The API server is a gRPC/REST server which exposes the API consumed by the Web UI, CLI, and CI/CD systems. It has the following responsibilities:
- application management and status reporting
- invoking of application operations (e.g. sync, rollback, user-defined actions)
- repository and cluster credential management (stored as K8s secrets)
- authentication and auth delegation to external identity providers
- RBAC enforcement
- listener/forwarder for git webhook events
The repository server is an internal service which maintains a local cache of the git repository holding the application manifests. It is responsible for generating and returning the Kubernetes manifests when provided the following inputs:
- repository URL
- git revision (commit, tag, branch)
- application path
- template specific settings: parameters, ksonnet environments, helm values.yaml
The application controller is a Kubernetes controller which continuously monitors running
applications and compares the current, live state against the desired target state (as specified in
the git repo). It detects OutOfSync
application state and optionally takes corrective action. It
is responsible for invoking any user-defined hooks for lifcecycle events (PreSync, Sync, PostSync)
The Application CRD is the Kubernetes resource object representing a deployed application instance in an environment. It is defined by two key pieces of information:
reference to the desired state in git (repository, revision, path, environment)destination
reference to the target cluster and namespace.
An example spec is as follows:
project: default
targetRevision: HEAD
path: guestbook
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: default
The AppProject CRD is the Kubernetes resource object representing a grouping of applications. It is defined by three key pieces of information:
reference to the reposities that applications within the project can pull manifests from.destinations
reference to clusters and namespaces that applications within the project can deploy into.roles
list of entities with defintions of their access to resources within the project.
An example spec is as follows:
description: Description of the project
- namespace: default
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
- description: Description of the role
- iat: 1535390316
name: role-name
- p, proj:proj-name:role-name, applications, get, proj-name/*, allow
- p, proj:proj-name:role-name, applications, sync, proj-name/*, deny