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RTP MIDI daemon test cases

There are not enough tests yet. I hope to increase the number in the future, but here are some notes on what we should test, and some use cases.


  • Basic mDNS
  • Announce check if announced mDNS
  • Connect to rtpmidi peers
  • Disconnect from rtpmidi peers
  • Clock
  • Journal N
  • More journals

Test cases

1. Connect to rtpmidi by Tobias Erichsen

  • rtpmidi announces its existence, so rtpmidid ports are created locally
  • connect at rtpmidi, and then another rtpmidi port appear.
  • Should it be the very same?

2. Remote disconnect

  • If remote end disconnects, then the alsa connection should be removed.

3. does not send CK on connection [fixes]

  1. Create two rtpmidid
  2. Connect aseqdump to the peer1/peer1
  3. Connect vmpk at the peer2/aseqdump
  4. [optional] close aseqdump

Should: Work no more. Send CK and keep connection.

CK is sent by clients when connection finishes, looks like never finishes?

Does: Stop the connection as nobody does the CK cycles. Leaves garbage aseqdumps at test2

4. Connect directly two rtpmidi ports [fixed]

  1. Remote keyboard A
  2. Remote synth B
  3. Connect local/A to local/B

Should: When press key A, receive at B


  • Connect A with local/A, CONNECTED (rtpmidi client and alsa peer)
  • DO NOT connect local/B with B. WAITING (alsa listener)
  • Not sends data.

Fix: When its an internal connection, special care must be taken for connecting end.