.. versionchanged:: 7.1
The OpenERP framework, as an HTTP server, serves a few hard-coded URLs
, db
, ...) to expose RPC endpoints. When running the web addons
(which is almost always the case), it also serves URLs without them being RPC
In older version of OpenERP, adding RPC endpoints was done by subclassing the
class. Adding WSGI handlers was done by
registering them with the :py:func:`openerp.wsgi.register_wsgi_handler`
Starting with OpenERP 7.1, exposing a new arbitrary WSGI handler is done with the :py:func:`openerp.http.handler` decorator while adding an RPC endpoint is done with the :py:func:`openerp.http.rpc` decorator.
.. automodule:: openerp.http :members: :undoc-members: