Trust no code or hash functions here yet
Work in progress, more hashes to come soon
Some licensing information missing; will be rectified soon
HashLand provides pure Go versions of murmur, cityhash, jenkins, spooky, sbox, crapwow, siphash, keccak, skein and more.
The "hash land" application evaluates the quality of each hash function with real world testing.
I was frustrated that the core Go libraries didn't contain a useful set of hash functions for constructing hash tables. As part of another project I decided to write some hash functions in Go, fork some from other repositories, and test them out. There are no "bad" hash functions here. Most of these do a very good job of hashing keys with good distribution and few duplicate hashes. However, my tests and dictionaries are still very basic. I've been focused on getting the hash functions written and some testing infrastructure up and running.
Some of these are woefully lacking in performance. Most will be difficult to improve in pure Go. Not sure what I am going to do about that right now.
Don't use the non crypto hash functions if you have uncontrolled inputs (i.e. a web based API or web facing data inputs or an adversary. If you do, use at least SipHash or one of the other crypto hash functions.
- A few more hash functions
- Make sure licensing and author information is accurate
- Performance optimization
- Better tests
- Better dictionaries
- Better stats
"sbox": simple hash function
"CrapWow": another simple hash function
"MaHash8v64": russian hash function
"j332c": Jenkins lookup3 c bits hash
"j332b": Jenkins lookup3 b bits hash
"j232": Jenkins lookup8 32 bit
"j264l": Jenkins lookup8 64 bit (low bits)
"j264h": Jenkins lookup8 64 bit (high bits)
"j264xor": Jenkins lookup8 64 bit (high xor low bits)
"spooky32": Jenkins Spooky 32 bit flavor
Usage of hashland:
hashland: [flags] [dictionary-files]
-A=false: test A
-B=false: test B
-C=false: test C
-D=false: test D
-E=false: test E
-F=false: test F
-G=false: test G
-H=false: test H
-I=false: test I
-a=false: run all tests
-e=1: extra bis in table size
-file="": words to read
-hf="all": hash function
-oa=false: open addressing (no buckets)
-p=false: table size is primes and use mod
-pd=false: print duplicate hashes
leb@hula:~/gotest/src/ % ./hashland -A -hf="all" -oa db/dic_common_words.txt
TestA (simple hash check)
"sbox": lines=500, size=1024, cols=119, probes=586, cpi=11.62%, ppi=1.17, dups=0
"CrapWow": lines=500, size=1024, cols=111, probes=585, cpi=10.84%, ppi=1.17, dups=0
"MaHash8v64": lines=500, size=1024, cols=121, probes=614, cpi=11.82%, ppi=1.23, dups=0
"j332c": lines=500, size=1024, cols=110, probes=603, cpi=10.74%, ppi=1.21, dups=0
"j332b": lines=500, size=1024, cols=115, probes=610, cpi=11.23%, ppi=1.22, dups=0
"j232": lines=500, size=1024, cols=115, probes=637, cpi=11.23%, ppi=1.27, dups=0
"j264l": lines=500, size=1024, cols=116, probes=591, cpi=11.33%, ppi=1.18, dups=0
"j264h": lines=500, size=1024, cols=122, probes=626, cpi=11.91%, ppi=1.25, dups=0
"j264xor": lines=500, size=1024, cols=109, probes=624, cpi=10.64%, ppi=1.25, dups=0
"spooky32": lines=500, size=1024, cols=117, probes=594, cpi=11.43%, ppi=1.19, dups=0
"siphashal": lines=500, size=1024, cols=115, probes=578, cpi=11.23%, ppi=1.16, dups=0
"siphashah": lines=500, size=1024, cols=106, probes=596, cpi=10.35%, ppi=1.19, dups=0
"siphashbl": lines=500, size=1024, cols=113, probes=586, cpi=11.04%, ppi=1.17, dups=0
"siphashbh": lines=500, size=1024, cols=126, probes=593, cpi=12.30%, ppi=1.19, dups=0
"skein256xor": lines=500, size=1024, cols=126, probes=615, cpi=12.30%, ppi=1.23, dups=0
"skein256low": lines=500, size=1024, cols=124, probes=610, cpi=12.11%, ppi=1.22, dups=0
"skein256hi": lines=500, size=1024, cols=115, probes=588, cpi=11.23%, ppi=1.18, dups=0
"sha1160": lines=500, size=1024, cols=129, probes=623, cpi=12.60%, ppi=1.25, dups=0
"keccak160l": lines=500, size=1024, cols=108, probes=583, cpi=10.55%, ppi=1.17, dups=0
leb@hula:~/gotest/src/ % ./hashland -A -hf="all" db/dic_common_words.txt
TestA (simple hash check)
"sbox": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=397, dups=0, q=1.01
"CrapWow": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=403, dups=0, q=0.97
"MaHash8v64": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=398, dups=0, q=1.00
"j332c": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=402, dups=0, q=0.98
"j332b": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=398, dups=0, q=0.99
"j232": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=402, dups=0, q=0.99
"j264l": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=400, dups=0, q=1.00
"j264h": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=395, dups=0, q=1.00
"j264xor": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=402, dups=0, q=0.99
"spooky32": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=394, dups=0, q=1.00
"siphashal": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=398, dups=0, q=0.99
"siphashah": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=408, dups=0, q=0.97
"siphashbl": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=406, dups=0, q=0.97
"siphashbh": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=393, dups=0, q=1.00
"skein256xor": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=396, dups=0, q=1.01
"skein256low": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=394, dups=0, q=1.01
"skein256hi": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=404, dups=0, q=0.97
"sha1160": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=387, dups=0, q=1.01
"keccak160l": lines=500, size=1024, buckets=408, dups=0, q=0.97
leb@hula:~/gotest/src/ %