#介绍 / Introduction MultiLayerNavigation可以让你轻易地实现类似网易新闻/新浪微博滑动返回的交互效果; 你唯一需要做的就是把UINavigationController替换为MLNavigationController,或者继承它; 另外,如果在你的ViewController里面有UIScrollView,请把它替换为MLScrollView,以便触摸事件可以顺利传递到NavgationController中。 同样的,我们也提供了MLTableView用于扩展UITableView;
MultiLayerNavigation helps you implemntation the interaction -- 'drag to back' in a easy way. The only one thing you need to do is replacing your UINavigationController with the MLNavigation Controller or inheriting it. In addtion, if there are a UIScrollView in your ViewController, you need to do one more thing -- replace the UIScrollView with MLScrollView or inherit it, so does MLTableView.
#已知问题 / Known Issues
NOT fully support all scrollable view (UIWebView/UITextView) yet;
NOT support using setViewControllers method to swicth viewcontroller.