Andrew Yates
Dr. Thierry Pecot
Dr. Kun Huang
Dr. Raghu Machiraju
You know that every cell in your body contains a complete copy of your entire genome, so how do different cells express the same DNA differently to do different things? A key to answering this question lies in understanding proteins called “transcription factors,” which bind to DNA and change how cells express genes. However, despite aggressive and continuing biomedical research in this area, scientists do not yet know which transcription factors affect which genes.
In this project, you will transform spreadsheets compiled by molecular biologists of potential transcription factor gene targets into a database driven web application. By the end of the term, you will have published a web application that, given a transcription factor, returns a list of potential gene targets ranked by confidence and supported by literature citation. The finished application will be used by biomedical scientists worldwide including those in breast cancer research laboratories here at the OSU Wexner Medical Center.
Technologies used: Python, Django, jQuery, HTML, MySQL, Linux. Prior experience in molecular biology or genomics is useful but not required.