Examples for the Learning Spark book.
- JDK 1.6 or higher
- Scala 2.10.3
- scala-lang.org
- Spark 1.0 sanp shot
- You can checkout spark from https://github.com/apache/spark and then run "sbt/sbt publish-local"
- Protobuf compiler
- On debian you can install with sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler
You can build and run the Scala examples with sbt, just run sbt/sbt compile package run
You can build and run the Java examples wih maven, just run mvn package mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.oreilly.learningsparkexamples.java.[EXAMPLE]"
From spark just run ./bin/pyspark ./src/python/[example]
You can also create an assembly jar with all of the dependcies for running either the java or scala versions of the code and run the job with the spark-submit script
./sbt/sbt assembly cd $SPARK_HOME; ./bin/spark-submit --class com.oreilly.learningsparkexamples.[lang].[example] ../learning-spark-examples/target/scala-2.10/learning-spark-examples-assembly-0.0.1.jar