dispatch function and a map of key/values, and generates a collection of functions that, when each are called, dispatches a unique action along with passed arguments further calling any optional function passed in the map.
Indeed, we use the action creator itself as the 'actionType' to much convenience
What this means, is that you'll likely never have to dispatch a raw action by yourself.
Also, since these are unique objects (with readable string representations), you also don't have to worry about global namepace clashes.
var $ = act(dispatcher.dispatch, {
init: '', // use a blank string for default function
a: '',
b: function(){
console.log('possible fire an ajax request here');
c: function(){
// you can alias to another creator like so
d: function(){
// creators can also call an optional .done() action
// this is useful for ajax / other async operations
$.d.done('any', 'args', 'you', 'like');
}, 500);
e: function(){
// you can also return a Promise from an action creator,
// and .done() gets called when it resolves
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
f: async function(q){
// you can use es7 async functions
// and .done() will get called when it finishes
return await fetch(`/search/${q}`);
g: async function(q){
// finally, throwing errors / rejecting promises will call .error()
throw new Error('disto');
}, 'baconium' /* optional prefix to dev strings */);
// $.a is now a function
$.a(1, 2, 3); // dispatches [$.a, 1, 2, 3] to all stores
console.log($.a.toString()) // baconium:~:a
$.b(); // dispatches [$.b], and then logs "possibly fire..."
$.c(); // dispatches [$.c], then [$.b], and then logs "possibly fire..."
$.d(); // dispatches [$.d], later [$.d.done, 'any', 'args', 'you', 'like']
$.e(); // dispatches [$.e], then [$.e.done, 'success!']
$.f(); // dispatches [$.f], later [$.f.done, response]
$.g(); // dispatches [$.g], then [$.g.error, Error:π]
// these actions are consumed by stores,
// which hold all the 'state'
Stores are represented as initial state + a 'reduce' function that get called on every [actions, ...args] message that passes through the "system".
While this might seem terse, it's a fully open system, and you should be able to build any abstraction on top of it.
var initialState = {
q: '',
res: [], // initial state
err: null
function reduce(state, action, ...args){
case $.query:
let [q] = args;
return {
...state, q
case $.query.done:
let [err, res] = args;
return {
...state, err, res
return state;
var store = dispatcher.register(initialState, reduce);
store.get() // returns current value
// you can optionally pass in a custom 'compare' function
// which decides when to trigger 'change' events
// analogous to 'shouldComponentUpdate'
// eg, with immutable-js (https://facebook.github.io/immutable-js/)
// we'd use immutable.is to compare states
var iStore = dispatcher.register(Immutable.Map({
loading: false,
err: null,
results: []
}), function(o, action, ...args){
// returns immutable structures
}, Immutable.is);
// stores are also lightweight 'observables',
console.log('store state changed to', state);
// we use this to hook on to react components via the .observe() polyfill
var mix = require('disto/mix');
var Component = React.createClass({
mixins: [mix],
observe: function(props){
return {a: store1, b: store2};
render: function(){
var data = this.state.data;
return <div>
current value of store 1 : {data.a}
current value of store 2 : {data.b}
(compatible with disto-hot-loader!)
// run this before registering any other stores
// needs to be exactly like this to satify disto-hot
var r = require('disto/lib/record');
var rStore = dispatcher.register(r.initial, r.reduce, r.compare);
r.setup(dispatcher, rStore);
// this gives you a few helpers
var i = dispatcher.snapshot() // takes a snapshot of current state
dispatcher.goTo(i) // 'goes' to a particular snapshot
dispatcher.record() // start recording
dispatcher.stop() // stop recording
dispatcher.play() // replay the session