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Starred repositories
Google Research
Data Engineering Zoomcamp is a free nine-week course that covers the fundamentals of data engineering.
Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
This is a repo with links to everything you'd ever want to learn about data engineering
⛔️ DEPRECATED – See https://github.com/ageron/handson-ml3 instead.
Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills.
The fastai book, published as Jupyter Notebooks
This repository showcases various advanced techniques for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. RAG systems combine information retrieval with generative models to provide accurate and cont…
Example 📓 Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to build, train, and deploy machine learning models using 🧠 Amazon SageMaker.
Labs and demos for courses for GCP Training (http://cloud.google.com/training).
Code samples used on cloud.google.com
Visualizations for machine learning datasets
An easy to use blogging platform, with enhanced support for Jupyter Notebooks.
AI and Machine Learning with Kubeflow, Amazon EKS, and SageMaker
2-2000x faster ML algos, 50% less memory usage, works on all hardware - new and old.
Library extending Jupyter notebooks to integrate with Apache TinkerPop, openCypher, and RDF SPARQL.
My Machine Learning blog
Practical Data Engineering: A Hands-On Real-Estate Project Guide
Learn how to add data validation and documentation to a data pipeline built with dbt and Airflow.
Use Kafka and Apache Spark streaming to perform click stream analytics
Hands-on demonstrations for data scientists exploring SageMaker
Training and evaluating phase