SuperCollider "UGen" plugins are extensions for the SuperCollider audio synthesis server (see also quarks to extend the programming language). For community discussion and support see the SuperCollider mailing lists.
Downloads are available from
Here is an automatically-generated list of what's available in the download (it's a listing of the helpfiles):
- AmplitudeMod
- AnalyseEvents2
- ArrayMax
- ArrayMin
- Atk
- ATKDocsLicensing
- AtkKernelConv
- ATKLicensing
- AtkMatrixMix
- AutoTrack
- AverageOutput
- AY
- BlitB3
- BlitB3Saw
- BlitB3Square
- BlitB3Tri
- BMoog
- Breakcore
- Brusselator
- BufMax
- BufMin
- Cepstrum
- Chromagram
- CircleRamp
- Concat
- Concat2
- Coyote
- Crest
- CrossoverDistortion
- Dbrown2
- DbufTag
- Decimator
- DetaBlockerBuf
- DFM1
- Dfsm
- Disintegrator
- DoubleNestedAllpassC
- DoubleNestedAllpassL
- DoubleNestedAllpassN
- DoubleWell
- DoubleWell2
- DoubleWell3
- DPW3Tri
- DPW4Saw
- Dtag
- EnvDetect
- EnvFollow
- EQExamples
- FeatureSave
- FFTCrest
- FFTPeak
- FFTPower
- FFTSlope
- FFTSpread
- FFTSubbandFlatness
- FFTSubbandPower
- Fhn2DC
- Fhn2DL
- Fhn2DN
- FilterComparisons
- FitzHughNagumo
- Foa
- FoaAsymmetry
- FoaBalance
- FoaDecode
- FoaDecoderKernel
- FoaDecoderMatrix
- FoaDirect
- FoaDirectO
- FoaDirectX
- FoaDirectY
- FoaDirectZ
- FoaDominate
- FoaDominateX
- FoaDominateY
- FoaDominateZ
- FoaEncode
- FoaEncoderKernel
- FoaEncoderMatrix
- FoaFocus
- FoaFocusX
- FoaFocusY
- FoaFocusZ
- FoaMirror
- FoaNFC
- FoaPanB
- FoaPress
- FoaPressX
- FoaPressY
- FoaPressZ
- FoaProximity
- FoaPsychoShelf
- FoaPush
- FoaPushX
- FoaPushY
- FoaPushZ
- FoaRotate
- FoaRTT
- FoaSpeakerMatrix
- FoaTilt
- FoaTransform
- FoaTumble
- FoaXform
- FoaXformerMatrix
- FoaZoom
- FoaZoomX
- FoaZoomY
- FoaZoomZ
- FormantTable
- FrameCompare
- Friction
- Gammatone
- GaussClass
- GaussTrig
- Gbman2DC
- Gbman2DL
- Gbman2DN
- Gendy4
- Gendy5
- GendyI
- Getenv
- GlitchHPF
- GlitchRHPF
- Goertzel
- GravityGrid
- GravityGrid2
- HairCell
- Henon2DC
- Henon2DL
- Henon2DN
- ICepstrum
- IIRFilter
- InsideOut
- Instruction
- KMeansRT
- KmeansToBPSet1
- Latoocarfian2DC
- Latoocarfian2DL
- Latoocarfian2DN
- LFBrownNoise0
- LFBrownNoise1
- LFBrownNoise2
- ListTrig
- ListTrig2
- Logger
- LoopBuf
- Lorenz2DC
- Lorenz2DL
- Lorenz2DN
- LorenzTrig
- LPCAnalyzer
- LPCError
- MarkovSynth
- MatchingP
- Max
- MdaPiano
- MeanTriggered
- Meddis
- MedianTriggered
- MembraneCircle
- MembraneHexagon
- MoogLadder
- MoreChaos
- NearestN
- NestedAllpassC
- NestedAllpassL
- NestedAllpassN
- NL
- NL2
- NLFiltC
- NLFiltL
- NLFiltN
- NTube
- Oregonator
- Perlin3
- PlaneTree
- Plorenz
- PrintVal
- ProbalisticNoiseUGens
- PulseDPW
- PV_CommonMag
- PV_CommonMul
- PV_Compander
- PV_Cutoff
- PV_ExtractRepeat
- PV_MagGate
- PV_MagMinus
- PV_MagSmooth
- PV_Morph
- PV_SoftWipe
- PV_XFade
- Qitch
- RosslerL
- SawDPW
- SensoryDissonance
- Sieve1
- SineShaper
- SLOnset
- SmoothDecimator
- SOMTrain
- SortBuf
- SpectralEntropy
- SpruceBudworm
- Squiz
- Standard2DC
- Standard2DL
- Standard2DN
- Streson
- Summer
- SwitchDelay
- Tartini
- TBetaRand
- TBrownRand
- TermanWang
- TextVU
- TGaussRand
- TGrains2
- TGrains3
- TrigAvg
- TwoTube
- VBAPSpeaker
- VBAPSpeakerArray
- VMScan2D
- WalshHadamard
- WAmp
- WaveletDaub
- WaveLoss
- WaveTerrain
- WeaklyNonlinear
- WeaklyNonlinear2
- WrapSummer