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Virtual Network resource creation example

Terraform Module to create a set of Azure network resources. Few of these resources added/excluded as per your requirement.

Module Usage

Basic VNet

Following example to create a virtual network with subnets and network watcher resources.

module "vnet" {
  source  = "kumarvna/vnet/azurerm"
  version = "2.0.0"

  # By default, this module will not create a resource group, proivde the name here
  # to use an existing resource group, specify the existing resource group name,
  # and set the argument to `create_resource_group = true`. Location will be same as existing RG.
  create_resource_group         = true
  resource_group_name           = "rg-demo-westeurope-01"
  vnetwork_name                 = "vnet-demo-westeurope-001"
  location                      = "westeurope"
  vnet_address_space            = [""]
  gateway_subnet_address_prefix = [""]

  # Adding Standard DDoS Plan, and custom DNS servers (Optional)
  create_ddos_plan = true

  # Multiple Subnets, Service delegation, Service Endpoints, Network security groups
  # These are default subnets with required configuration, check for more details
  # NSG association to be added automatically for all subnets listed here.
  # First two address ranges from VNet Address space reserved for Gateway And Firewall Subnets.
  # ex.: For address space, usable address range start from for all subnets.
  # subnet name will be set as per Azure naming convention by defaut. expected value here is: <App or project name>
  subnets = {
    mgnt_subnet = {
      subnet_name           = "management"
      subnet_address_prefix = [""]
      service_endpoints     = ["Microsoft.Storage"]

    dmz_subnet = {
      subnet_name           = "appgateway"
      subnet_address_prefix = [""]
      service_endpoints     = ["Microsoft.Storage"]

  # Adding TAG's to your Azure resources (Required)
  tags = {
    ProjectName  = "demo-internal"
    Env          = "dev"
    Owner        = "[email protected]"
    BusinessUnit = "CORP"
    ServiceClass = "Gold"

VNet with all additional features

Following example to create a virtual network with subnets, NSG, DDoS protection plan, and network watcher resources.

module "vnet" {
  source  = "kumarvna/vnet/azurerm"
  version = "2.0.0"

  # By default, this module will not create a resource group, proivde the name here
  # to use an existing resource group, specify the existing resource group name,
  # and set the argument to `create_resource_group = true`. Location will be same as existing RG.
  create_resource_group          = true
  resource_group_name            = "rg-demo-westeurope-01"
  vnetwork_name                  = "vnet-demo-westeurope-001"
  location                       = "westeurope"
  vnet_address_space             = [""]
  firewall_subnet_address_prefix = [""]
  gateway_subnet_address_prefix  = [""]

  # Adding Standard DDoS Plan, and custom DNS servers (Optional)
  create_ddos_plan = true

  # Multiple Subnets, Service delegation, Service Endpoints, Network security groups
  # These are default subnets with required configuration, check for more details
  # NSG association to be added automatically for all subnets listed here.
  # First two address ranges from VNet Address space reserved for Gateway And Firewall Subnets.
  # ex.: For address space, usable address range start from for all subnets.
  # subnet name will be set as per Azure naming convention by defaut. expected value here is: <App or project name>
  subnets = {
    mgnt_subnet = {
      subnet_name           = "management"
      subnet_address_prefix = [""]
      delegation = {
        name = "testdelegation"
        service_delegation = {
          name    = "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups"
          actions = ["Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action", "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/prepareNetworkPolicies/action"]
      nsg_inbound_rules = [
        # [name, priority, direction, access, protocol, destination_port_range, source_address_prefix, destination_address_prefix]
        # To use defaults, use "" without adding any values.
        ["weballow", "100", "Inbound", "Allow", "Tcp", "80", "*", ""],
        ["weballow1", "101", "Inbound", "Allow", "", "443", "*", ""],
        ["weballow2", "102", "Inbound", "Allow", "Tcp", "8080-8090", "*", ""],

      nsg_outbound_rules = [
        # [name, priority, direction, access, protocol, destination_port_range, source_address_prefix, destination_address_prefix]
        # To use defaults, use "" without adding any values.
        ["ntp_out", "103", "Outbound", "Allow", "Udp", "123", "", ""],

    dmz_subnet = {
      subnet_name           = "appgateway"
      subnet_address_prefix = [""]
      service_endpoints     = ["Microsoft.Storage"]

      nsg_inbound_rules = [
        # [name, priority, direction, access, protocol, destination_port_range, source_address_prefix, destination_address_prefix]
        # To use defaults, use "" without adding any values.
        ["weballow", "200", "Inbound", "Allow", "Tcp", "80", "*", ""],
        ["weballow1", "201", "Inbound", "Allow", "Tcp", "443", "AzureLoadBalancer", ""],
        ["weballow2", "202", "Inbound", "Allow", "Tcp", "9090", "VirtualNetwork", ""],

      nsg_outbound_rules = [
        # [name, priority, direction, access, protocol, destination_port_range, source_address_prefix, destination_address_prefix]
        # To use defaults, use "" without adding any values.

  # Adding TAG's to your Azure resources (Required)
  tags = {
    ProjectName  = "demo-internal"
    Env          = "dev"
    Owner        = "[email protected]"
    BusinessUnit = "CORP"
    ServiceClass = "Gold"

Terraform Usage

To run this example you need to execute following Terraform commands

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Run terraform destroy when you don't need these resources.


Name Description
resource_group_name The name of the resource group in which resources are created
resource_group_id The id of the resource group in which resources are created
resource_group_location The location of the resource group in which resources are created
virtual_network_name The name of the virtual network.
virtual_network_id The virtual NetworkConfiguration ID.
virtual_network_address_space List of address spaces that are used the virtual network.
subnet_ids List of IDs of subnets
subnet_address_prefixes List of address prefix for subnets
network_security_group_ids List of Network security groups and ids
network_security_group Network security group details - Useful for splat expression.
ddos_protection_plan Azure Network DDoS protection plan
network_watcher_id ID of Network Watcher