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Bolt schemas

This directory includes several JSON schemas that can be used to validate Bolt configuration and inventory files. These schemas are distributed via the Puppet Forge.

More information about using the schemas can be found in Setting up VS Code for Bolt.

Generating schemas

Changes made to Bolt's source code might require regenerating the schemas. Bolt includes a Rake task for generating the schemas from Bolt's source code.

To regenerate the schemas, run the following command:

$ bundle exec rake schemas:all

You can also regenerate individual schemas using the corresponding Rake task in the schemas namespace. To view a list of available Rake tasks in the schemas namespace, run the following command:

$ bundle exec rake -T schemas

Schema definitions

Bolt's schemas are generated directly from Bolt source code and are built from an array of top-level options and a hash of definitions for options available in the given file. You can find Bolt's schema definitions in the following files:

The definitions hash is composed of key-value pairs, where the key is the name of the configuration option and the value is the definition itself. A definition includes keys defined by JSON Schema Draft 07 as well as some metadata keys used by Bolt to generate documentation or validate configuration files.

For example, the following definition defines the foo option. The definition restricts the value for this option to an array of strings and does not accept a plugin reference:

  "foo" => {
    description: "The foo option.",
    type: Array,
    items: {
      type: String
    _plugin: false

Schema definition keys

The following keys are supported.

  • :type Class

    Required. The expected type of a value. These should be Ruby classes, as this field is used to perform automatic type validation in Bolt. If an option can accept more than one type, this should be an array of classes. Boolean values shoudl set the :type key to [TrueClass, FalseClass], as Ruby does not have a single Boolean class.

  • :description String

    Required. A detailed description of the option and what it does. This field is used in both documentation and the JSON schemas, and should provide as much detail as possible, including links to relevant documentation.

  • :properties Hash

    A hash where keys are sub-options and values are definitions for the sub-option. Similar to top-level options, properties can have a :description, :type, or any other key in this list.

  • :additionalProperties Hash

    A variation of the :properties key, where the hash is a definition for any properties not explicitly listed under :properties. This can be used to permit arbitrary sub-options that still require a definition, such as log files for the log config option.

  • :required Array

    An array of properties that are required for a hash value. In other words, sub-options that must be specified for the option.

  • :items Hash

    A definition hash for items in an array. Only used when the value's type is an array. Similar to other definitions, this definition hash can use any other key, but must include the :type key at a minimum.

  • :uniqueItems Boolean

    Whether or not an array should contain only unique items. Only used when the value's type is an array.

  • :enum Array

    An array of acceptable values for a string.

  • :pattern String

    A JSON regex pattern that the option's value should match. This key is only used by the generated JSON schemas and not by Bolt's validator.

  • :format String

    Requires that a string matches a format defined by the JSON Schema draft. This key is only used by the generated JSON schemas and not by Bolt's validator.

  • :minimum Integer

    An inclusive minimum for an integer value.

  • :maximum Integer

    An inclusive maximum for an integer value.

  • :_plugin Boolean

    Whether the option accepts a plugin reference. This is used when generating the JSON schemas to determine whether or not to include a reference to the _plugin definition. If :_plugin is set to true, the script that generates JSON schemas will automatically recurse through the :items and :properties keys and add a plugin reference if applicable.

    This key is also supported by Bolt's validator. If :_plugin is set to true, Bolt will not validate the option.

  • :_ref String

    A reference to another definition in the schema. When Bolt's validator sees this key, it pulls the definition for the specified option and uses it for validation. This key is useful for options that can be nested within themselves, such as groups in an inventory file.

  • :_example Any

    An example value for the option. This is used to generate reference documentation for Bolt's configuration files.

  • :_default Any

    The documented default value for the option. This is only used to generate reference documentation for Bolt's configuration files and is not used to actually set default values.