JUMLY is a JavaScript library.
Using JUMLY, you can easily embed UML diagram on your HTML document.
All you need are just two things you use everyday.
- Text editor you get used to use.
- A modern browser like WebKit-base brwoser and Opera.
(working for Firefox now)
For more information, see https://jumly.herokuapp.com/.
The auther's blog is http://tmtk75.github.com.
Copy following code, paste it at the place of your HTML document, and open the document.
<link href='https://jumly.herokuapp.com/release/0.1.2b/jumly.min.css' rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js'></script>
<script src='http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/extras/coffee-script.js'></script>
<script src='https://jumly.herokuapp.com/release/0.1.2b/jumly.min.js'></script>
<script type='text/jumly+sequence'>
@found "You", ->
@message "meet", "JUMLY"
Here is a minimal sample.
Requiring node.js v0.8.9 or upper.
nvm is good to get it.
$ git clone git://github.com/creationix/nvm.git ~/.nvm
$ . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
$ nvm install 0.8.16
In order to build jumly.js, jumly.css and minified ones, it's shortly steps.
$ git clone https://github.com/tmtk75/jumly.git
$ cd jumly
$ npm install
$ . .env
$ grunt
directory is created and it contains them.
Written in CoffeeScript and stylus. They are in ./lib
organizes other *.coffee files in order.
On a webapp, which is described at next, you can use them without build. Editing *.coffee and *.styl, reload a page of webapp, and your change will make effect.
You can launch the webapp using express.
$ . .env
$ git submodule update --init
$ ./app.coffee
Please access to localhost:3000 thru your browser.
Compile spec files, and open ./spec/index.html
with your browser.
To compile them,
$ . .env
$ grunt compile
$ open spec/index.html
jasmine is used for writing specs.
JUMLY v0.1.2b is under MIT License.
JUMLY v0.1.2b, 2010-2013 copyright(c), all rights reserved Tomotaka Sakuma.
- Use GRUNT for bulid, Mar 10, 2013
- 0.1.2b, Jan 9, 2013
- @fragment directive
- 0.1.2a, Dec 31, 2012
- Fixed #4
- Try JUMLY, Dec 29, 2012
- interactive demo for sequence diagram
- 0.1.2, Dec 29, 2012
- change CSS class name for .participant, which was .object
- Reference Manual r1 published Dec 10, 2012
- 0.1.1 Nov 29, 2012
- support @note directive
- adjust margins and spaces in stylesheet
- 0.1.0 Nov 23, 2012 -- initial release
- support sequence diagram
- jQuery http://jquery.com/
- CoffeeScript http://coffeescript.org/
- node.js http://nodejs.org/
- express http://expressjs.com/
- GitHub https://github.com/
- heroku https://www.heroku.com/
- jade http://jade-lang.com/
- Stylus http://learnboost.github.com/stylus/
- Markdown https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
- GRUNT http://gruntjs.com/