diff --git a/pages.de/common/git-branch.md b/pages.de/common/git-branch.md index 0a97ee98fd45fa..cd409f7de467f6 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages.de/common/git-branch.md @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ - Liste alle Branches auf (Lokal und Remote). Der momentan aktive (ausgecheckte) Branch wird mit `*` markiert: -`git branch --all` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - Liste alle Branches auf, welche einen spezifischen Git-Commit in ihrer Historie enthalten: -`git branch --all --contains {{commit_hash}}` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}} --contains {{commit_hash}}` - Zeige den Namen des aktuellen Branches: @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ - Benenne einen Branches um (der Branch muss nicht ausgecheckt sein): -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{alter_branch_name}} {{neuer_branch_name}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{alter_branch_name}} {{neuer_branch_name}}` - Lösche einen lokalen Branch (der Branch muss nicht ausgecheckt sein): -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{branch_name}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{branch_name}}` - Lösche einen remote-Branch: -`git push {{remote_name}} --delete {{remote_branch_name}}` +`git push {{remote_name}} {{[-d|--delete]}} {{remote_branch_name}}` diff --git a/pages.de/common/git-status.md b/pages.de/common/git-status.md index 68f7f02f73e833..e9232916a1dfb2 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.de/common/git-status.md @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ - Zeige eine kurze Version an: -`git status -s` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` - Zeige nur verfolgte (getrackte) Dateien an: -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` - Zeige eine kurze Version mit zusätzlichen Informationen über den Branch an: -`git status -sb` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` diff --git a/pages.es/common/git-branch.md b/pages.es/common/git-branch.md index 16eda16d069243..82356153dd8275 100644 --- a/pages.es/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages.es/common/git-branch.md @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ - Lista todas las ramas (locales y remotas; la rama actual se resalta con `*`): -`git branch --all` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - Lista las ramas que incluyen una confirmación específica en su historial: -`git branch --all --contains {{hash_de_la_confirmación}}` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}} --contains {{hash_de_la_confirmación}}` - Muestra el nombre de la rama actual: @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ - Renombra una rama (para ello no debes tenerla controlada): -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{nombre_de_rama_antigua}} {{nuevo_nombre_rama}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{nombre_de_rama_antigua}} {{nuevo_nombre_rama}}` - Elimina una rama local (no debes tenerla controlada para hacerlo): -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{nombre_de_rama}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{nombre_de_rama}}` - Elimina una rama remota: -`git push {{nombre_remoto}} --delete {{nombre_de_rama_remota}}` +`git push {{nombre_remoto}} {{[-d|--delete]}} {{nombre_de_rama_remota}}` diff --git a/pages.es/common/git-stash.md b/pages.es/common/git-stash.md index c0cdb0df1cb628..f40351046f2c20 100644 --- a/pages.es/common/git-stash.md +++ b/pages.es/common/git-stash.md @@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ - Almacena los cambios actuales, excepto los archivos nuevos (sin seguimiento): -`git stash push --message {{mensaje_opcional_stash}}` +`git stash push {{[-m|--message]}} {{mensaje_opcional_stash}}` - Almacena los cambios actuales, incluyendo los archivos nuevos (sin seguimiento): -`git stash --include-untracked` +`git stash {{[-u|--include-untracked]}}` - Selecciona interactivamente partes de los archivos modificados para almacenarlos: -`git stash --patch` +`git stash {{[-p|--patch]}}` - Lista todos los stashes (muestra el nombre del stash, la rama relacionada y el mensaje): @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Muestra los cambios como un parche entre el stash (por defecto es `stash@{0}`) y la confirmación de cuando se creó la entrada stash por primera vez: -`git stash show --patch {{stash@{0}}}` +`git stash show {{[-p|--patch]}} {{stash@{0}}}` - Aplica un stash (por defecto es el último, llamado `stash@{0}`): diff --git a/pages.es/common/git-status.md b/pages.es/common/git-status.md index fa06ed9501d1a4..8156dc1687b322 100644 --- a/pages.es/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.es/common/git-status.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ - Muestra la salida en formato breve: -`git status --short` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` - Muestra información detallada sobre cambios tanto en el área de preparación (staging) como en el directorio de trabajo: -`git status --verbose --verbose` +`git status {{[-vv|--verbose --verbose]}}` - Muestra la rama (branch) e información de seguimiento: @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Muestra la salida en formato breve junto a la información de la rama (branch): -`git status --short --branch` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` - Muestra el número de entradas en rama temporal (stash): @@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ - Muestra los archivos rastreados, excluyendo los no rastreados (untracked): -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` diff --git a/pages.fr/common/git-branch.md b/pages.fr/common/git-branch.md index 3b6f7d4fd3f7b3..19fe0830c239c8 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/git-branch.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - Liste toutes les branches (locale et distantes) : -`git branch --all` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - Affiche le nom de la branche courante : @@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ - Renommer une branche (ne pas se trouver sur la branche pour le faire) : -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{ancien_nom_de_branche}} {{nouveau_nom_de_branche}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{ancien_nom_de_branche}} {{nouveau_nom_de_branche}}` - Supprimer un branche locale (ne pas se trouver sur la branche pour le faire) : -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{nom_de_branche}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{nom_de_branche}}` - Supprimer une branche distante : -`git push {{nom_distant}} --delete {{nom_de_branche_distante}}` +`git push {{nom_distant}} {{[-d|--delete]}} {{nom_de_branche_distante}}` diff --git a/pages.fr/common/git-cherry.md b/pages.fr/common/git-cherry.md index 88ea20dc90e313..b108bcee29e875 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/git-cherry.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/git-cherry.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - Afficher les commits (et leurs messages) avec des commits équivalents en amont : -`git cherry {{-v|--verbose}}` +`git cherry {{[-v|--verbose]}}` - Spécifiez une branche amont et une branche de rubrique différentes : diff --git a/pages.fr/common/git-stash.md b/pages.fr/common/git-stash.md index ff6801a9d78297..33b56ef30b7a8b 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/git-stash.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/git-stash.md @@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ - Stocker les changements courants, sauf les fichiers non-suivis : -`git stash push -m {{nom_de_stash_optionel}}` +`git stash push {{[-m|--message]}} {{nom_de_stash_optionel}}` - Stocker les changements courants, incluant les fichiers non-suivis : -`git stash -u` +`git stash {{[-u|--include-untracked]}}` - Stocker les parties d'un fichier interactivement : -`git stash -p` +`git stash {{[-p|--patch]}}` - Lister tous les stashs (affiche leurs noms, les branches relatives et messages) : diff --git a/pages.fr/common/git-status.md b/pages.fr/common/git-status.md index 38dc6215b72075..593ed96f2d6aca 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/git-status.md @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ - Affiche les fichiers modifiés (version courte) : -`git status -s` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` - Affiche les fichiers modifiés, sans tenir des comptes des fichiers non-suivis : -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` - Affiche les fichiers modifiés (version courte) avec les informations de branche : -`git status -sb` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` diff --git a/pages.fr/common/rsync.md b/pages.fr/common/rsync.md index 4f2c81e5408391..fc67114a160b89 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/rsync.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/rsync.md @@ -10,24 +10,24 @@ - Utilise le mode archive (copier récursivement les répertoires, copier les liens symboliques sans résolution et conserver les autorisations, la propriété et les délais de modification) : -`rsync {{-a|--archive}} {{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-a|--archive]}} {{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` - Transférer le contenu d'un dossier : -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` - Transférer le contenu d'un dossier (mais pas le dossier lui-même) : -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{chemin/vers/origine}}/ {{chemin/vers/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{chemin/vers/origine}}/ {{chemin/vers/destination}}` - Utiliser le mode archive, résolvant les liens symboliques et ignorant les fichiers déjà transférés sauf si plus récents : -`rsync {{-auL|--archive --update --copy-links}} {{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-auL|--archive --update --copy-links]}} {{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` - Transférer un fichier vers un hôte distant exécutant `rsyncd` et supprimez les fichiers sur la destination qui n'existent pas sur l'hôte distant : -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} --delete rsync://{{hote_distant}}:{{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} --delete rsync://{{hote_distant}}:{{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` - Transférer un fichier par SSH et afficher l'avancement global du transfert : -`rsync {{-e|--rsh}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{hote_distant}}:{{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-e|--rsh]}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{hote_distant}}:{{chemin/vers/origine}} {{chemin/vers/destination}}` diff --git a/pages.hi/common/git-status.md b/pages.hi/common/git-status.md index 36ec36291fc9c9..d1ff155c0a97f6 100644 --- a/pages.hi/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.hi/common/git-status.md @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ - शॉर्ट-फॉर्मेट में आउटपुट दें: -`git status -s` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` - आउटपुट में ट्रैक न की गई फ़ाइलें न दिखाएं: -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` -- [b]शाखा की जानकारी के साथ [s]लघु प्रारूप में आउटपुट दिखाएं: +- शाखा की जानकारी के साथ लघु प्रारूप में आउटपुट दिखाएं: -`git status -sb` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` diff --git a/pages.id/common/git-branch.md b/pages.id/common/git-branch.md index 97573f4a06334d..93d929bcac7ae3 100644 --- a/pages.id/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages.id/common/git-branch.md @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ - Tampilkan daftar semua cabang (lokal dan remote; cabang saat ini ditandai oleh `*`) : -`git branch --all` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - Tampilkan daftar semua cabang yang memiliki komit Git tertentu di dalam riwayat: -`git branch --all --contains {{hash_komit}}` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}} --contains {{hash_komit}}` - Tampilkan nama cabang saat ini: @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ - Ubah nama cabang (harus bukan cabang saat ini untuk melakukannya): -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{nama_cabang_lama}} {{nama_cabang_baru}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{nama_cabang_lama}} {{nama_cabang_baru}}` - Hapus cabang lokal (harus bukan cabang saat ini untuk melakukannya): -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{nama_cabang}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{nama_cabang}}` - Hapus cabang remote: -`git push {{nama_remote}} --delete {{nama_cabang_remote}}` +`git push {{nama_remote}} {{[-d|--delete]}} {{nama_cabang_remote}}` diff --git a/pages.id/common/git-cherry.md b/pages.id/common/git-cherry.md index fb902ebd257193..ba81758a3c8a5b 100644 --- a/pages.id/common/git-cherry.md +++ b/pages.id/common/git-cherry.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - Lihat daftar komit (beserta pesannya) dengan komit-komit serupa pada hulu (upstream): -`git cherry {{-v|--verbose}}` +`git cherry {{[-v|--verbose]}}` - Gunakan sumber hulu dan cabang topik yang lain: diff --git a/pages.id/common/git-status.md b/pages.id/common/git-status.md index 4a1343b2cdc47e..ad27bcc2188e4d 100644 --- a/pages.id/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.id/common/git-status.md @@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ `git status` -- Tampilkan informasi dalam format [s]ingkat: +- Tampilkan informasi dalam format singkat: -`git status --short` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` -- Tampilkan informasi secara terperinci ([v]erbose) baik dalam panggung rencana perubahan (staging) dan direktori kerja saat ini: +- Tampilkan informasi secara terperinci baik dalam panggung rencana perubahan (staging) dan direktori kerja saat ini: -`git status --verbose --verbose` +`git status {{[-vv|--verbose --verbose]}}` - Tampilkan informasi mengenai cabang ([b]ranch) dan status pelacakan dari remote: -`git status --branch` +`git status {{[-b|--branch]}}` -- Tampilkan daftar berkas beserta informasi cabang ([b]ranch) dalam format [s]ingkat: +- Tampilkan daftar berkas beserta informasi cabang dalam format: -`git status --short --branch` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` - Tampilkan jumlah entri yang disimpan ke dalam kumpulan stash: @@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ - Jangan tampilkan berkas yang tidak terlacak: -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` diff --git a/pages.id/common/rsync.md b/pages.id/common/rsync.md index f5ea7e69b37880..f55b4b2c19a367 100644 --- a/pages.id/common/rsync.md +++ b/pages.id/common/rsync.md @@ -10,28 +10,28 @@ - Gunakan mode arsip (salin direktori secara rekursif, salin tautan simbolik tanpa menyelesaikan, dan pertahankan izin, kepemilikan, dan waktu modifikasi): -`rsync {{-a|--archive}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` +`rsync {{[-a|--archive]}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` - Kompres data saat dikirim ke tujuan, tampilkan informasi kemajuan secara verbose dan dapat dibaca manusia, dan simpan sebagian file yang ditransfer jika terganggu: -`rsync {{-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` +`rsync {{[-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress]}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` - Salin kumpulan direktori secara rekursif: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` - Transfer isi direktori, tetapi bukan direktori itu sendiri: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}}/ {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}}/ {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` - Gunakan mode arsip, selesaikan tautan simbolik, dan lewati file yang lebih baru di tujuan: -`rsync {{-auL|--archive --update --copy-links}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` +`rsync {{[-auL|--archive --update --copy-links]}} {{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` - Transfer direktori dari host jarak jauh yang menjalankan `rsyncd` dan hapus file di tujuan yang tidak ada di sumber: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` - Transfer file melalui SSH menggunakan port yang berbeda dari default (22) dan tampilkan kemajuan proses secara global: -`rsync {{-e|--rsh}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` +`rsync {{[-e|--rsh]}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{jalan/menuju/sumber}} {{jalan/menuju/tujuan}}` diff --git a/pages.it/common/git-branch.md b/pages.it/common/git-branch.md index 8ee78c369e5795..b2e15272c1b22c 100644 --- a/pages.it/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages.it/common/git-branch.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - Elenca tutti i rami (locali e remoti): -`git branch -a` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - Crea un nuovo ramo a partire dal commit corrente: @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ - Rinomina un ramo (non applicabile sul ramo corrente): -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{vecchio_nome}} {{nuovo_nome}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{vecchio_nome}} {{nuovo_nome}}` - Cancella un ramo locale (non applicabile sul ramo corrente): -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{nome_ramo}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{nome_ramo}}` diff --git a/pages.it/common/git-stash.md b/pages.it/common/git-stash.md index 4b7f9e32a646cb..db729bee28cd38 100644 --- a/pages.it/common/git-stash.md +++ b/pages.it/common/git-stash.md @@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ - Salva in un'area temporanea modifiche locali, tranne i file nuovi e non tracciati: -`git stash push -m {{messaggio_di_stash_opzionale}}` +`git stash push {{[-m|--message]}} {{messaggio_di_stash_opzionale}}` - Includi nello stash anche i file nuovi e non tracciati: -`git stash -u` +`git stash {{[-u|--include-untracked]}}` - Seleziona per lo stash parti di file modificati in modo interattivo: -`git stash -p` +`git stash {{[-p|--patch]}}` - Elenca tutti gli stash, mostrandone il nome, ramo relativo e messaggio: diff --git a/pages.it/common/git-status.md b/pages.it/common/git-status.md index 064542dc36b3e3..3521d8c07e09f0 100644 --- a/pages.it/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.it/common/git-status.md @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ - Mostra l'output in formato ridotto: -`git status -s` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` - Nascondi i file non tracciati dall'output: -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` - Mostra informazioni sul ramo ed in formato ridotto: -`git status -sb` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` diff --git a/pages.ko/common/git-branch.md b/pages.ko/common/git-branch.md index 8263d72a492d0b..37b0e9117f5ba0 100644 --- a/pages.ko/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages.ko/common/git-branch.md @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ - 모든 브랜치 나열 (로컬 및 원격; 현재 브랜치는 `*`로 강조): -`git branch --all` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - 특정 Git 커밋을 포함한 브랜치 나열: -`git branch --all --contains {{커밋_해시}}` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}} --contains {{커밋_해시}}` - 현재 브랜치 이름 표시: @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ - 브랜치 이름 변경 (현재 체크아웃된 브랜치가 아니어야 함): -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{이전_브랜치_이름}} {{새_브랜치_이름}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{이전_브랜치_이름}} {{새_브랜치_이름}}` - 로컬 브랜치 삭제 (현재 체크아웃된 브랜치가 아니어야 함): -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{브랜치_이름}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{브랜치_이름}}` - 원격 브랜치 삭제: -`git push {{원격_이름}} --delete {{원격_브랜치_이름}}` +`git push {{원격_이름}} {{[-d|--delete]}} {{원격_브랜치_이름}}` diff --git a/pages.ko/common/git-cherry.md b/pages.ko/common/git-cherry.md index 4053b4a9cbbbea..e18b666d907109 100644 --- a/pages.ko/common/git-cherry.md +++ b/pages.ko/common/git-cherry.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - 상류에 동등한 커밋이 있는 커밋(및 그 메시지) 표시: -`git cherry {{-v|--verbose}}` +`git cherry {{[-v|--verbose]}}` - 다른 상류 및 주제 브랜치 지정: diff --git a/pages.ko/common/git-stash.md b/pages.ko/common/git-stash.md index da99e666dba4d7..349e1d65c300e0 100644 --- a/pages.ko/common/git-stash.md +++ b/pages.ko/common/git-stash.md @@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ - 새롭게 생성한 (Git에서 관리하지 않는) 파일을 제외하고 현재 변경사항을 메시지와 함께 임시 저장: -`git stash push --message {{optional_stash_message}}` +`git stash push {{[-m|--message]}} {{optional_stash_message}}` - 새롭게 생성한 (Git에서 관리하지 않는) 파일을 포함하여 현재 변경사항을 임시 저장: -`git stash --include-untracked` +`git stash {{[-u|--include-untracked]}}` - 변경된 파일들의 특정 부분만 선택하여 임시 저장 (대화형 프롬프트): -`git stash --patch` +`git stash {{[-p|--patch]}}` - 모든 임시 저장 목록 표시 (임시 저장 이름, 관련 브랜치 및 메시지 표시): @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - 임시 저장(기본값은 `stash@{0}`)과 해당 임시 저장이 생성된 시점의 커밋 사이의 변경 사항을 터미널에 상세히 표시: -`git stash show --patch {{stash@{0}}}` +`git stash show {{[-p|--patch]}} {{stash@{0}}}` - 임시 저장 적용 (기본값은 가장 최근 임시 저장인 stash@{0}): diff --git a/pages.ko/common/git-status.md b/pages.ko/common/git-status.md index ef9263e343c06a..1af5f9d1937b8f 100644 --- a/pages.ko/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.ko/common/git-status.md @@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ - [s]hort 형식으로 출력: -`git status --short` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` - 스테이징 영역과 작업 디렉토리의 변경 사항에 대한 [v]erbose 정보 표시: -`git status --verbose --verbose` +`git status {{[-vv|--verbose --verbose]}}` - [b]ranch 및 추적 정보 표시: -`git status --branch` +`git status {{[-b|--branch]}}` - [s]hort 형식으로 출력하면서 [b]ranch 정보 표시: -`git status --short --branch` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` - 현재 숨겨둔 엔트리의 수 표시: @@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ - 출력에 추적되지 않는 파일을 표시하지 않기: -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` diff --git a/pages.ko/common/rsync.md b/pages.ko/common/rsync.md index ca97b0357f59de..67cb2186395dfd 100644 --- a/pages.ko/common/rsync.md +++ b/pages.ko/common/rsync.md @@ -10,28 +10,28 @@ - 아카이브 모드 (디렉토리를 반복적으로 복사하고, 권한, 소유권, 수정 시간을 확인 및 보존하지 않고 심볼릭 링크를 복사) 사용: -`rsync {{-a|--archive}} {{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` +`rsync {{[-a|--archive]}} {{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` - 데이터가 대상으로 전송될 때 압축하고, 사람이 읽을 수 있는 자세한 진행 상황을 표시하고, 중단된 경우 부분적으로 전송된 파일 유지: -`rsync {{-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress}} {{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` +`rsync {{[-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress]}} {{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` - 반복적으로 폴더 복사: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` - 디렉터리 내용을 전송하지만, 디렉터리 자체는 전송하지 않음: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{경로/대상/소스}}/ {{경로/대상/목적지}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{경로/대상/소스}}/ {{경로/대상/목적지}}` - 디렉토리를 반복적으로 복사하고, 아카이브 모드를 사용하고, 심볼릭 링크를 확인하고, 대상에 있는 최신 파일을 건너뜀: -`rsync {{-auL|--archive --update --copy-links}} {{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` +`rsync {{[-auL|--archive --update --copy-links]}} {{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` - `rsyncd`를 실행하는 원격 호스트로 폴더를 전송하고 소스에 존재하지 않는 대상의 파일으 삭제: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} --delete rsync://{{호스트}}:{{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} --delete rsync://{{호스트}}:{{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` - 기본값(22)이 아닌 다른 포트를 사용하여 SSH를 통해 파일을 전송하고 전체적인 진행 상황을 표시: -`rsync {{-e|--rsh}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{호스트}}:{{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` +`rsync {{[-e|--rsh]}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{호스트}}:{{경로/대상/소스}} {{경로/대상/목적지}}` diff --git a/pages.pl/common/rsync.md b/pages.pl/common/rsync.md index b14b5f2fd11561..8af2de6e8e0822 100644 --- a/pages.pl/common/rsync.md +++ b/pages.pl/common/rsync.md @@ -10,28 +10,28 @@ - Użyj trybu archiwum (rekursywnie kopiuj katalogi, kopiuj dowiązania symboliczne bez rozwiązywania i zachowaj uprawnienia, własność i czasy modyfikacji): -`rsync {{-a|--archive}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` +`rsync {{[-a|--archive]}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` - Kompresuj dane podczas gdy są wysyłane do miejsca docelowego, wyświetlaj szczegółowy i czytelny dla człowieka postęp i zachowaj częściowo przesłane pliki w przypadku przerwania: -`rsync {{-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` +`rsync {{[-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress]}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` - Rekursywnie kopiuj katalogi: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` - Prześlij zawartość katalogu, ale nie sam katalog: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}}/ {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}}/ {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` - Rekursywnie kopiuj katalogi, użyj trybu archiwum, rozwiąż dowiązania symboliczne i pomiń pliki, które są nowsze w miejscu docelowym: -`rsync {{-auL|--archive --update --copy-links}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` +`rsync {{[-auL|--archive --update --copy-links]}} {{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` - Prześlij katalog ze zdalnego hosta, na którym działa `rsyncd` i usuń pliki w miejscu docelowym, które nie istnieją w źródle: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` - Prześlij plik poprzez SSH używając innego portu niż domyślny (22) i wyświetlaj globalny postęp: -`rsync {{-e|--rsh}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` +`rsync {{[-e|--rsh]}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{ścieżka/do/źródła}} {{ścieżka/do/miejsca_docelowego}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/git-branch.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/git-branch.md index 3a2cfd4beb28e1..c81e41e951ff95 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/git-branch.md @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ - Lista todas as branches (locais e remotas; a branch atual é destacada por `*`): -`git branch --all` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - Lista quais branches incluem um commit específico do Git em seu histórico: -`git branch --all --contains {{hash_do_commit}}` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}} --contains {{hash_do_commit}}` - Mostra o nome da branch atual: @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ - Renomeia uma branch (não precisa fazer checkout para isso): -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{antigo_nome_da_branch}} {{novo_nome_da_branch}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{antigo_nome_da_branch}} {{novo_nome_da_branch}}` - Exclui a branch local (não precisa fazer checkout para isso): -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{nome_da_branch}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{nome_da_branch}}` - Exclui uma branch remota: -`git push {{nome_remoto}} --delete {{nome_da_branch_remota}}` +`git push {{nome_remoto}} {{[-d|--delete]}} {{nome_da_branch_remota}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/git-status.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/git-status.md index a032e3a75d43f6..691206905c52db 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/git-status.md @@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ - Fornece a saída em formato curto: -`git status --short` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` - Mostra informação verbosa em alterações tanto na área de preparação e no diretório de trabalho: -`git status --verbose --verbose` +`git status {{[-vv|--verbose --verbose]}}` - Mostra informações da branch e de rastreamento: -`git status --branch` +`git status {{[-b|--branch]}}` - Mostra a saída em formato curto junto com as informações da branch: -`git status --short --branch` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` - Mostra o número de entradas atualmente armazenadas: @@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ - Não mostra arquivos não rastreados na saída: -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/rsync.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/rsync.md index ac6fea194318c8..9b0654710e942b 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/rsync.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/rsync.md @@ -10,28 +10,28 @@ - Usa o modo de arquivo (copia recursivamente diretórios, copia links simbólicos sem resolver e preserva permissões, propriedade e tempos de modificação): -`rsync {{-a|--archive}} {{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` +`rsync {{[-a|--archive]}} {{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` - Comprime os dados à medida que são enviados ao destino, exibe progresso detalhado e legível, e mantém arquivos parcialmente transferidos se forem interrompidos: -`rsync {{-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress}} {{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` +`rsync {{[-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress]}} {{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` - Copia recursivamente diretórios: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` - Transfere os conteúdos do diretório, mas não o diretório em si: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{caminho/para/origem}}/ {{caminho/para/destino}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{caminho/para/origem}}/ {{caminho/para/destino}}` - Copia diretórios, usa o modo de arquivamento, resolve links simbólicos e ignora arquivos que são mais recentes no destino: -`rsync {{-auL|--archive --update --copy-links}} {{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` +`rsync {{[-auL|--archive --update --copy-links]}} {{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` - Transfere um diretório para um host remoto executando o `rsyncd` and exclui arquivos no destino que não existem na origem: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` - Transfere um arquivo por SSH usando uma porta diferente da padrão (22) e mostra o progresso global: -`rsync {{-e|--rsh}} 'ssh -p {{porta}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` +`rsync {{[-e|--rsh]}} 'ssh -p {{porta}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{caminho/para/origem}} {{caminho/para/destino}}` diff --git a/pages.ta/common/git-branch.md b/pages.ta/common/git-branch.md index 7a798543f2f9fb..ceb03bda75444d 100644 --- a/pages.ta/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages.ta/common/git-branch.md @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ - அனைத்து கிளைகளையும் பட்டியலிடுங்கள் (உள்ளூர் மற்றும் தொலைதூர; தற்போதைய கிளை `*` மூலம் சிறப்பிக்கப்படுகிறது): -`git branch --all` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - எந்தெந்த கிளைகள் தங்கள் வரலாற்றில் குறிப்பிட்ட Git கமிட்டை உள்ளடக்கியிருக்கின்றன என்பதை பட்டியலிடுங்கள்: -`git branch --all --contains {{கமிட்_ஹாஷ்}}` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}} --contains {{கமிட்_ஹாஷ்}}` - தற்போதைய கிளையின் பெயரைக் காட்டு: @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ - ஒரு கிளையின் மறுபெயரிடு (இதை செய்ய அந்த கிளையை செக்கவுட் செய்த்திருக்க கூடாது): -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{பழைய_கிளையின்_பெயர்}} {{புதிய_கிளையின்_பெயர்}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{பழைய_கிளையின்_பெயர்}} {{புதிய_கிளையின்_பெயர்}}` - கணினியில் ஒரு கிளையை நீக்கு (இதை செய்ய அந்த கிளையை செக்கவுட் செய்த்திருக்க கூடாது): -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{கிளையின்_பெயர்}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{கிளையின்_பெயர்}}` - தொலை களஞ்சியத்தில் ஒரு கிளையை நீக்கு: -`git push {{தொலை_களஞ்சிய_பெயர்}} --delete {{தொலை_கிளையின்_பெயர்}}` +`git push {{தொலை_களஞ்சிய_பெயர்}} {{[-d|--delete]}} {{தொலை_கிளையின்_பெயர்}}` diff --git a/pages.ta/common/git-cherry.md b/pages.ta/common/git-cherry.md index cb8d403408263c..c5facf3fba6e79 100644 --- a/pages.ta/common/git-cherry.md +++ b/pages.ta/common/git-cherry.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - அப்ஸ்ட்ரீமில் சமமான கமிட்டுகளுடன் கமிட்டுகளையும் (அவற்றின் செய்திகளையும்) காட்டு: -`git cherry {{-v|--verbose}}` +`git cherry {{[-v|--verbose]}}` - வேறு அப்ஸ்ட்ரீம் மற்றும் தலைப்பு கிளையை குறிப்பிடவும்: diff --git a/pages.tr/common/git-branch.md b/pages.tr/common/git-branch.md index aa63081e81fb89..b754f39938c464 100644 --- a/pages.tr/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages.tr/common/git-branch.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - Tüm dalları (yerel ve uzak bağlantıda olan) göster: -`git branch --all` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - Mevcut dalın ismini göster: @@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ - Bir dalı yeniden adlandır: -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{eski_dal_ismi}} {{yeni_dal_ismi}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{eski_dal_ismi}} {{yeni_dal_ismi}}` - Yerel bir dalı sil: -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{dal_ismi}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{dal_ismi}}` - Uzaktaki bir dalı sil: -`git push {{uzak_bağlantı}} --delete {{uzak_dal_ismi}}` +`git push {{uzak_bağlantı}} {{[-d|--delete]}} {{uzak_dal_ismi}}` diff --git a/pages.tr/common/git-cherry.md b/pages.tr/common/git-cherry.md index f5ac9276b915cf..e1859dc1fa8de0 100644 --- a/pages.tr/common/git-cherry.md +++ b/pages.tr/common/git-cherry.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - Commit'leri (ve mesajlarını) ana akımda kendilerine tekabül eden commit'ler ile göster: -`git cherry {{-v|--verbose}}` +`git cherry {{[-v|--verbose]}}` - Farklı bir ana akım ve konu dalı belirt: diff --git a/pages.tr/common/git-stash.md b/pages.tr/common/git-stash.md index 06fc3e3c5e4370..29b669fa915dc2 100644 --- a/pages.tr/common/git-stash.md +++ b/pages.tr/common/git-stash.md @@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ - Yeni (izlenmeyen) dosyalar hariç mevcut değişiklikleri sakla: -`git stash push -m {{keyfi_saklama_mesajı}}` +`git stash push {{[-m|--message]}} {{keyfi_saklama_mesajı}}` - Yeni (izlenmeyen) dosyalar dahil mevcut değişiklikleri sakla: -`git stash -u` +`git stash {{[-u|--include-untracked]}}` - Değiştirilen dosyaların parçalarını etkileşimli şekilde seçip sakla: -`git stash -p` +`git stash {{[-p|--patch]}}` - Tüm saklananları göster (saklanan ismi, bağlı olduğu dal ve mesaj gösterilir): diff --git a/pages.tr/common/git-status.md b/pages.tr/common/git-status.md index 44f9cc3dbce35c..e0f799497b8d9e 100644 --- a/pages.tr/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.tr/common/git-status.md @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ - Çıktıyı özetlenmiş şekilde göster: -`git status -s` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` - Çıktıda izlenmeyen dosyaları gösterme: -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` - Çıktıyı özetlenmiş şekilde dal bilgisiyle beraber göster: -`git status -sb` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` diff --git a/pages.uk/common/git-cherry.md b/pages.uk/common/git-cherry.md index 87b812195d4fbf..1f82f5faef4852 100644 --- a/pages.uk/common/git-cherry.md +++ b/pages.uk/common/git-cherry.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - Показує коміти (та їхні повідомлення) із відповідними комітами першоджерела: -`git cherry {{-v|--verbose}}` +`git cherry {{[-v|--verbose]}}` - Визначає інші першоджерело та тематичну гілку: diff --git a/pages.uk/common/git-status.md b/pages.uk/common/git-status.md index 19f811a69fbda1..9767b9e0680fd3 100644 --- a/pages.uk/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages.uk/common/git-status.md @@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ `git status` -- Виводить інформацію у стислому ([s]hort) форматі: +- Виводить інформацію у стислому форматі: -`git status -s` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` - Виводить інформацію без неконтрольованих файлів: -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` -- Виводить інформацію у стислому ([s]hort) форматі разом з інформацією про гілку ([b]ranch): +- Виводить інформацію у стислому форматі разом з інформацією про гілку: -`git status -sb` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` diff --git a/pages.zh/common/rsync.md b/pages.zh/common/rsync.md index b8b42bc8742255..50f64d39dd6382 100644 --- a/pages.zh/common/rsync.md +++ b/pages.zh/common/rsync.md @@ -10,28 +10,28 @@ - 使用归档模式递归拷贝文件,并保留所有属性,不解析软链接: -`rsync {{-a|--archive}} {{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` +`rsync {{[-a|--archive]}} {{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` - 将文件以归档模式并保留几乎所有属性进行传输,并以人类可读方式输出详细信息和进度条,中断时保留部分信息: -`rsync {{-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress}} {{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` +`rsync {{[-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress]}} {{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` - 以递归模式传输文件: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` - 将目录下的所有内容(不包含该目录),以递归方式传输: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{路径/到/来源}}/ {{路径/到/目标}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{路径/到/来源}}/ {{路径/到/目标}}` - 归档方式传输目录,保留几乎所有属性,解析软连接,并忽略已传输的文件: -`rsync {{-auL|--archive --update --copy-links}} {{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` +`rsync {{[-auL|--archive --update --copy-links]}} {{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` - 传输目录到运行 `rsyncd` 的远端,并删除目标目录中源目录中不存在的文件: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` - 指定本地和远程之间通信方式,使用指定端口,并显示进度条: -`rsync {{-e|--rsh}} 'ssh -p {{端口}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` +`rsync {{[-e|--rsh]}} 'ssh -p {{端口}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{路径/到/来源}} {{路径/到/目标}}` diff --git a/pages/common/git-branch.md b/pages/common/git-branch.md index ab428d9f5962a9..8beb7a95e5654f 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-branch.md +++ b/pages/common/git-branch.md @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ - List all branches (local and remote; the current branch is highlighted by `*`): -`git branch --all` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}}` - List which branches include a specific Git commit in their history: -`git branch --all --contains {{commit_hash}}` +`git branch {{[-a|--all]}} --contains {{commit_hash}}` - Show the name of the current branch: @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ - Rename a branch (you must switch to a different branch before doing this): -`git branch {{-m|--move}} {{old_branch_name}} {{new_branch_name}}` +`git branch {{[-m|--move]}} {{old_branch_name}} {{new_branch_name}}` - Delete a local branch (you must switch to a different branch before doing this): -`git branch {{-d|--delete}} {{branch_name}}` +`git branch {{[-d|--delete]}} {{branch_name}}` - Delete a remote branch: -`git push {{remote_name}} --delete {{remote_branch_name}}` +`git push {{remote_name}} {{[-d|--delete]}} {{remote_branch_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/git-cherry.md b/pages/common/git-cherry.md index 8375274e946454..f2e9310798e262 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-cherry.md +++ b/pages/common/git-cherry.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - Show commits (and their messages) with equivalent commits upstream: -`git cherry {{-v|--verbose}}` +`git cherry {{[-v|--verbose]}}` - Specify a different upstream and topic branch: diff --git a/pages/common/git-stash.md b/pages/common/git-stash.md index 1c3a6b318ba928..f01cfcbcc5005a 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-stash.md +++ b/pages/common/git-stash.md @@ -3,25 +3,25 @@ > Stash local Git changes in a temporary area. > More information: . -- Stash current changes with a [m]essage, except new (untracked) files: +- Stash current changes with a message, except new (untracked) files: -`git stash push --message {{optional_stash_message}}` +`git stash push {{[-m|--message]}} {{optional_stash_message}}` -- Stash current changes, including new ([u]ntracked) files: +- Stash current changes, including new untracked files: -`git stash --include-untracked` +`git stash {{[-u|--include-untracked]}}` -- Interactively select [p]arts of changed files for stashing: +- Interactively select parts of changed files for stashing: -`git stash --patch` +`git stash {{[-p|--patch]}}` - List all stashes (shows stash name, related branch and message): `git stash list` -- Show the changes as a [p]atch between the stash (default is `stash@{0}`) and the commit back when stash entry was first created: +- Show the changes as a patch between the stash (default is `stash@{0}`) and the commit back when stash entry was first created: -`git stash show --patch {{stash@{0}}}` +`git stash show {{[-p|--patch]}} {{stash@{0}}}` - Apply a stash (default is the latest, named stash@{0}): diff --git a/pages/common/git-status.md b/pages/common/git-status.md index b1104f0298e05b..b309a7fcbff662 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-status.md +++ b/pages/common/git-status.md @@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ `git status` -- Give output in [s]hort format: +- Give output in short format: -`git status --short` +`git status {{[-s|--short]}}` -- Show [v]erbose information on changes in both the staging area and working directory: +- Show verbose information on changes in both the staging area and working directory: -`git status --verbose --verbose` +`git status {{[-vv|--verbose --verbose]}}` -- Show the [b]ranch and tracking info: +- Show the branch and tracking info: -`git status --branch` +`git status {{[-b|--branch]}}` -- Show output in [s]hort format along with [b]ranch info: +- Show output in short format along with branch info: -`git status --short --branch` +`git status {{[-sb|--short --branch]}}` - Show the number of entries currently stashed away: @@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ - Don't show untracked files in the output: -`git status --untracked-files=no` +`git status {{[-uno|--untracked-files=no]}}` diff --git a/pages/common/rsync.md b/pages/common/rsync.md index 6461e818382007..138520ede428f8 100644 --- a/pages/common/rsync.md +++ b/pages/common/rsync.md @@ -10,28 +10,28 @@ - Use archive mode (recursively copy directories, copy symlinks without resolving, and preserve permissions, ownership and modification times): -`rsync {{-a|--archive}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-a|--archive]}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` - Compress the data as it is sent to the destination, display verbose and human-readable progress, and keep partially transferred files if interrupted: -`rsync {{-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-zvhP|--compress --verbose --human-readable --partial --progress]}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` - Recursively copy directories: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` - Transfer directory contents, but not the directory itself: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} {{path/to/source}}/ {{path/to/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} {{path/to/source}}/ {{path/to/destination}}` - Use archive mode, resolve symlinks, and skip files that are newer on the destination: -`rsync {{-auL|--archive --update --copy-links}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-auL|--archive --update --copy-links]}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` - Transfer a directory from a remote host running `rsyncd` and delete files on the destination that do not exist on the source: -`rsync {{-r|--recursive}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-r|--recursive]}} --delete rsync://{{host}}:{{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` - Transfer a file over SSH using a different port than the default (22) and show global progress: -`rsync {{-e|--rsh}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` +`rsync {{[-e|--rsh]}} 'ssh -p {{port}}' --info=progress2 {{host}}:{{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}`